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Fandom π‹π¨π¨π€ 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝐋𝐒𝐠𝐑𝐭 | a TLOU roleplay


falling for youβ„’
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The soft green light of your watch flashes, the high pitched pings echoing in your empty room. Another morning. You have a routine you follow as you get ready to get assigned your job of the day. Same shit. It always is. It has been for years. But today as you walk outside into the grey morning, you can feel it's different. Something in the air feels unsteady, ready to collapse. But tensions rise and fall, that's the way it goes, especially in a world like this. So you ignore it and you keep going about your business, just wanting to collect your pay and get some food. But you don't get to even finish your shift before it starts. The bombs. The gunfire. It lights up the city and fills the streets with blood and smoke. You start to run, avoiding everything that screams danger. People are in terror running and hiding as this war begins. Nobody thought it would get to this point. But it is and you don't have time to sit around. You remember the whispers of an old woman about a place out West where things like this don't happen. Where you aren't controlled by those meant to protect you. So you grab your bag and you leave. You run and hope that you will survive.

The world was forever changed back in 2009 when the first case of Cordyceps was recorded to successfully infect and kill a human host. Now over 20 years later, the world is fractured and in disarray from the 'end of the world'. Everyone feared the end and now that it happened, the survivors are picking up the pieces and continuing on. Fear of the Infected and those who live outside of Safe Zones is rampant in these walled cities. Nobody dares go outside those that do, rarely come back. But in Boston, their Safe Zone has been unstable for the last three years. Tensions have continuously risen between the Fireflies and F.E.D.R.A and now they have boiled over. A small-scale civil war if you will, started up within this Safe Zone, compromising the safety of the location and those who lived there. A group of survivors heard the story of a place out West that would be safe from conflicts such as this and is thriving, so when the bombs started going off and guns were firing, they knew what they had to do.

But surviving in this world without rules, protection, or regulations, is terrifying. Not only fearing the infected, this group must be able to survive raiders, scavengers, and those who have been cut off from the rest of civilization for years. It's no easy feat and people are sure to die. But the idea of freedom and safety is too alluring to pass up. So everyone packed what they needed, their best skills prepared to be used, and they set out. They have over 2,350 miles to cross to get to a place of sanctuary and community. Not everyone will make it, they aren't fools, but those who will, well, hopefully, be better off. With only a faded map in hand and a hint to 'look for the light' they are making a trek that everyone has deemed impossible.

Will you do what it takes to survive? Will you be able to kill someone you know if they are infected? Are you willing to become a monster to find your freedom?

The Virus.
Cordyceps was discovered in various places such as Thailand, Brazil, Australia, Japan, and some parts of the United States, where scientists observed it targeting various types of ants and other insects. The nature of this fungus completely stumped scientists as all they were able to understand was that it successfully replaced over half of the ant's cells in order to properly take over their bodies and move them to spread more spores. There were rumblings of this possibly mutating to infect larger things, but there were never any documented cases. That is until they found that it had mutated in Brazil. Various rodents had been observed as delirious and disorientated and later their deceased bodies grew strange fungi that released spores. This was identified as Cordyceps and this new variant was rather difficult to detect as the rodents didn't present it the same as the ants did.

For years they studied this mutation but were unable to find answers. By 2009, the fungus had mutated enough to infect humans. The first human to be infected was a resident of Florida who had been admitted due to a mysterious respiratory issue that was misdiagnosed and therefore was untreated. This body was later taken in by scientists who were curious about what had killed him, soon discovering something truly terrifying. Within the lungs of the patient, they found the Cordyceps fungus living, having completely taken over the organs and essentially suffocating the man from the inside out. In his bloodstream they also found Cordyceps cells which caused them to end up in various organs, replacing almost 1/4 of the patient's blood cells with Cordyceps. No news of this was released to the public but was rather spread between governments and prompted them to quietly work on potential vaccinations to combat this. At this point, they assumed that they had a handle on this strain of fungi.

By 2013, a worldwide Pandemic was announced due to Cordyceps, however, they simply said it was a new and unnamed respiratory virus that was highly contagious. However, the virus had changed to properly inhabit and take over its human hosts at this point in time, making this virus far more unpredictable than anyone anticipated. Those infected by the Cordyceps virus soon began erratic and violent, with many of the patients in hospitals attacking nurses and doctors. Due to the virus taking over the cells of the infected people, direct contact with an infected's saliva/blood to your own blood would successfully transfer the virus. This was why the infected individuals would bite so they would ensure that the virus was spreading. It took one month before the world completely fell apart and every country and government scrambled to secure and save as many civilians as possible. There is currently no cure for the Cordyceps virus. However, some animals have been shown to develop a certain immunity to the virus at this point in time.

Safe Zones.
Safe Zones (unofficially known as Quarantine Zones) were immediately implemented by the government in all major cities. When the outbreak first started, the US government began to build these in anticipation, knowing that it was possible things could get out of hand. In order to keep these Safe Zones contained and manageable, the government deployed the branch known as F.E.D.R.A (Federal Disaster Response Agency) to oversee these Zones. However, they were far more militarized than any civilian anticipated, and therefore many were shocked when the 'cleansing' of these Safe Zones began in order to ensure that no infected managed to get inside. Large walls were built around these cities and checkpoints were installed so that they could control who came in and out. Everyone who goes to a checkpoint has to be tested for the virus. Those who test positive are killed. The remaining zones are Boston, Washington D.C., Detroit, Los Angeles, and Portland.

The Boston QZ has been falling apart for the last ten years. Tensions have risen due to the presence of the militia group known as the Fireflies. Because of this, it has made life difficult for the survivors in Boston. Wages are lower, rations are harder to come by, and more scavenging parties have been sent out for supplies. The threat of conflict breaking out has been looming over everyone in Boston for the last few years and it has finally come to a head. Due to the magnitude of the war (bombs and gunfire), the walls have suffered damage as well as civilian casualties. This has also rendered the QZ vulnerable to the Infected and it's only a matter of time before the Infected get inside...

Getting Infected.
In order to catch the virus, someone has to be bitten where it breaks the skin. This is due to the fact the infected's blood/saliva must come in contact with the victim's in order to properly spread the Cordyceps cells/infection. Depending on the location of the bite will affect how fast the infection takes hold of the person. A bite to the face, neck, or head will take 5-20 minutes to fully infect. A bite to the torso, arm, shoulder, or hand will take anywhere from 2-8 hours to fully infect. The location that takes the longest to infect would be the legs or feet, which will take 12-24 hours to fully infect. Some bite locations can be removed from the individual to prevent the virus from spreading. People can also be infected by the spores that are released from deceased Cordyceps victims. These spores are usually in highly concentrated places and can infect someone within 5 minutes if they do not have the proper respiratory protection.

Once infected, an individual will develop a fever and a cough, along with difficulty breathing. This is due to the fungus taking root in their lungs and airways before spreading into the bloodstream. For those with a fast infection rate, this will be extremely painful and cause them to be unable to properly think or move due to pain. Once the fungus has taken over the respiratory system, the Cordyceps will begin to infect the bloodstream of their host, quickly replacing their cells with Cordyceps. The virus eventually will get into their brain where they will successfully be able to hijack the host's body and control it as the infection progresses. As the infection spreads and takes over the brain, the host will begin to display violent behavior and an inability to communicate or even more normally. Someone who is completely infected is unable to resist the cordyceps, will be used until they die and their body is able to produce spores. There is currently no way to prevent infection (outside of amputation) or cure the infection.

The Infected.
There are six main stages of infection for those infected (at least in humans). These stages or forms have been labeled; Runner, Stalker, Clicker, Bloater, Shambler, and End of Life. There is another stage of infection that has only ever been recorded twice since the pandemic started, this stage is referred to as the Rat King stage. Every infected has the desire to eat/bite humans and will do so no matter what. The only way to successfully kill an infected is to destroy the brain as that is where the Cordyceps is in control.

Runners are those going through the first stage of infection, leading them to be quite fast, sluggish/disorganized attacks, and to attack in hoards. Runners are often considered the easiest to get away from as they are still somewhat struggling against the infection and therefore can be disorientated or confused. Stalkers are Runners who have advanced to the second stage, having been infected for at least a month. Differing from the previous stage, these infected usually hunt along and prefer dark locations where they can hide and stalk their prey. They are fast and patient, stalking their victims for hours at a time. The best way to avoid Stalkers is to stay where it is bright and spacious. The following stage turns the infected into Clickers. Now these have been infected for a minimum of a year and Cordyceps has effectively blinded the infected, causing them to rely on their heightened hearing and echolocation. Because of their loss of sight, it made hunting more difficult so the virus has actually enhanced the strength of these infected, making them very dangerous in close quarters. Avoid them if you can!

Bloaters are those who have been infected for a minimum of three years and the virus has begun the process of breaking down the body. The infected have bloated due to the sheer amount of Cordyceps growing inside/out of them and it has resulted in them being quite sluggish and slow, their echolocation suffering due to how loud they are themselves. However, the fungal growth of Bloaters has successfully turned into armor, causing them to be almost immune to gunfire or physical attacks. But they are quite weak to fire due to the amount of fungus they have. Shamblers are the final stage before the End of Life approaches. These infected have been alive for a minimum of five years and show signs of the body finally breaking down. They have lost most of their speed, enhanced hearing, and armor. This is due to the fungus reaching a point where it is focused on releasing spores and therefore only needs minimum nutrition for the host. Shamblers are able to expel spores at will and this will burn exposed skin, as well as infect those who breathe them in.

The final official stage of infection is known simply as End of Life. This is when the infected are no longer driven by hunger or violence. Instead, these infected will search for densely populated areas of non-infected creatures. The infected will then climb and find a location where they bite down and their body freezes them in place. The Cordyceps fungus will then kill the host as it takes over the body and uses it as fertilizer. The fungus will then continuously release spores until its dead host no longer holds nutrition for it. It is noted that the virus has adapted to the patterns of survivors and will take the hosts to buildings, subways, or tunnels where the spores will remain highly concentrated. The rarest stage that has only appeared twice (on record) is known as the Rat King. It is surprisingly a stage that takes place normally after the End of Life as it is a combination of several infected (at least seven) that have merged into a rather disfigured and horrifying body. Held together by Cordyceps and limbs, this infected has never been reported to be killed nor has it ever died. Scientists are unsure how this is possible so if you ever encounter one, RUN AWAY. Do not engage with this infected, you will DIE.

Welcome to 𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐀 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝐋𝐒𝐠𝐑𝐭! This roleplay is a rewritten/AU of The Last of Us that I have been working on for a couple of years. I have not changed too much of the source material but I have changed some of the lore and taken away canon characters. This roleplay will focus on a group of survivors from a previous Safe Zone that was taken over by riots and later the infected. This group is headed out West where they hope to find either another Safe Zone to take them in or a community where they can live with other survivors. The current destination will be Jackson and the characters found out about it from an NPC that will be introduced in the roleplay. This roleplay is meant to be long-term and is set up to host a small group of roleplayers but it can get bigger! Accepted users will help shape the plot and the fate of the group so participation in the OOC and in-character interactions are required! This is considered an ADVANCED roleplay and needs to be treated as such! Please don't express interest if you cannot follow through! This roleplay is open to all of those who have not watched/played the games/show! A plot summary will be provided below.

In 2013, a global pandemic was announced and caused everything to shut down. An unknown respiratory disease ravaged every country and city in the world, leaving civilians confused and terrified. While the governments said that it was under control and they were working on a vaccination, there was nothing they could do. This wasn't just an unknown disease, it was a very strong and mutated variant of Ophiocordyceps, often referred to as Cordyceps. This fungus had developed to the point where it could infect humans and turn them into something terrifying. Humans taken over by the fungus were aggressive, unpredictable, and had the ability to kill and infect anyone they bit. The world began to burn only a month into the pandemic. Every country and its government tried to do what they thought was best, many making safe places for civilians to reside.

The United States was no different. Together with the assistance of the military, the government established various Safe Zones in major cities where they were able to control the disease. The only remaining ones are Boston, Washington D.C., Detroit, Los Angeles, and Portland. At the start of the roleplay, it is the year 2035, 22 years into the apocalypse. And things are somewhat manageable but not great. Boston is actively at war with itself and its civilians as they demand better treatment and protection from those that govern the Safe Zone. This kickstarted the downfall of the Boston Safe Zone. Due to it being compromised and dangerous, a group of survivors set out West to find a place where they could live in peace and safety. They must survive this journey where they will encounter the lawless land that is the world outside of Safe Zones. Will they survive? Will they make it? Nobody knows but one can only hope and look for the light.

β€’ This is considered an ADVANCED roleplay, meaning multi-paragraph in-character posts are required! One-liners will not be allowed.

β€’ This roleplay is 18+. No exceptions.

β€’ This is NOT a first-come-first-serve roleplay. This is APPLICATION BASED. That means if you do not receive a PRIVATE ACCEPTANCE from me, you have not been accepted. This is simply due to your character(s) not fitting in with the story I have created. I will not tolerate being badgered, harassed, pestered, or bothered by those who did not get in. I will not tell you how to get in because that defeats the purpose of the application. If I feel there are small changes that can be made to get the character into the roleplay, I will let you know.

β€’ Roles will be made available once applications have opened.

β€’ Currently only allowing applicants to apply for TWO characters max. You can apply for more characters after being accepted.

β€’ KEEP THINGS EVEN!!! If genders are imbalanced, I will balance them out myself when it comes to accepting characters

β€’ There will be NO CANON CHARACTERS in this roleplay. There will be canon locations and organizations, but that is it.

β€’ There will be NO IMMUNE CHARACTERS. Being OP in any sense will not be allowed in this roleplay.

β€’ Realistic face claims or detailed descriptions are the only options for appearances in this roleplay! Art/illustrations are not allowed and Ai certainly is not allowed.

β€’ Any OOC drama needs to be brought to my attention! Those who bully and exclude others will not be allowed in the roleplay. Do not cause issues for other roleplayers.

β€’ This is meant to be a long-term roleplay! This means that characters can die/be changed as the story progresses. Please talk to me about this if you would like to add in a character death/departure.

β€’ I have changed some of the lore of the games AND the show. So if you have any questions, please let me know! The lore will be more detailed in the server for those who have been accepted!

β€’ There is an expectation of one post per week and if you are not able to meet this requirement, please reach out to me or you will be given a warning. If you have two warnings, you will be notified of your removal from the roleplay.
roleplay created by social
coded by social (inspo cred. cassiaslair)

The soft green light of your watch flashes, the high-pitched pings echoing in your empty room. Another morning. You have a routine you follow as you get ready to get assigned your job of the day. Same shit. It always is. It has been for years. But today as you walk outside into the grey morning, you can feel it's different. Something in the air feels unsteady, ready to collapse. But tensions rise and fall, that's the way it goes, especially in a world like this. So you ignore it and you keep going about your business, just wanting to collect your pay and get some food. But you don't get to even finish your shift before it starts. The bombs. The gunfire. It lights up the city and fills the streets with blood and smoke. You start to run, avoiding everything that screams danger. People are in terror running and hiding as this war begins. Nobody thought it would get to this point. But it is and you don't have time to sit around. You remember the whispers of an old woman about a place out West where things like this don't happen. Where you aren't controlled by those meant to protect you. So you grab your bag and you leave. You run and hope that you will survive.

The world was forever changed back in 2009 when the first case of Cordyceps was recorded to successfully infect and kill a human host. Now over 20 years later, the world is fractured and in disarray from the 'end of the world'. Everyone feared the end and now that it happened, the survivors are picking up the pieces and continuing on. Fear of the Infected and those who live outside of Safe Zones is rampant in these walled cities. Nobody dares go outside those that do, rarely come back. But in Boston, their Safe Zone has been unstable for the last three years. Tensions have continuously risen between the Fireflies and F.E.D.R.A and now they have boiled over. A small-scale civil war if you will, started up within this Safe Zone, compromising the safety of the location and those who lived there. A group of survivors heard the story of a place out West that would be safe from conflicts such as this and is thriving, so when the bombs started going off and guns were firing, they knew what they had to do.

But surviving in this world without rules, protection, or regulations, is terrifying. Not only fearing the infected, this group must be able to survive raiders, scavengers, and those who have been cut off from the rest of civilization for years. It's no easy feat and people are sure to die. But the idea of freedom and safety is too alluring to pass up. So everyone packed what they needed, their best skills prepared to be used, and they set out. They have over 2,350 miles to cross to get to a place of sanctuary and community. Not everyone will make it, they aren't fools, but those who will, well, hopefully, be better off. With only a faded map in hand and a hint to 'look for the light' they are making a trek that everyone has deemed impossible.

Will you do what it takes to survive? Will you be able to kill someone you know if they are infected? Are you willing to become a monster to find your freedom?

The Virus.
Cordyceps was discovered in various places such as Thailand, Brazil, Australia, Japan, and some parts of the United States, where scientists observed it targeting various types of ants and other insects. The nature of this fungus completely stumped scientists as all they were able to understand was that it successfully replaced over half of the ant's cells in order to properly take over their bodies and move them to spread more spores. There were rumblings of this possibly mutating to infect larger things, but there were never any documented cases. That is until they found that it had mutated in Brazil. Various rodents had been observed as delirious and disorientated and later their deceased bodies grew strange fungi that released spores. This was identified as Cordyceps and this new variant was rather difficult to detect as the rodents didn't present it the same as the ants did.

For years they studied this mutation but were unable to find answers. By 2009, the fungus had mutated enough to infect humans. The first human to be infected was a resident of Florida who had been admitted due to a mysterious respiratory issue that was misdiagnosed and therefore was untreated. This body was later taken in by scientists who were curious about what had killed him, soon discovering something truly terrifying. Within the lungs of the patient, they found the Cordyceps fungus living, having completely taken over the organs and essentially suffocating the man from the inside out. In his bloodstream they also found Cordyceps cells which caused them to end up in various organs, replacing almost 1/4 of the patient's blood cells with Cordyceps. No news of this was released to the public but was rather spread between governments and prompted them to quietly work on potential vaccinations to combat this. At this point, they assumed that they had a handle on this strain of fungi.

By 2013, a worldwide Pandemic was announced due to Cordyceps, however, they simply said it was a new and unnamed respiratory virus that was highly contagious. However, the virus had changed to properly inhabit and take over its human hosts at this point in time, making this virus far more unpredictable than anyone anticipated. Those infected by the Cordyceps virus soon began erratic and violent, with many of the patients in hospitals attacking nurses and doctors. Due to the virus taking over the cells of the infected people, direct contact with an infected's saliva/blood to your own blood would successfully transfer the virus. This was why the infected individuals would bite so they would ensure that the virus was spreading. It took one month before the world completely fell apart and every country and government scrambled to secure and save as many civilians as possible. There is currently no cure for the Cordyceps virus. However, some animals have been shown to develop a certain immunity to the virus at this point in time.

Safe Zones.
Safe Zones (unofficially known as Quarantine Zones) were immediately implemented by the government in all major cities. When the outbreak first started, the US government began to build these in anticipation, knowing that it was possible things could get out of hand. In order to keep these Safe Zones contained and manageable, the government deployed the branch known as F.E.D.R.A (Federal Disaster Response Agency) to oversee these Zones. However, they were far more militarized than any civilian anticipated, and therefore many were shocked when the 'cleansing' of these Safe Zones began in order to ensure that no infected managed to get inside. Large walls were built around these cities and checkpoints were installed so that they could control who came in and out. Everyone who goes to a checkpoint has to be tested for the virus. Those who test positive are killed. The remaining zones are Boston, Washington D.C., Detroit, Los Angeles, and Portland.

The Boston QZ has been falling apart for the last ten years. Tensions have risen due to the presence of the militia group known as the Fireflies. Because of this, it has made life difficult for the survivors in Boston. Wages are lower, rations are harder to come by, and more scavenging parties have been sent out for supplies. The threat of conflict breaking out has been looming over everyone in Boston for the last few years and it has finally come to a head. Due to the magnitude of the war (bombs and gunfire), the walls have suffered damage as well as civilian casualties. This has also rendered the QZ vulnerable to the Infected and it's only a matter of time before the Infected get inside...

Getting Infected.
In order to catch the virus, someone has to be bitten where it breaks the skin. This is due to the fact the infected's blood/saliva must come in contact with the victim's in order to properly spread the Cordyceps cells/infection. Depending on the location of the bite will affect how fast the infection takes hold of the person. A bite to the face, neck, or head will take 5-20 minutes to fully infect. A bite to the torso, arm, shoulder, or hand will take anywhere from 2-8 hours to fully infect. The location that takes the longest to infect would be the legs or feet, which will take 12-24 hours to fully infect. Some bite locations can be removed from the individual to prevent the virus from spreading. People can also be infected by the spores that are released from deceased Cordyceps victims. These spores are usually in highly concentrated places and can infect someone within 5 minutes if they do not have the proper respiratory protection.

Once infected, an individual will develop a fever and a cough, along with difficulty breathing. This is due to the fungus taking root in their lungs and airways before spreading into the bloodstream. For those with a fast infection rate, this will be extremely painful and cause them to be unable to properly think or move due to pain. Once the fungus has taken over the respiratory system, the Cordyceps will begin to infect the bloodstream of their host, quickly replacing their cells with Cordyceps. The virus eventually will get into their brain where they will successfully be able to hijack the host's body and control it as the infection progresses. As the infection spreads and takes over the brain, the host will begin to display violent behavior and an inability to communicate or even more normally. Someone who is completely infected is unable to resist the cordyceps, will be used until they die and their body is able to produce spores. There is currently no way to prevent infection (outside of amputation) or cure the infection.

The Infected.
There are six main stages of infection for those infected (at least in humans). These stages or forms have been labeled; Runner, Stalker, Clicker, Bloater, Shambler, and End of Life. There is another stage of infection that has only ever been recorded twice since the pandemic started, this stage is referred to as the Rat King stage. Every infected has the desire to eat/bite humans and will do so no matter what. The only way to successfully kill an infected is to destroy the brain as that is where the Cordyceps is in control.

Runners are those going through the first stage of infection, leading them to be quite fast, sluggish/disorganized attacks, and to attack in hoards. Runners are often considered the easiest to get away from as they are still somewhat struggling against the infection and therefore can be disorientated or confused. Stalkers are Runners who have advanced to the second stage, having been infected for at least a month. Differing from the previous stage, these infected usually hunt along and prefer dark locations where they can hide and stalk their prey. They are fast and patient, stalking their victims for hours at a time. The best way to avoid Stalkers is to stay where it is bright and spacious. The following stage turns the infected into Clickers. Now these have been infected for a minimum of a year and Cordyceps has effectively blinded the infected, causing them to rely on their heightened hearing and echolocation. Because of their loss of sight, it made hunting more difficult so the virus has actually enhanced the strength of these infected, making them very dangerous in close quarters. Avoid them if you can!

Bloaters are those who have been infected for a minimum of three years and the virus has begun the process of breaking down the body. The infected have bloated due to the sheer amount of Cordyceps growing inside/out of them and it has resulted in them being quite sluggish and slow, their echolocation suffering due to how loud they are themselves. However, the fungal growth of Bloaters has successfully turned into armor, causing them to be almost immune to gunfire or physical attacks. But they are quite weak to fire due to the amount of fungus they have. Shamblers are the final stage before the End of Life approaches. These infected have been alive for a minimum of five years and show signs of the body finally breaking down. They have lost most of their speed, enhanced hearing, and armor. This is due to the fungus reaching a point where it is focused on releasing spores and therefore only needs minimum nutrition for the host. Shamblers are able to expel spores at will and this will burn exposed skin, as well as infect those who breathe them in.

The final official stage of infection is known simply as End of Life. This is when the infected are no longer driven by hunger or violence. Instead, these infected will search for densely populated areas of non-infected creatures. The infected will then climb and find a location where they bite down and their body freezes them in place. The Cordyceps fungus will then kill the host as it takes over the body and uses it as fertilizer. The fungus will then continuously release spores until its dead host no longer holds nutrition for it. It is noted that the virus has adapted to the patterns of survivors and will take the hosts to buildings, subways, or tunnels where the spores will remain highly concentrated. The rarest stage that has only appeared twice (on record) is known as the Rat King. It is surprisingly a stage that takes place normally after the End of Life as it is a combination of several infected (at least seven) that have merged into a rather disfigured and horrifying body. Held together by Cordyceps and limbs, this infected has never been reported to be killed nor has it ever died. Scientists are unsure how this is possible so if you ever encounter one, RUN AWAY. Do not engage with this infected, you will DIE.


Welcome to 𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐀 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝐋𝐒𝐠𝐑𝐭! This roleplay is a rewritten/AU of The Last of Us that I have been working on for a couple of years. I have not changed too much of the source material but I have changed some of the lore and taken away canon characters. This roleplay will focus on a group of survivors from a previous Safe Zone that was taken over by riots and later the infected. This group is headed out West where they hope to find either another Safe Zone to take them in or a community where they can live with other survivors. The current destination will be Jackson and the characters found out about it from an NPC that will be introduced in the roleplay. This roleplay is meant to be long-term and is set up to host a small group of roleplayers but it can get bigger! Accepted users will help shape the plot and the fate of the group so participation in the OOC and in-character interactions are required! This is considered an ADVANCED roleplay and needs to be treated as such! Please don't express interest if you cannot follow through! This roleplay is open to all of those who have not watched/played the games/show! A plot summary will be provided below.

In 2013, a global pandemic was announced and caused everything to shut down. An unknown respiratory disease ravaged every country and city in the world, leaving civilians confused and terrified. While the governments said that it was under control and they were working on a vaccination, there was nothing they could do. This wasn't just an unknown disease, it was a very strong and mutated variant of Ophiocordyceps, often referred to as Cordyceps. This fungus had developed to the point where it could infect humans and turn them into something terrifying. Humans taken over by the fungus were aggressive, unpredictable, and had the ability to kill and infect anyone they bit. The world began to burn only a month into the pandemic. Every country and its government tried to do what they thought was best, many making safe places for civilians to reside.

The United States was no different. Together with the assistance of the military, the government established various Safe Zones in major cities where they were able to control the disease. The only remaining ones are Boston, Washington D.C., Detroit, Los Angeles, and Portland. At the start of the roleplay, it is the year 2035, 22 years into the apocalypse. And things are somewhat manageable but not great. Boston is actively at war with itself and its civilians as they demand better treatment and protection from those that govern the Safe Zone. This kickstarted the downfall of the Boston Safe Zone. Due to it being compromised and dangerous, a group of survivors set out West to find a place where they could live in peace and safety. They must survive this journey where they will encounter the lawless land that is the world outside of Safe Zones. Will they survive? Will they make it? Nobody knows but one can only hope and look for the light.

β€’ This is considered an ADVANCED roleplay, meaning multi-paragraph in-character posts are required! One-liners will not be allowed.

β€’ This roleplay is 18+. No exceptions.

β€’ This is NOT a first-come-first-serve roleplay. This is APPLICATION BASED. That means if you do not receive a PRIVATE ACCEPTANCE from me, you have not been accepted. This is simply due to your character(s) not fitting in with the story I have created. I will not tolerate being badgered, harassed, pestered, or bothered by those who did not get in. I will not tell you how to get in because that defeats the purpose of the application. If I feel there are small changes that can be made to get the character into the roleplay, I will let you know.

β€’ Roles will be made available once applications have opened.

β€’ Currently only allowing applicants to apply for TWO characters max. You can apply for more characters after being accepted.

β€’ KEEP THINGS EVEN!!! If genders are imbalanced, I will balance them out myself when it comes to accepting characters

β€’ There will be NO CANON CHARACTERS in this roleplay. There will be canon locations and organizations, but that is it.

β€’ There will be NO IMMUNE CHARACTERS. Being OP in any sense will not be allowed in this roleplay.

β€’ Realistic face claims or detailed descriptions are the only options for appearances in this roleplay! Art/illustrations are not allowed and Ai certainly is not allowed.

β€’ Any OOC drama needs to be brought to my attention! Those who bully and exclude others will not be allowed in the roleplay. Do not cause issues for other roleplayers.

β€’ This is meant to be a long-term roleplay! This means that characters can die/be changed as the story progresses. Please talk to me about this if you would like to add in a character death/departure.

β€’ I have changed some of the lore of the games AND the show. So if you have any questions, please let me know! The lore will be more detailed in the server for those who have been accepted!

β€’ There is an expectation of one post per week and if you are not able to meet this requirement, please reach out to me or you will be given a warning. If you have two warnings, you will be notified of your removal from the roleplay.

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