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Said you'd die for me, well -- there's the ground
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
I’m needing a couple of more RPs. Not that I ever don’t need RPs, but it’s been a bit since I updated an ad to be more what I’m looking for, so here it is.

For the most part, this will be “inspired by”, because I want a sort of base/idea for any world-building. There are a couple fandoms at the end, because I’m feeling them, but for the most part I want this to be the original/inspired area.

Rules below. Read them. There’s a code in the rules you’ll need to use.

1. Don't God-Mod. In other words, don't make my character speak, don't make my character take damage, and don't control my character. If you want something to go a certain way for plot purposes, just PM me and ask. Usually, I accept "god-modding" during travel and the like. It is usually acceptable to assume movement if a character is already committed to the journey.

2. Please be able to play all genders, and play multiple roles. Your main character(s) may be just male or just female, but I expect all the side characters and NPCs to have life and flavor, too.

3. I always double regardless of pairings involved, so you are also expected to double.

4. On the note of characters: I will always play one female character. So, be aware of that. I'm open to all pairing types, I have a preference for MxF and F//, but the others aren't off the table.

5. I only RP on threads, (or GDocs in rare cases), so no PM, kik, discord, e-mail, or other rps with me. So that I know you’ve read the rules this far, please tell me something interesting you’ve read/watched recently!

6. Please be able to write more than a couple of sentences as responses to me. I have tried to do “simple” RPs, but I end up not feeling motivated to respond or continue the RP. I will need you to be able to write a paragraph or two, each post, at least.

7. PM if you are interested. The only reason for you not to PM me is if you cannot do so due to the fact you haven't reached 24 hours/10 posts.


1. I do not like to be hassled for posts. Especially if I have already posted that day or the day before. Do not bother me for posts until at least two days have passed. Otherwise, I will start to resent our RP and lose interest in it.

2. I enjoy OOC talk, however I will not respond to "hi" or "-poke-" or equivalents. Have substance to the chatter, even if it just asking "How are you?".

3. Do not bump our thread if I have not posted. I will not post out of spite. I have a problem with this, I acknowledge it, I'm not fixing it.

4. On that matter, please keep OOC to PMs and not on our IC thread. IC is for posting. If you have a question, concern, or comment, just shoot me a PM.

5. In general, I do not enjoy immediate romances or "slice-of-life" RPs, so do not come to me expecting I'll do either. I may make rare exceptions.

Okay, now that that’s out of the way!

I suppose this could be considered “Medieval Supernatural Inspired”, but eh. I’ve only seen the Netflix Witcher, though I plan to order the books. Not sure if I’ll ever get around to playing the games, honestly.
The ideas I like and would want to use: Monster-Hunters (whether like the Belmonts of Castlevania or Winchesters of Supernatural, or mutated hunters like Witchers), Powerful Mages, and a War-Torn continent.
Ideas I’d like to Twist: So Ciri is some great force that can bring the Wild Hunt. I don’t really want to use the Wild Hunt, but I like the idea of something Sealed being Unsealed, whether naturally by decay of the Seal, or Unnaturally. The cracks of it breaking would be the introduction of more, and worse, and stranger, monsters into the world. This would no doubt become the main plot/issue, hopefully not sidelined like the GoT “White Walkers”.
The story would ideally build to the discovery of this event, and then the confrontation/dealing with it. Our characters would determine how it builds to that point.

I take my inspirations from Vampire Hunter D, Vampire Princess Miyu, Vampire the Requiem/Masquerade, and a few other places.
I would quite honestly love to do something Vampire Hunter D inspired, I have vampires that fit into that kind of world, as well as hunters. It would be something based way in the future, with a western-noir vibe. Lost technology that is difficult to deal with, vampires ruling over some areas, and humans trying to get by. It could be episodic or a long narrative.
Otherwise, I don’t have too many plot ideas so much as characters/character pairs:
A vampire that helps a werewolf pack on the full moon, giving them safe rooms so they don’t go tearing things up.
Vampires working with hunters to deal with the anarchists in their ranks who are about to ruin everything for everyone.
Vampire and hunter plots do have some potential, generally speaking. I also enjoy plenty of vampire internal drama.
Also, something Castlevania (Netflix) inspired could be fun, I usually do things in modern times, so taking it back the past, a family of hunters, some severe issues with the vampires at large – has potential.

Final Fantasy
Yep, I’m still on this shit.
This would retain elements of the Final Fantasy ‘verse, like moogles, chocobos, gil and such, but I want a fully unique, world-saving plot, ideally with a setting more Renaissance than modern, but I could be swayed to modern.
I like motifs and themes. Turn this into a Tarot deck! A Chess board! Give them themes and make them important, even if they die tragically. Villains that aren’t as bad as we think, supernatural forces that are worse, and the human will to survive overcoming all – that’s the shit.

DMC Inspired
Honestly, mostly the Dante//Vergil relationship.
I want two siblings so opposed to each other, twisted by an event in their childhood that each managed to take differently. I’d love if we kept the “half” parts of them, but I’m willing to debate on what that is, or if we nix it entirely.
Modern day, the Vergil sibling has done something absolutely terrible the Dante sibling has to stop. Both would naturally have allies (I still only double, after all), both would think they’re in the right, and ideally – we’ll use what’s been done to somehow bring them together by showing one of the siblings is wrong, and having that epiphany moment.
I like to imagine it involves opening a portal, or unleashing something, but I’m open to what could be done. I do have a preference to playing the Vergil-inspired sibling; I do “justified villains” best, haha.

Do I have a plot? No.
I’m a fan of the cosmic horror genre. I like the Silent Hills, Bloodborne, the comic Mercy, Lovecraft’s writing, Lovecraft Country, I’m a Search and Rescue Officer (the STAIRS), and Nightvale. With the right partner, I could likely spitball some great ideas, but I don’t have any, except that I think it should utilize an “Eldritch Location”, like Silent Hill and Nightvale. Not those locations, but use a location and go from there.

Fandoms I’m Still Feeling Directly

Star Wars
I RP in the Sequel Period, or the Imperial Period.
I won’t play Han for you unless you’re playing Leia. Same with Leia unless you’re playing Han.
I prefer OCxCanon.
If you want more details, hit me up!

Dragon Prince
I don’t know why this craving has hit so hard lately, but here we are.
Looking to RP across from Aaravos, with a human mage.
Open to aging up some of the characters/timeskipping, and/or playing platonic pairings.

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