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Realistic or Modern Looking for a partner after a fairly long RP break!


New Member
Hey all!

So I'll get started in saying this is my first time looking for someone to roleplay with in around 12/13 years. I haven't really done much roleplay since then at all, but I've still been writing in-between and dabbling in some original stories and Fanfiction/co-writing. A bit about me first of all:
  • I'm Nadine, 27 and from Edinburgh, Scotland. My Timezone is GMT+1
  • When I'm not writing I love to play video games (Dead by Daylight and horror/story based games are my favourite) and reading or watching movies - favourites are the Halloween series, the Purge series - I'm definitely a horror/thriller kind of person
  • I work full time and have a 5 year old so this would be a free time kinda thing but I promise not to leave anyone hanging and will reply as soon as I can!
  • I am pretty good at adapting to my partner when it comes to roleplaying - I can do short 2 line replies or half a book, depending on how the other person wants to work! I'm also not fussy about the platform we use and am contactable most places (Discord, Docs etc.)
  • I'm open to different pairings and whether the characters are original or not, though I probably prefer original as I can shape my own characters that way
What I'm looking for!

I'm quite open to anything really! I think for getting back into it I'd probably like to do a slice-of-life/romance/thriller type story before jumping back into anything fantasy or supernatural though I'm not against it. If anyone wanted to get together with some ideas that would be cool. I did have a couple of original stories I'd like to try and work on that I just haven't found the motivation to do myself and I think could be good with a partner for both sides:

Obsession Romance (Thriller): Character 1, professional and just out of a serious relationship meets Character 2, younger, possibly in College and they get together. C1 sees it as a casual thing and tries to break it off but C2 becomes "obsessed" with C1, turning it into a thriller story - potential for other side characters too if people were happy to RP multiple. Based in a city or larger town

Horror: Serial Killer type story (similar to Halloween/Scream) - small town, again potential for multiple characters but at least 2 main characters central to the story

If you made it to the end then thanks for reading and if you're interested drop me a message, I'll be sure to get back to you! 🥰
I like what you propose, here's a quick idea I just came up with loosely working with similar themes:

C1 is working a horribly unpleasant job for lack of viable alternatives (prostitution is the low-hanging fruit choice but we could go for something less crude). They meet with C2 and grow fond of each other. C2, who somehow never seems to be short on money, offers to take care of C1 until they can find a better source of income. Trouble is, C2's job (which they're keeping secret, understandably) involves killing people. And now C1's old employer wants C1 dead because they were a good earner and the employer suspects they're freelancing or working for the competition. C2 refuses the job, going against the assassin's guild's (or a similar organisation's) unwritten code. As a result they're now BOTH penniless and hunted.

I'm thinking a roughly victorian or early 20th century setting for this one but it could really be any era, I'm definitely not against fantasy/supernatural elements either - in fact I prefer having some of those as opposed to 100% realism.

I'm not against romance and/or fluff but it shouldn't be the primary focus of everything.

If you'd prefer one of the plot sketches from your original post I'm open to that too, just wanted to throw in some ideas of my own.
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