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looking for a long term partner :3


Part-Time Warmonger

looking for a long term partner to rp with. here are a few rules.

1) grammar is important but little mistakes are okay..

2) give me a heads up if you are going to be AFK for a while ~ please don't disappear! :(

3) frequent replies - I'm an online student so I'm on most of the time anyway.

4) no one likes a modder...

anyway those are some simple rules. if you've any questions just pm me! :3 I'm always available and look forward to hearing from you soon!

ps: I already have one plot in mind!
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Hi I am interested but still not allowed to PM...anyway I am also looking for a long time partner...if you want PM me [emoji6]

Sent from Galbadia....
I'm interested! Need some more rps, the ones I've been in have gone dead (well, except one or two). I've got some plots in kind, but I'd love to hear yours!
StupidCupid said:
I'm interested! Need some more rps, the ones I've been in have gone dead (well, except one or two). I've got some plots in kind, but I'd love to hear yours!
^_^ what genre do you like?
StupidCupid said:
I'm interested! Need some more rps, the ones I've been in have gone dead (well, except one or two). I've got some plots in kind, but I'd love to hear yours!
I have one about a mage girl, wanna hear that one?


iGross said:
Not really.
awesome. Should I PM you?
I like fantasy, romance, sci if, modern and drama. I'd love to hear the idea you've got right now though. Sorry I only saw this now, my wifi only started working recently.
StupidCupid said:
I like fantasy, romance, sci if, modern and drama. I'd love to hear the idea you've got right now though. Sorry I only saw this now, my wifi only started working recently.


a college for mages teaches anyone who is able all about offensive and defensive magic. everything except necromancy which is illegal.

a rumor starts that one of the students (me) is a necromancer which is punishable by death.

(you) can help find out who started the rumor and put and end to it before authorities find out.

this is a very general description, there's a lot more in depth detail and other things going on but I don't wanna give it all away xD
Sounds fine with me. It sounds a bit vague, but you'll be explaining the other things right? Sounds like something we can start with, just sounds a bit cliche. The whole mages studying stuff, thing. But other than that, I'm up for the challenge!
I'd like to roll one. I love long term stuff. It's so much more in depth that just short term till it dies because someone doesn't want to run it anymore
ZeRainbowDash said:
I'd like to roll one. I love long term stuff. It's so much more in depth that just short term till it dies because someone doesn't want to run it anymore
do you have any rules? I've never rolled before. how's that like?


StupidCupid said:
Sounds fine with me. It sounds a bit vague, but you'll be explaining the other things right? Sounds like something we can start with, just sounds a bit cliche. The whole mages studying stuff, thing. But other than that, I'm up for the challenge!
yeah I gave you as little as possible to go off of but there's a lot more to it. I'll pm you
Hi! I'd like to roleplay, but first I'd like to confirm a few things.

  • Are you okay with FxF, getting into romance territory?
  • How much text are you expecting from a partner per post? A few sentences? A paragraph? 5 paragraphs?
  • I can send you my character list for specifics, but for the most part my characters are Monster Girls (Half human, half something else, like a mermaid or something) with a few exceptions. Is this okay?

You can answer these here or in PM, whichever you'd prefer.
Since I'm new and looking for some rps, if you're still up for some I would like to try and rp with you. I don't really have characters solidly set up yet though, if you'd like to reply or pm me (As I'm still considered new and I'm not able to pm yet I believe.. )

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