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Multiple Settings Looking for a New Partner!


Holy moly

I've recently lost my long-time long-term roleplay partner and now I'm looking for a new one.
Before I get to my ideas for roleplays, though, I'll tell you a little about myself and what I expect:
- I'm 19 and I prefer my partners to be at least over 18.
- I tend to write at least a few paragraphs for a reply (though this varies) and I hope my partner will try and match reply length. I will, obviously, do the same.
- Grammar is super dooper good, but as you can probably tell I put my own spins on the English language.
- Personally I don't do fandoms except for a few exceptions. When I do do fandoms I prefer to only use the setting and none of the characters, meaning only OCs.
- I work full-time during the day, but once I'm off I'll usually aim for as many replies as I can fit in my time. If I can't reply for a day (or any extended period of time) I'll let you know.
- For romance stuff I only do heterosexual relationships. Sorry if that ain't your style.
- I don't like it when folks control my character too much- A little bit is fine, a lot is a lot. If you're unsure don't be afraid to ask.

Anyway, on to the ideas!
Most of these are just seeds, meant to be expanded on.

(I'll start with this list because it's a lot shorter.)

- Star wars (Either during the Clone wars, the Rebellion or during the Old Republic era.)
For this I was thinking of either some sort of Master/Apprentice pair that goes and solves problems together and face all sorts of challenges along the way. The problems, of course, would depend on the era we decide to set it in.

- A wandering knight finds work in a new city.

- A novice mage gets lost in the woods and finds something unexpected.

- A traveling merchant gets swept up into something they weren't supposed to be involved in.

- A strange demon/spirit is driven from their homeland.

(I always like a little magic in my spaceships!)

- A band of refugees from a dying Earth find something evil on Mars.

- A space cop gets injured in a very hostile place.

- A smuggler makes a strange delivery to a strange place.

I'll add more snippets as I think of them as well as any longer-form ideas. I don't really have any ideas set in a modern setting but don't let that discourage you from bringing them up if you have any!
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Hi moonlad! Your wandering knight, novice mage, and traveling merchant ideas sound fun. If you’re still looking for partners, I’d be happy to try any one of those three. I also work full time so I can’t guarantee I’ll post IC every day. I love to world build and toss ideas around with my partner, though, so I’ll at least be responsive OOC. Anyway, let me know if you’d like to kick around some ideas!
Hi! If you are still on I would love to role play if right now is okay I love fantasy so I would love to role play in that range

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