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Looking for a couple lost souls


Handler of Souls, Destroyer of Hearts

I am a very busy demon that has a job collecting souls (working at gamestop) and increasing my knowledge (going to college), so I am not even sure if I could handle so much. I do know that I am trying to roleplay, but when you have more than two people it is difficult to keep things moving. At the same time, I am not really use to the awkwardness of just two people so prepare yourself (This Demon is shy).

Anyways, I only want to do roleplays were we have multiple characters since single pairings confuse me and I don't understand them all that much. I do enjoy romance, but it will have to implemented as the roleplay goes on because I have to know you a little. I have a few interest that I would Like to consider and a few requirements that I hope you will meet.


Post Length: Three paragraphs would be great and amazing, but you are more likely to procrastinate if you have to write too much so a paragraph is the minimum. I do ask that you try and match my post as I will do the same for you. I would rather actively be able to roleplay than have to wait a week because we both write papers constantly and dread writing anymore. This is suppose to be fun not grueling.

Activity: 1-2 post a week is the minimum (we can at least do that, right?). It can be way more active, but this is just what I expect it to steadily decline to.

Personal things: I am very passionate about character creations, so I ask that you put nice detail and try hard with your character.

That is all the requirements, I believe.... so here is the type of roleplays I would like.



-The main Fandom I prefer is Warriors because it is quite casual and easy to make lots of characters.

-Naruto, I would be up to making our own little class and going on missions and things. I've never done one, but I think it could be fun.

-Nightshade (if you know the novel I would be up to this too)

-MLP and Adventure Time (These would be harder, but I could possible be up for them if you have an interesting take)

-Specific Animes (I've watched, read and heard about a lot so I might be up for it). I might post what I like when I have more time.


-Fantasy set in anytime period. I am just a sucker for a good fantasy.

-Horror, if it is really good idea

-Romance that is only implemented in another pick. I do not like focusing on it.

-School based as long as it is supernatural or fantasy based.

-Animals. I can go for a lot of animal styled roleplays.


-Strictly Sci-fi is a no go for me, sorry.

-Complete romance is a weird and awkward for me.

That is it. Feel free to post and I will respond when time permits it.

Well, I was kinda thinking that you and I should maybe perform a school-supernatural roleplay. Maybe, if possible, romance can weave itself in.

Or just a plain supernatural roleplay (Maybe romance can weave itself into that as well)

Which ever you would like to choose. If you wish to add your own input or ideas you can do that as well.
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[QUOTE="Miki_Zyraka]Well, I was kinda thinking that you and I should maybe perform a school-supernatural roleplay. Maybe, if possible, romance can weave itself in.
Or just a plain supernatural roleplay (Maybe romance can weave itself into that as well)

Which ever you would like to choose. If you wish to add your own input or ideas you can do that as well.

That sounds pretty good actually. You can pm me with your ideas. I will have to go to bed early tonight(earlier than normal for me) because of work.
I have a Naruto plot that I'd love to try out, if you'd be willing to hear me out. Send me a PM whenever if you're interested ;3

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