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Fantasy Lookin for fantasy RP partners (Aw shi- here we go again)


𝙴𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚝 𝚗𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚛
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey guys, what’s up gang members? I decided to get back into roleplaying after about 3 years, I’m a bit rusty but I can assure you I still have it lol. I’m into roleplaying with anyone as long as you’re 18+ and we can figure out a plot together in DM’s. Of course, I’ll list out the fandoms I’m in and the roleplay plot/scenarios/whatever that I tend to enjoy most in a roleplay just to see if we have something in common. Please note that I’m alright with whatever but it’d be nice if the rp includes at least a few of my interests. I don’t mind small rp responses as long as it’s more than just a few sentences, or at least enough to keep the roleplay going, my length is very flexible. I’m mainly into 1x1 and I’ll include rp prompts, but you don’t need to choose one in order to DM me if you want to make up something new and fresh together, if you want to remix a prompt go ahead. Please note if you want to rp a fandom or a rp inspired by a fandom make sure it’s a fandom I’m interested in so I’ll know what we’re talking about lol. Alright, I’ll shut up and get to the lists…

genres I’m into:
-slice of life

Tropes I’m into:
-found family
-romance (mainly MxM but I’m alright with whatever)

Fandoms I’m in:
-Dark souls
-Cookie run
-Elden ring
-Stardew valley

Warrior x healer (romance)

Fallen king adopting an orphan (found family)

Dragon finds a half blood abandoned by their tribe and takes them under their wing (found family)

Cockroach husband (romance + bug people + angst)

Forest guardian (romance)

Washed up hunter adopts a dragon boy or half blood (found family)

When your rp partner that’s been gone for 4 years finally responds to the roleplay you remember being OBSESSED with:

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Cockroach husband?! Dude- I have a character that would be very similar to that pairing!

I really like the other ones too… like found family and forest guardian! You speak my language!

I’m currently into OCxOC and I can do either MxM or FxM. I also prefer human x nonhuman (polar opposite slow burn romances!)

I got all my preferences/general info listed in my about if you wanna check that out first! Let’s see if we’re compatible!
I am super obsessed with Elden Ring right now, would you be willing to do a m/f warrior x healer? and are you willing to do canon/oc? I'm cool with oc/oc too!

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