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Realistic or Modern Looking for a few new partners!


I’ll do whatever it takes even if it kills me
Hello and welcome to my little thread. As the title says, I am currently looking for two to three new roleplay partners. I’m back after a bit of time away and am craving some roleplays, but am really trying not to get too overwhelmed either. With that being said, hopefully this may interest some of you.

I’m a 18+ female who lives in EST timezone. I work full time plus and my schedule tends to get chaotic at times. I will try to repost daily but will at least post 1-3 times weekly. I also love out of character chat, so hopefully this is something you are interested in.

I typically roleplay modern, realistic, and mature themes. I do love drama, angst, violence, romance, and all that good stuff. I personally have little to no limits, but will respect others limits.

I would prefer to play female roles, but also will always double up. That being said if we are doubling I do expect equal effort to be put into both roles. I have little experience in female x female, but may be convinced to give it a go. I have no experience in male x male, but may be convinced with a good plot. Though, you’d need to understand I may need lots of guidance.

I stick to PMs, email, or Google Docs. I have tried Discord but never got into the hang of using it. I also do simple character sheets and always use realistic face claims.

Hopefully some of you are interested so far and now I will continue on to what I am interested in roleplaying. If anything here interests you, please feel free to send me a PM. I also wouldn’t mind some love on her either XD.

- Age gaps, Toxic/abusive relationships, enemies, gang, addiction, affair, kidnapping, road trip, reunions, exes still connected somehow, teacher x student, boss x employee, master x slave, stripper x client, best friend x best friend, addict x sober, and vampire x human.

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