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Fandom [Looking a Wolverine/Logan] [I’m willing to Double Anyone from MCU] [Spoilers] [Romance]


Out counting cows, because cows are pretty cute
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello all! I recently watched the new Deadpool movie, and then went down the rabbit hole of looking into the lore of Wolverine and now I’m about the dive in. All this has peaked a fire in me to have a Logan/OC roleplay. Romance in the mix, please, and thank you.

As mentioned in the title, in exchange for my Wolverine craving, I’m willing to double and play a character from the MCU of your choice. I would shoot a list at me of those you want me to play, and I’ll pick through those whom I can play. I’m willing to play any character. And I’m willing to generate any plot on that end. However, I would love if when we double, our plots come together, and I can play the character you want in the same plot as when you’re playing Wolverine. If it doesn’t work out that way. That’s okay too.


(One of the plot spoils what happens in the new Deadpool movie)

Wolverine/OC Plot ideas:

-My character is a mutant on the run, and in hiding. She doesn’t understand what she is, and how to use her powers. But more then anything she doesn’t want someone to capture her and use her from research.

-After Deadpool brings Logan to his universe, it takes time for Logan to get used to this new way of life, and new universe in general. Through the ebbs and flows he stumbles across someone on hard times too, in different ways. It seems once a month, at 9am on a Tuesday there paths cross. She’s a rancher from North Carolina, she visits once a month, always for different reasons. It’s almost like she’s hiding the actual reason why she visits.

-Any other plot ideas you have, I’m here with open ears!!! Love to hear your plot ideas!!

As for the doubling, I’d like to build those plots with you. As I’m not sure what character I’d be playing. So the plot would depend upon the character! :)

Now after all the good stuff…. We get to requirements!!

Requirements of my rp partner:

Must be 18+ (preferably 20+)

*Must play Wolverine/Logan*

Must be literate to semi literate (at least 3 paragraphs response)

At least 2 responses per day


Code word: Bad to the bone (must mention it in your message or I will not read/respond to your message. This code word lets me know you’ve read the entire post)

Will not ghost me, and if you do, please give me a heads up

Did I mention friendly? And willing to talk outside of rp in order to plan

A bit about me!:

I’m 23

I’m female

I have 7+ years of roleplay experience

I’m very friendly, silly, goofy, and I love to talk.

Big yapper.

I have my BA (Bachelor Degree) in psychology and a AA (Associated Degree) in English and Literature

I work full time, I respond 2-4 times a day

I’m in the PST time zone

My favorite color is pink, specifically sparkly pink

Alrighty! That’s just about it! Thank you for reading my post! Please DM me with a small bio about yourself, the word of the day *wink* *wink*, and which character you’d like me to play! Thank you in advance!

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