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Multiple Settings [- Looking for a partner for multiple plots -]


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

I am Day-Dreamer but you can call me Dreamer. I have been rping since I was around 12 and now I'm 24 (turning 25 next month!) So I have had lots of experience with it all.
I'm always up to trying new things so please send me a message if you have an idea that I haven't put down but you think I might like!

About me
  • So I am dyslexic, and sometimes I get myself into a bit of a muddle. But I have Grammarly and I am trying my hardest, but if there is some kind of spelling mistake or grammar problem, don't have a go at me, I have had some horrible experiences and it really put me off.
  • I am pretty busy, with work, running a business and writing my own book I don't have lots of free time but I will reply at least once on weekdays. Weekends are spent with family so I may not get anything out of myself.
  • I am semi-lit, around 2-3 paragraphs a post, but of course, that can vary!
    I can only rp as a female. I suck at being a man! With that said I only do FxM
  • I am in the UK which means time zones can be annoying, I don't mind but I am putting this here cause of some horrible experiences with people having a go at me because I wasn't awake at 3 in the morning to reply.
  • I prefer to RP via PM

I have a few things I would like from you
  • I would like someone who is about as active or more active than me. I understand life and if you won't be able to reply then just shoot me a message!
  • I would also like you to be semi-lit
  • I would like someone who also builds on the plot and helps create an amazing story.

And now for the fun part
The Plots
(Ones in bold are ones I'm despite for!)

Knight in Shining Armour

(Fantasy, Kingdoms at War)

After what feels like centuries of war, there is finally peace.
The two Kingdoms, Tuathanas and Gaisgeach (You can change this!) have lost so much in the war that news of peace has caused celebrations to break out. The King of Tuathanas decided to invite the King of Gaisgeach and his family to the Capital for their celebrations. Though the atmosphere was still tense from years of hatred, the Kings meet.
The feast is in full swing when the Prince of Gaisgeach (You) sees the King of Tuathanas' new bride-to-be (Me). She begs the Prince to take her away, to save her from her new husband.
Will the Prince help her? What will happen?

Forever Arranged
(Arranged Marriage, enemies-lovers)

For years, the King and Queen have been trying to set up their son with a suitable wife. But there was a problem, the Prince was a cold-hearted killer. He was a master on the battlefield and was ruthless and cruel to the enemy. So women tend to run when they witnessed that side of him.
A lord and his family needed to rid themselves of their daughter, her free-spirited nature and willingness to do exactly anything she was told not to do had brought rumours and shame to their family.
The two desperate families decide to join the unmatchable pair.

Beautiful Fangs

Victorian London.
Vampires and other supernatural beings rule the night. They live secret lives that the humans have no clue about. But most of these creatures use humans in some form. There for an underground market for selling humans. Many poor families sell their children to this black market.
When a high Lord Vampire, one of the most powerful vampires, known for his wrath, buys a woman to feed on. It was popular for the rich and powerful vampires to have human pets that offer their blood whenever needed.

City Wars
(Mafia, Gangs, Romeo and Juliet)

Two Gangs, fighting for power over the city. But when the daughter (me) of one falls for someone in the rival gang chaos breaks out.

(Romance, Celeb)

You (you) became famous, and people flocked to your concerts and paid hundreds to see you perform. You decide it is time to head home after years of touring.
Returning to the small town you grew up in was the plan, to see old friends and have a few months' peace.
A school reunion ball is to be held in your old school. Time to see everyone again.
That's when you see her, you don't recognise her but she must have gone to your school.

Seeing Stars
(SIFI, Enemies to lovers)

With an intergalactic war raging on. What happens when a human soldier (me), joins the other side? Running from the humans side of the war she managed to get caught up in helping the aliens. But what happens when she joins a battleship where the captain is a human-hating war monger?
Will her past catch up to her?

Gang x Police
Kingdom x Kingdom
Vampire x Human
Supernatural x Hunter
Pirate x Lady

Please feel free to PM me!

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