Looking for a good Role-Play

dela agius

Game master :3
Hi, Me and my dear friend are trying to find a good role-play.Please If you own or know of good Role-Play please tell us :)
<Sees Jebediah Kerman,smirks at the umpteen times his craft went nuclear on the pad without killing him>

Anyways. Everyone has different definitions of "Good",Dela. How do you and your friend define "Good" in the context of a roleplay?
pokemariofan64 . me and my friend Chloe will check it out :D .

Alad: well what we mean is a decent one. although we prefer fantasy. were both pretty open to new rp :)
well the concept seems interesting :) . although if it was full time supernatural. like special force who deals with supernatural creature would be interesting :)
It's not really always supernatural on the sub-plots, but you can be sure that the main arc involves super-supernatural stuff, namely, ghosts and spirit channeling B-)
thats all ? ghost ? there is way more supernatural creatures then ghost.

there are vampire,werewovles,demon,elves,witches,angel,imp,spirits,monsters,mermaids and ect.
[QUOTE="dela agius]thats all ? ghost ? there is way more supernatural creatures then ghost.
there are vampire,werewovles,demon,elves,witches,angel,imp,spirits,monsters,mermaids and ect.

The ghosts may be the only things on the first main arc, but I'm interested in the other ones, I'm just wondering a way to properly "introduce" them. Well, you two PM me with what you have in mind :)

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