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Looking for a 1 on 1 RP


Making it through a crazy world one line at a time
I am fairly open to any type of roleplay at this point. I have several years of experience behind me, even if I have only been on RPNation for less than 24 hours. I am happy to do either M/F or F/F. There are a couple different ideas rolling around in my mind. I Love the old fairy tales and wouldn't mind doing some kind of spin off from those. I don't mind the cliche's : Vampires, Werewolves, pirates, etc. Some fandoms are fine but most of my tv knowledge is prior to 2000, and I don't know Harry Potter.

Please let me know if you're interested!
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Ohh! Old school fairy tales are very much my jam (but also things dealing with the faerie courts) and I have a few adapted fairy tale characters that would love a chance to get out and play if you're still up for this.
I am always up for a good old fashion fairy tale or even faerie courts.

I'd be happy to discuss this through PM as soon as they unlock my PMing. I think I still need like 4 posts though :(
how about a fellow Rper that has been at it and dungeon mastered for years as well? I've held my own campaigns where we used the DND universe as well as Completely original content. i admit i too like the cleches of mary sues and the like of various themes. wanna give me a try? I'm currently in DESPERATE need for a new Dungeon master. I've been in charge for so long, i want to be challenged and actually FOLLOW a story and explore stuff you know?
I know nothing about Dungeon Masters or DND but I wouldn't mind roleplaying at all lol
it was mostly to say HEY YO I BE EXPERIENCED AND KNOW MY SH** lol. dnd is usually a veteran plus for most role players. means you can stand on you own two feet you know? dungeon master (if you arnt already aware)basically means I need a leader. you know, someone to LEAD the campaign, that instills the plot and manipulates the protagonist (aka myself yay!~) with various scenarios and unexpected events. i suppose the easiest way is to say you play god? xD you can throw me into a whole new world if you like. i desperately need a change of pace. (also please forgive my spelling, i tend to type really fast without watching the screen hah..)
I know the feeling of typing way too fast and not watching the screen, it's not a problem. I don't mind taking the lead as long as I am given something to work with along with the occasional idea from the other person. Are there any types of rps you prefer over others?
think your up for it?

HELL YES! your right up my ally! well im ussually open to most ideas. i actualy posted up a there yesterday hopeign to snag a bite. (but to no avail, seems no one in this place plays Destiny >.<)

Hello, since you're open to fairy tale spin offs, I have this idea. A dragon that rescues the princess from the knight.
i admit i like using romance and drama. with a little bit of horror and gore thrown into the mix at times. (im a tad graphic but of course respect others wishes not to be when noted lol) i admit im rather drawn to power and (strangly enough difrent species (IE, aleins, anthro morphs, vamps, ect. ) ive never been too big ont he human and human crown for some odd reason. )

in fact i had an idea for a shark rp, inspired from an image i found of riptide shark. (still my all time favorite anthro lol )

the idea was a marine biologist found an injured shark (his dorsal fin had been assumed to be almost hacked off via the shark fin industry) and brought it back to be nursed back to health/studied. plot plot plot, the shark and the mans daughter Kathren become close. (she would spend alot of time at his tank, read to him he would swim around with her. and it seemed to respond to her. she endearingly names the shark, snowy for his tummy) (this stems form the fact that the shark pup had actually escaped a bio lab and was injured in the process ) seeing as great whites take years to age and become mature, they have been around each other for years. she became especially close and him watched him age and grow, the shark even inspired her to become a biologist like her father instead of an artist.( the shark also became extremely popular for being the only great white shark in captivity and thus gave the biologist a great source of funds and grants from researchers.) however the men from the lab come back and tried to take the shark form the lab but were stopped by dad with his legal stuff. also,seeing people would notice the shark missing, couldn't take it without ruining their own cause. so instead they tried to have it taken in another way, they instead came and threw the girl into the tank instead, hoping for the shark to eat her as they KNEW it was more aggressive. however in all her struggling and screaming , she alarmed her fathers boat hand and they had to flea. instead of eating her however while shes flailing about and being weighed down by the wights they put on her. the shark instead nudged her to his back and swims her to a nearby ladder. showing its intelligence, however she was out of the water by the time the boat hand came. the father and him both dismissed the idea of her story when told about it sadly and it isn't spoken about sense. then, a few years later, they release the shark into the wild with a tracker so it can be studied as it had reached sexual maturity and they could no longer keep it. and to kathrens horror, the sharks tracker goes dark after a few weeks, never to be found again. (the bad men kept tabs on the shark after the bad thing happened and just waited for their moment. and then took him back to the labs.

(the abs were an underwater facility that were perfecting military weapons. making super soldiers out of strong animals. they can morph fromtheir animalself and the anthro morfic one. its GREAT for certain forms of stealth. however its a last resort maneuver me thinks. )

years later when shes 21, she is a researcher and is caring fro marine life and studying them. in that world there is a new type of soldiers taking the world by storm. kinda like the avengers. and EVERYONE knows about them, the world has mixed feelings on the anthro morphic creatures however. some like them, some hate them. they are meant to take orders however, no matter what the cost. they arnt treated like people sometimes more so than property. and a few defect form the group, seeing that they don't agree with the way things are being done at headquarters/the labs. they escape. and now Shiro (aka Kathrens Snowy) is sent out to find them. completely unaware that he was going to meet Kathren again when she was taking care of one of the experiments as a captive shark.

what do you think?

do you like it?

as you can see, I'm looking for a long term partner. ^_^ and have put some thought into this on in particular.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/riptideshark-officer-riptide-requesting-backup.jpg.d9e554094a3c6524b71fe7ecef46a7d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57614" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/riptideshark-officer-riptide-requesting-backup.jpg.d9e554094a3c6524b71fe7ecef46a7d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lord help me am I bored
Gongortor said:
I'm always open if you still need a partner! I'd love to hash something out and start writing with you!
Sure, just send me a PM
Are you still looking? I'm looking for FxF roleplays to fill in the empty space in my PM space ( :P )

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