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Multiple Settings Looking for a 1x1 partner! :)


procrastinating 24/7
Bon jour and welcome to your final resting place. Just kidding! I wanted to start off interesting but I guess that didn’t go so well. Eh, whatever. *shrugs*

What’s up peeps? My name Kitty and I’m 20 years old currently living in NY. I’m pansexual, love the color black (that’s all I ever wear), and have an undying craving for cookies. Give me a cookie and I will forever love you. c: Now enough about me and into the details!

I’ve been a pretty long time role player, 8 years in fact, but just recently got back into the game so I’m a little rusty. If you get bored with the RP or want to chnage up a few things feel free to let me know. Please don’t bail. It breaks my tiny cold heart. Fade to black! Enough said. My grammar and spelling is okay. I try to mirror my partner replies as much as I can. Don’t have to worry about one liners with me cause I DESPISE them. No seriously I do...

I'm perfectly comfortable playing as any gender. Face claims for character appearance I don't care if it realistic, anime, or drawn. As long as we are on the same page for visualization.

Please PLEASE do not nag me at the start of the roleplay if my replies are slow or whatever. I’m currently in school and on top of that have work so my replies will be slow. That will only bring my interest level to 0 from 100 real quick.

~Romance/Platonic relationship can be a subplot but have to be built up.. Not just smack right in at the beginning. Unless the pair been together at the very beginning then ok.~
~Doubling is an option~

(***) - Level of cravings
Bold - Role I want
(+) - Plot in mind

• Steampunk Setting +
• Cyberpunk
Witch x Witch Hunter **+
Vampire x Vampire Hunter **+
• Mortal x God +
• Therapist x Psychopath
• Cop x Criminal ***+
• Muse x Artist
• Teacher x Single Parent
• Blind Date
• Reincarnation +
• Roommates +
• Best Friends
• Soulmate **+
• Asexual x Incubus/Succubus *+
• Immortality **+
• Time Travel **
• Unrequited Love *
• Master x Maid ***

I do have a few plots in mind and will post them here whenever I can. This has been your host Kitty and thank you for reading my Ted Talk. :)
Hello! I’m interested in your pairing roleplays ideas. I would love to hear some of your story plots that you have in mind! :)
Any of these three ^^ Or maybe all three mixed together with Vampire x Human mixed in as well?
• Therapist x Psychopath
• Reincarnation +
• Soulmate **+
Vampire x Vampire Hunter
Mortal x God
Cop x Criminal

I would be down to do any of these, any role/any gender you please. I don't mind which topic, even if you want to do more than one at once, I'm just looking to write some. ❤
Any of these three ^^ Or maybe all three mixed together with Vampire x Human mixed in as well?
• Therapist x Psychopath
• Reincarnation +
• Soulmate **+
I WOULD LOVE TO DO ALL THERE TOGETHER WITH VAMPIRE X HUMAN— *clears throat* sorry got a little excited there. Just shoot me a pm & we’ll talk there ^_^
Vampire x Vampire Hunter
Mortal x God
Cop x Criminal

I would be down to do any of these, any role/any gender you please. I don't mind which topic, even if you want to do more than one at once, I'm just looking to write some. ❤
I would love to do an Immortality, God x Mortal, and/or Vampire x Hunter rp c: shoot me a pm

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