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Multiple Settings Looking for a partner [O P E N]

Hello, how are you?, I am Arquimedes Faraday, nice to meet you. I’ve been searching for a partner for too long, but always I don’t found one, but now Im triying again because I really love roleplay and I don’t think in give up in finding a partner for a roleplay.

I have 2 stories, and each one has a different OC with im gonna role.

My OCs are:
Ednez Rutherford, and Jack Thompsom.

First OC:
Ednez Rutherford.
Age: 25.
Ocupation: He is an scientist, expert in electrical engineer, nuclear physics, and medicinie.
Information: He started in having interest in the sciences so he started studiying many fields of the same, he tried first with quimic, after that he tried physics (He’s favorite field) in this field he studied the physics of the atom core, after that he tried to learn medicine, this one was for emergencies, and the last field that he tried to learn was arquitecture, but he gived up in this last one because it didn’t attracted him. (You can see how is his personality in the roleplay).
[The drawing is in spanish, sorry :p]

Second OC:
Jack Thompsom.
Age: 30
Ocupation: He is an expert in programing, electronic engineering, arquitecture, programeer, and he is an expert in first aid.
Information: When his brother told him about decating his life to the science, Jack was thinking about this idea and he accepted but he choose other fields. First he search for something to start, and he found about programing, and creating software, he loved that field so he started studiying programming, after studiying that, he started with some robotics, he finished his studiying in robotics and then he tried with electronic engineering, and then he studied first aid just for emergency as he brother. (You can see his personality in the roleplay).
(This is an old drawing, and is in spanish too, sorry I don’t have english drawings :p)

So, let’s put the rules, shall we?, Ok!:

  • No N.S.F.W stuff.
  • No OP characters, my characters are just mortal beens, it would be unfair if they had to fight against someone inmortal.
  • If there is going to be romance (If you want, Im not going to obligate you), we should develop well the history till we feel we can start with that.
  • You can use characters with powers, my OC dosen’t have powers but they got different weapons (NO OP weapons, just common Sci-Fi ones).
  • If you feel that the roleplay is going wrong, then tell me, so we can fix things.

What class of role play I expected:
  • I expect someone who is very active.
  • Someone who really wants to roleplay with me.
  • THIS IS OPTIONAL: (If we are going to put some romance in the history I prefer Heterosexual couples, I have nothing againts no-heterosexual people, I just prefeer the classic heterosexual couples)
  • Someone who narrates with just one type of narrator, I mean, if you start with first person narration, you can’t change to second person or third one.

That will be all, I hope someone wants to roleplay with me!, see ya!

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