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Fantasy Lookin For A Partner| mxm, mxf, fxf| Assassin x Noble


i'd sell u to satan for a cornchip
Hello, hello! My name is Chii, I came on this site a couple of months ago but I never really stuck around. However, with that said I am ready to come back and be on here a whole lot more! I suppose I should tell you about the plot then, huh? Also the prefix is mostly on the realistic side than the modern, as I can see this happening within Victorian England.
Muse A is an assassin and have been since they were young, due to their parents being murdered by said assassin guild. The assassin that was sent after Muse A's parents, however, was only there for the parents - not the toddler that was wailing in their room for their mother. This caused the toddler to start his or her training within the guild, growing up to be a merciless killer that was quickly trusted by the guild's Elder. The Elder decided that it was time for Muse A to be given a mission by themselves, and were pointed toward's Muse B's family. Muse A was sent to kill the entire family since the guild was being paid handsomely by a company that was rivaling Muse B's.

Muse A was to infiltrate their home, posing as Muse B's bodyguard who is the heir to the company, however, spending time with Muse B has made Muse A realize that the family he or she was sent to kill, was actually the only family that has ever truly cared about him or her in a long time. And while the guild did pose as a family, failure was not an option. While in Muse A's company, Muse B wants to know more about Muse A, due to their cold personality and seemingly unknowingness of the kindness of strangers. However, after the suspicious death of Muse B's brother, it makes them probe deep to find out what happened - and finds the letters from the assassin's guild to Muse A.
As far as where we start in the plot, I would prefer from the beginning of when Muse A is being told to infiltrate Muse B's family. Also, if you would like romance to be in this - I am okay with it, as long as it doesn't happen too fast, as that would be no fun in fleshing out the characters' personalities.

Also, rules are as follows:
1.) It goes without saying, but no mary sues/gary stues
2.) No godmodding
3.) We can both make multiple characters, as long as they have some sort of function to the plot - making a maid that might only pop up once or twice, isn't a good idea - however, don't let that stop you from providing a name to a maid that you may not flesh out
4.) Have at least some understandable grammar, mine is not the best so I don't expect you to be a college graduate English major. (unless you are, then you the real MVP)
5.) I want at least a paragraph or two, so that way we can at least get some sort of story moving. I try to match as best as I can to your response.
6.) I also can RP on forums, DM, or Discord - it's all up to you as I am fine with all three
7.) Also, have fun!

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