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Looking for a 1x1 partner

Haruhi Suzumiya

An Adorable Entity

I haven't done many (Correction, any) 1x1 roleplays on this site. However, I've done 1x1 roleplays on Skype, which I liked, and since then I've been doing roleplays with about half a dozen or so players and/or characters. Now I'd like to try 1x1 roleplaying again, and if anyone would like to help me in that endeavor, I would appreciate it. Now, then, since I'm on this site, of course I have expectations, so I'll list them here.

1. No one-liners / incredibly short posts. If there's something to describe, do so instead of leaving your post to be only one or two lines.

2. My 1x1 partner is expected to be fairly literate. Spelling & Grammar are expected to be around Grade 8 level at minimum, and since this site's members are expected to be 13 or above, that shouldn't be too big of an expectation.

3. I don't want incredibly frequent replies. Yes, I'm serious, I don't want forty billion replies in one day. I want maybe three or four a day on average, since I can't reply quite as frequently as usual (My laptop charger is far away from me, so I have to use a shared family desktop once or twice a day).

4. If you or I are going to be away for a while, we should expect notice and an approximation of when you or I will be gone.

Here's what I particularly like. I'm open to a lot of other things, but these are the things that come to mind when it comes to appealing roleplays.


-Sword Art Online

-Final Fantasy (The older ones, the newer ones are despicable. *Cough* FINALHALLWAYXIII *Cough*)

-Fallout (I've played 3 and New Vegas, but I'm fairly educated on the lore)


'Original' Ideas

-End of the World (The apocalypse happened, and only two people - Clearly my partner and I - Are left alive... Or something)

-The Test Subject (A mad scientist of some description has a person kidnapped for human testing purposes)

-Your Wish is My Command (A man finds a lamp while cleaning his house and inside lies a genie - I haven't worked out many if any details for this)

Ta-da! And now I wait for potential partners. Post here if you're interested, please, and if you have a new idea or any suggestions for my existing ideas for a 1x1 with me, please post!
Loader said:
Interested with the TES, anything on that?
I'm unsure about a lot of the details, but I'll gladly to a TES roleplay - I've only played Oblivion & Skyrim for any long amount of time (I plan to play Morrowind, but I never manage to get around to it). I wouldn't mind doing almost anything TES-related, but I'm not exactly well-educated in the lore. I know essentials but not everything.

RunRabbitRun said:
I wouldn't mind giving the Sword Art Online or Fallout ideas a chance!
Woo! I'd love to do a Fallout roleplay, and I'm fairly well-versed in the Fallout Universe, so I could try working together details and things, unless you want to work on those with me or flat-out do them yourself.

neverin said:
the genie idea seems fitting.
Cool! If you want to do it, send me a message to let me know, all right?

[QUOTE="wizard justin]I'm willing to give it a try :P

Willing to give which one a try? SAO, I assume, based on your picture?
[QUOTE="Haruhi Suzumiya]Willing to give which one a try? SAO, I assume, based on your picture?

Well, I just took the picture because I liked it but if you want sure. I was think for giving the end of the world a try.
[QUOTE="wizard justin]Well, I just took the picture because I liked it but if you want sure. I was think for giving the end of the world a try.

I think I'd like the end of the world roleplay - If you want to do that, we can.

RunRabbitRun said:
I'd prefer to collaborate. It'd make I so there wont be any misunderstandings.
OK - Message me when you're ready to start working on the roleplay!
[QUOTE="Haruhi Suzumiya]I think I'd like the end of the world roleplay - If you want to do that, we can.

Alright I would want to do that then :P
Hello Haruhi Suzumiya, I am willing to roleplay with you of Sword Art Online or any of your ideas.However, I also have expectations that my partner should follow, but they are mostly general roleplay expectations but my biggest concern is Mary Sue characters. Hope we can roleplay soon!

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