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Multiple Settings Look At My Ideas And Share Your Own!


Junior Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Pleasure meeting you! Call me Fae. I am in my twenties and I would describe myself as a Novella writer. Let me get the most bothersome things out of the way straight away. I am 21+ and all my main romance characters will be too.

Many of my characters will be part of the LGBTQIA+ community. They will be of various ethnicities and some of them will be disabled. They will also not fit in the social beauty standard. Since apparently still some people have difficulties understanding what I mean by that, let me be as clear as I can:

Homophobes, Fatphobes, Transphobes, Racists, Sexists, Misogynists, Disablists… etc can go suck my dick, you ain´t welcome here.

I will only RP with people who are 21+ and write on average about 400 words. I might be capable of adapting to merely 300 on average but anything below that is not possible for me. I like to write a lot. So should you. I can RP on this website or on Discord, whatever you prefer! Also, it would be great if you could send an RP message every 1-2 days!

Once you read this all send me a writing sample and tell me exactly what you are interested in. I will delete you if you send me no writing sample. Just had many instances where people claimed they could match me and then they did not. If you know you won´t be capable of matching me please do not waste both of our time.

If we only play one couple I would like to play F, though I am not picky if we pair her up with F, NB, M… If you want a double-up then I am more than willing to play whatever pairing and role you want on your side.

Honestly, I would prefer doubling as I am majorly looking for grumpy morally grey characters with a soft spot for my character. So unless that is exactly the kind of OC you are itching to play, let us double!

Doubling/Double-up means we have two main couples, we both get exactly what we want. I scratch my back, you scratch mine kinda deal. No one has to neglect their own desires or needs for this.

If we do end up a single pairing know I cannot do slow-burn. I will do it for your side of a doubling. But not on my side nor in a single couple. It just bores me and I lose interest way too quickly. Medium-paced romance all the way.

Note I am fine with all kinds of drama and angst but I will always demand comfort and a happy end. I am simply sappy like that. So if you just want to torture some OCs I am not the one for you.

Please do not come at me with a modern slice of life. I am open to many things, but that is not one of them. You might be capable of convincing me to a slice of life before the 1900s. Just like you could tempt me for a modern RP but then better with fantasy/horror/supernatural elements. You catch my drift.

Otherwise, I am open to many things as long as I have my romance included. If you desire a platonic RP then I will gladly do so for your side when we double. Indifferent means I am not actively looking but I can be convinced.

Also, I know there exists so many more Genres than that but that is all I could think of right now. Feel free to ask me if you have a question regarding a Genre I forgot!
High and Dark Fantasy​
Mid Fantasy​
Low Fantasy​
Urban and Modern Fantasy​
(Retelling) Folklore, Legends and Mythology​
Post Apocalyptic​
Science Fiction​
Historical (Everything before the 1900s truly)​
Slice of Life (Before the 1900s)​

Definitely not all of them but that is just what came to mind. I am just trying to give you a feeling of what I like in the hopes we overlap in some. Most of those are romantic but what can I say? I am simply sappy. Once again, feel free to ask me about whatever comes to mind!

Mild Yandere​
Opposites Attract​
Secret Identity​
Enemies to Lovers​
Reborn Past Lovers​
Forbidden Love​
Polyamorous Relationships​
Friends to Lovers​
Arranged Marriage​
Mutual Pining​
Fake Relationship​
Age Gap​
Runaway Bride​
Second Chance​
Medium-Paced Romance​
Happy End​

Pairing Ideas
The role in bold is the one I would prefer to play. If we do a double-up then I am more than happy to play the bold roles for you by your side of the RP! Pairings can be mixed, matched, and changed to our liking! These were just some ideas popping up in my mind. Feel free to tell me your own ideas!

Mentor x Chosen One
Witch Hunter x Witch
Vampire x Mortal
Rebel Leader x Throne Heir
Enemy x Hero
Royal x Servant
Devil x Priest(ess)
Bounty Hunter x Bounty
Magical User x Apprentice
Vampire x Magical User
Demon x Magical User
Dragon Slayer x Dragon
Grumpy x Sunshine
Knight x Magical User
Knight x Commoner
Pirate x Royal
Royal x Seer
Knight x Servant
Demon x Mortal
Pirate x Sailor​
Knight x Royal
Royal x Commoner
Knight x Priest(ess)
Pirate x Merfolk​
Knight x Seer
Royal x Royal​
Fey x Fey​
Human x Merfolk​
Fey x Seer​
Fey x Magical User​
Fey x Mortal​
Sailor x Merfolk​

Specific Ideas
I have my own high fantasy world with my own fantasy races and a ton of OCs to choose from, especially when we do a double-up. Always willing to mix and match our ideas together too! Honestly endless potential for plot ideas!
Also more than willing to take on the role of a DM. As said, my world is already pretty established and although there is always space for other people's ideas, no matter if you want to include the classic races or your own! I do not mind having your characters explore my world as long as you still contribute character and plot ideas as a whole!

Warning it´s VERY High Fantasy. And it´s a LOT. So don´t tell me I didn´t warn you. Below you can find the links to the DOCs related to it! If you are interested I shall send you the DOC of my OCs through the DMs!

VERY MUCH A WIP!!! Medium Fantasy World. Still at the beginning of creating this.Not very established, most of it just some vague ideas. Things will change, maps will be changed, OCs will be scrapped and new ones will emerge. Interested in creating this world for me by forming it through an RP? Well then be welcome to join me.

Fair warning; I put most of my energy in Valor so this is really just a side project, so this is really not much and not settled in stone either.... So far I have only humans planned here with magic and stuff but if you want to throw in classical fantasy races be welcome to do so. Anyway, here you go to the little DOC.

The Deity On Top
Humans live in a fantastical, towering ziggurat for as long as they can remember. This spiraling structure reaching high into the sky was home to them for seemingly endless generations. The ziggurat is divided into distinct levels, each inhabited by a different people with their own culture, technology, language, and beliefs. The higher you go the better life becomes.

Everyone believes a god-like being resides at the top of the tower. Rules forbid people from lower levels to move to the upper levels. And which upper-level person would enjoy going to the lower level? Conflict is doomed to arise from the upper levels disregarding the lower levels and people trying to break out of this system.

This plot idea is heavily inspired by a video game called Chants of Sennaar. If you are familiar with it, then that is wonderful but previous knowledge of the game is not required. I would love to brainstorm with you and create something we both like. No matter if low or high fantasy, the moment people start to question ancient rules and try to break out of their levels there is going to be chaos.

Research Expedition To The Southpole
About seven months ago the Aurora set out to research something at the South Pole. The ship and its crew were supposed to return months ago but have not made a return. It appears that they were tragically lost in the ice... or are there still survivors? Now the rescue ship Endeavor is supposed to follow the Auroras path and find the ship... or what is left of it. It will be a perilous journey through the ice, a polar exploration in a frozen wasteland.

The polar winter is approaching fast and the crew will have to work together to survive. However that is not always easy when confined in such a small space, resources might decrease too quickly and the ship might even threaten to get stuck in the ice if the crew is not careful enough. Keeping everyone safe, fed, and warm will be difficult to manage.

Especially when no one knows what is truly out there and how the Aurora and its crew could vanish. After all, the crew of the Aurora was the best one they could have sent, professionals and experts... will the crew of the Endeavor have a chance? And what exactly was the crew of the Aurora supposed to research?

Well, that is the idea I have in mind! Lots of open questions and possibilities to model this idea to whatever we want to make out of it! We can put this specific idea in a high fantasy world or keep it low fantasy placed in our world with a sparkle of fantasy! I am open to either in that scenario.

Writing Sample
That was one of the last things she expected to happen. It was such a beautiful night. The full moon stood high. It was not too cool, not too warm. One might even say it was the perfect night to die. Normally she would laugh at such dark humor. Yet right now she did not feel like giggling at all. Not only was she out of breath but she was also afraid.

No matter how hard she tried her steps were not silent at all. Her cloak long abandoned, was left on the very bush it got stuck on. She darted between the trees, feeling the weight of the hunter's pursuit. She could hear them approach from the distance, drawing closer with each moment.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she raced through the darkness. Her magic previously crackled around her but at this time it was no longer humming with power. The barriers of root and thorns she had cast before in the hope of slowing her pursuers down had certainly done their job. Sadly, it was not enough. Fear and superstition certainly could feel people's confidence. But she was not going to give up either. She fled deeper into the heart of the forest, through the tangled maze of trees.

At this point, she was pushing herself to the limits of her endurance. Her body was already bearing the scars of those hunter's weapons. Blood stained her black robe, a grim testament to the violence that she had endured already.

Pain laced through her side, the bleeding wounds were only one of her issues. She clutched her side tightly while stumbling further onward. Somehow she managed to disappear into the shadows. Out of sight but sadly not out of mind. Hidden well enough to escape the witch hunters view just for a moment. Yet that was very much enough for her to find something important. Apparently, some kind of deity had finally mercy upon her. An abandoned manor. Looming above her with its crumbling facade.

With no other choice, she hurried inside. The front door was unlocked and she hoped that was no bad omen. Hopefully, no one else was waiting inside for her and it was just some lucky coincidence. She could see no light burning inside, so she could only hope for the best. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she sought sanctuary within its walls.

The air was heavy with the scent of decay and neglect. Dust motes danced in the moonlight that filtered through broken windows. Normally she would delight in such a scene. She would find the eerie shadows pleasant but the urgency of her situation forced her to think quickly.

Why had she never developed a talent for illusion magic? She could see a tucked-away alcove in the shadows of the manor, she could hide there and use an illusion to stay hidden but no. That was not within her abilities. She would need to find another way. So she hurried into the next best room, hoping that no droplets of blood would reveal her presence to her hunters.

Amidst the pain and uncertainty, there was a flicker in her eyes. She refused to be cowed by those maniacs. She would not allow them to erase her from existence like a forgotten memory. Fear and hatred would not be her end. There was one way out of this. A chance she really did not want to take but she knew it was the only chance left to survive. A risky gambit. Summoning a demon was nothing she had ever done before. However, she would rather go through this than perish.

With trembling hands, she set about preparing for the ritual that would determine her fate. Her heart was heavy with desperation but the pain shooting through her side was a constant reminder of what was to come.

Quickly she cleared space on the ground of the room she was in before pulling out her chalk. She drew a pentacle on the ground before shrugging off her backpack. How good that she had only lost her cape and not her belongings. Without any care, she dragged out some candles and placed them on the tips of the star. With a wave of her hand, she lightened up all those candles with magic.

She started to mumble incantations she had learned with the hope of never having to use them. All the while she pulled out a bundle of dried herbs and held the tip of the candle to make them burn and smoke. As the scent of incense filled the air, she dropped the herbs on the ground and stepped onto them. The last she needed was to burn this manor down.

At the center of the circle, she fell to her knees, her vision slowly blurrying. She pressed her bloody hand down on the ground, leaving a bloody handprint. The witch closed her eyes and began to whisper the last part of the summoning spell. her words echoed through the chamber like a haunting melody. With each repetition, the air grew thicker with anticipation.

The summoning of a demon was her last desperate bid for survival. She stood up again and stumbled out of the summing circle, making space for the otherwordly creature who would hopefully arrive soon. As the final syllable left her lips, a sudden gust of wind swept through the chamber, extinguishing the candles and plunging the room into darkness.

I do not really have triggers, however, I do not feel comfortable with animal abuse (hunting for food and self-defense excluded), dub-con, and non-con along with sexual assault. If any of that is part of the backstory of a character I do not mind. I simply do not wish to actively write it out. Not gonna engage in pedophilia, incest, and other basic limits most people have.

I am also not going to engage in extremely toxic or abusive relationships of any kind with our main couples. That includes cheating. People can have their flaws without all that bullshit. Otherwise very willing and open to darker topics as long as they are treated with the respect they deserve.

Read it all and are interested? I am excited to hear from you!

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