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Almost Always Roleplaying
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • Hello! I'm Almost (she/he/they/fae). I'm a nineteen-year-old college student working towards an Associate's Degree in Poly Sci. I've been roleplaying for several years, either causally through text messages with friends, through Discord, or other Forum sites. Right now, I'm looking for Fandom Roleplay Partners who are either down for Canon X Canon or OC x Canon. I'm open to doing OC x OC, though, if there's a premise that's interesting to me. We can RP in DMs for forums here or on Discord. Right now I'm in a busier part of my life, so I'm looking for someone who accepts one to three paragraphs for a response. I just don't have the energy to be very particular with my word count. I prefer queer pairings (either MxM, FxF, or NBxEither). If I end up writing an OC, there's a good chance they'll be Non-Binary. If you're uncomfortable with this, then I'm not the partner for you. Most of my RPs have romance in them, as I tend to gravitate towards that. I love doubling up, so I'm very open to playing two or three characters! I'm also down with doing multiple RPs with the same person if we vibe. If you're interested, please DM me or respond below.
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Sirius you say? Me me me me me

(if you are still looking I am currently obsessed with marauders era and wolfstar especially)
Sirius you say? Me me me me me

(if you are still looking I am currently obsessed with marauders era and wolfstar especially)
Oh my gosh!! I’m still very interested. I love Wolfstar and playing Remus. Want to move to DM?
hey hey! I'd be interested in either steven universe or seeing if there's another fandom not mentioned that we both know of and like !! u just seem like a rlly great rping partner, lol
Unfortunately, I have only watched two episodes of Full Metal Alchemist so I don’t know the story or the plot very well. Is there anything else you’d be up for?
Well, you could play an oc of yours if you had one! You would just need to know the universe’s rules. If you didn’t mind spoilers, my character would meet your character and explain the story up to that point (it’s his backstory). If that doesn’t sound fun, I understand!
Well, you could play an oc of yours if you had one! You would just need to know the universe’s rules. If you didn’t mind spoilers, my character would meet your character and explain the story up to that point (it’s his backstory). If that doesn’t sound fun, I understand!
I would be willing to try it if I like the story. PM me with your idea and let’s see if we can work something out!!

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