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Looking far and wide for an RP partner

Ben Douglas

Diet Dew, grapes, and my 3DS= My Life
Hey guys, I'm just looking for a MxF romance RP. My OC will be in the comments. I don't have an image, sorry. Oh, and just so you know, I'm the male. I don't really know how to play as the female role.


High School Romance


Kingdoms at War

Any other suggestions that you guys have, but I have to agree with them.


I don't care if it a one liner or 4 paragraphs, as long as I can work with what you give me

I don't care how far the romance goes

Please use correct grammar

Respect my RPing style, not everyone does. Just know that I learned on a different website

All RPnation rules apply

Tell me if you are going to be gone, and for around how long

Tell me if I am going to far

No cursing

Tell me if you wish to leave the RP, I will respect your decision

And lastly, have fun, humor is great if you can include it.
Ok, but it is Kingdom at War. I'll do either one, you pick which one you want to do.

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