Looking for 1x1 partner.


Retired M
Hey guys,

I am looking for someone who will play a short-medium length 1x1 with me, but if it happens to go on longer, I am sure we can figure something out! I have a small idea to play a supernatural high school 1x1 Romance. I was thinking along the lines of 6-8 students, (3-4 each) get chosen by a mysterious man to slay demons that have been increasing in numbers around the city. Really simple concept, but I will have tons of things to do and demons to slay haha.

When it comes to the Romance aspect... I kind of want it to be heavy in drama and slow to develop.

I have been trying to find some one to do a Yuri romance with me.I would like to play the Uke in the Yuri Romance.

If you want to have a Yoai as well, I can play both Seme and Uke and I can play both male and female in Straight relationships. Just let me know!

I would like for who ever takes me up on this to be able to post once a day or once every two days. Of course I know life some times rears its ugly head so I am not a complete jerk about this haha.

let me know if you are inserted... Just comment or PM me. :) I am also in the shout box a lot. Thanks.
I may be able to fill your needs... I'm still not the most experianced of role players but i have done alot of pen paper rp's with friends. And Romance is a popular thing for them so i got pretty good at it. I can play either male or female equally well. As for your intrest in yuri I've never wrote one but i have done yaoi so it can't be much harder. message me if you may be interested.

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