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Fandom Looking for a 1 on 1 Hellsing roleplay ♡


Gay Asuka
Hello everyone!

I recently got back into Hellsing, and even moreso into roleplaying lately. I've been looking around for a roleplaying partner for a while now, but have had no such luck.

EDIT: To add some more details...

- I am 21 years old jsyk!
- I write literate in paragraph style, and I also try to mirror my partner's length of post. I would personally prefer paragraph style rp, if possible!
- I am very LGBT friendly, and I do not condone Homophobic, racist or sexist remarks of any kind
- I have YEARS of roleplaying experience under my belt and I am more than willing to share samples of my writing!
- I am flexible, meaning I am willing to work with nearly every plot, character, or style you got!
- I am familiar with the Hellsing manga, Original anime, and the Ultimate OVAs. (As well as the famous Abridged 😏) Feel free to refer to any one you would like!

I mainly muse Integra, but I am willing and versatile enough to expand to other characters/muses if so needed.

I hope to find someone who muses Alucard, but anyone is fine by me!

Thank you again ♡
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