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Fandom Looking For a Doctor Who Roleplay


Certified Human Being

I'm looking for somebody willing to roleplay Doctor Who with me.

No specifications as to how long the responses will be or anything like that. If you want long responses feel free to let me know and I'll gladly put in the effort to do so. Attempts will be made to avoid one-liners.

Talking out of character is a Must, because I thrive on feedback.

I'll play almost any NuWho characters, except for Rose Tyler, with little to no difficulty. I will not play an OC. If you want to play an OC, let me know, but if you have an unreadable character bio I can't promise I'll understand what you're getting at. You don't even need a character bio, but if you insist on sending one to me please for the love of god just make sure I can actually read it.

Decent grammar is preferred? I'm not gonna be a hypocrite though. My grammar is shite, especially when I'm tired. I'm tired a lot of the time.

I run Eastern Standard Time, and will not be available on week days until after 4pm. Not usually, at least. I'll try to give at least one response a day, but sometimes life just kicks you where it hurts. I'll let you know if something comes up and I won't be available for extended periods of time.

I don't care if you want a short or a long lasting roleplay. Want a one-off? Great! Let's do it, just let me know what's up.

I'll write a starter if you help me along the way. Questions will be asked, and I do mean a Lot of them.

Thanks for your time!

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