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Looking for 1x1 Partner (Plot inside)


The Quiet Enigma
Hello there,

As the thread title states, I'm looking for someone to participate in a one on one roleplay with me.

I'll start off with a few things about myself,

My name is Kahlan Crain. You can call me Kahlan, Crain, Kay, or any other name if it makes your life easier.

I currently reside in London, so my time zone is Greenwich 00:00.

I do have university to attend on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I'll only be on for a few hours those days (approximately 2-3). However, I will be available for numerous hours on the other days.

I am literate, but human. Some days will be better than others. I do make mistakes here and there, especially when replying in a rush between classes.

I have approximately five to six years of experience, but I did take a hiatus for a while due to work, school, and ROTC.

Here are some of my requests,

Please don't use slang, text talk, or any fad sayings.

Please put some effort in your replies. I understand that things happen, but please let me know. If you have writer's block, family issues, or just trouble with coming up with a reply, just let me know. I do not want constant one liner replies.

I'm not going to demand you reply daily. I understand that you have your own life. All I ask is that you inform me if you believe you will not be able to reply within the following three or four days after receiving my reply.

I don't have any requirements regarding experience. Whether you've been roleplaying for years or for two days, I don't mind.

No godmodding. No invincible characters, and no Deus Ex Machina complexes.

Now to the important part; plot.

I'm currently looking for someone who wants to participate in a particular plot of mine. There isn't a particular genre that I prefer, so we can talk about making it sci-fi, fantasy, medieval, modern, etc.

The general idea is two characters embark on a quest to retrieve a certain artifact. The artifact can differ depending on what you are interested in. The characters face many obstacles to acquire this object. (These are also dependent on genre we are using, such as demons, angels, robots, etc.) I was originally thinking Demon x Human, but any pairing is fine. My character will be a female human. You can have your character be anything you would like. I've come across people wanted to do things like Half-Demon x Human, and the demon character is self-serving. There are many variations that can occur. I'm just in the mood for something adventurous, maybe romantic.

Here is a sample starter

"Ever since Katrina was a young child, she had been fascinated by the idea of different realms and creatures. Her father's occupation in retrieving historical artifacts from cultures around the world was no help to her imagination. Katrina was raised to believe in all things. All cultural differences, possibilities, and legends. As she grew, her adventurous side did as well. Soon, she was going on adventures of her own. Her father had grown too old to venture to far lands, so she did the physical work of retrieving the artifacts. For compensation, her father let her choose what artifact to go after, and choose the new home for such artifacts. Many went to historical museums, but some ended up in her personal collection. Most commonly, the oddities and mystical artifacts found themselves amongst her walls.

A few months after her twenty-first birthday, her father passed. The father-daughter hobby of collecting artifacts did not die along with her father. Katrina's curiosity led her to study more. Her interest in the paranormal, mythical, and demonic increased. Her thirst for knowledge led her to a certain artifact. A necklace. Not just any ordinary necklace. Legends states that this necklace once belonged to the wife of one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse; Death. Legend speaks of this necklace giving the wearer the power to walk to the land between life and death. Purgatory. This artifact became the center of Katrina's research. She devoted her life to finding this artifact. This research guided her to visit an abandoned mansion in South Carolina. She was told of a man who may be able to help her in her quest. She hoped to meet this man, and, with any luck, convince the man to help her on her quest.

Katrina stood in front of an early Victorian mansion. The mansion was worn down from years of neglect. Katrina concluded that the property laid dormant; the owner long passed. Her light gray eyes scanned the surrounding area. She hoped to come across any sign of the man she was told about. Her dark maroon red hair shined in the afternoon sun. Her hair covered most of her face, curving from her neck down to her mid-back. Her black, fitted cargo pants and hiking boots resembled the attire one would see on an archaeologist. A large gray jacket hid her rather slender, small figure."

So let me know if you are interested!
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Please let me know if any of you are interested!!! I'm always looking.

If you aren't up for this plot, feel free to message me and we can figure something out. 
Still looking!

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