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Multiple Settings Long term RP partner

Ok so this is my first post so i hope i do not mess it up too much.
Looking for a long term rp partner ! I play straight females mostly but i can play multiple characters to make an interesting story! Which include a male if we want two main females (if any other females wanna roleplay i am just putting it out i am open to try my hand at a male pairing. Give and take. However i cannot promise it will be good but i will do my best. I like discussing rp's even during an rp in a separate section just to throw around ideas while having fun. (If that is not okay just tell me i am cool with it). I love a good romance mostly but i don't like it to be the main part to a roleplay to keep it fun. Depending on the person i might also try a darker rp but not too dark. It is a more realistic real world dark where there is bad and good things to keep things interesting. I have some ideas to get a rp started but i would love to hear your input.
I am not the best at roleplay i admit but i am looking to get better so if i am too short of a reply or i mess something up PLEASE don't hesitate to tell me. I am fine with constructive criticism.
I feel like i am babbling a little too much now. I just don't really know what to write when it comes to these things. At least it gives you an idea to the type of person you might be rp-ing with haha. i promise i am not like this in an rp.
Hey, if you’re still looking I’d be open to rp with and have a few plot ideas that can be discussed
If you're still looking, I'd love to give it a try. Would you like to double or even triple? We can make it so you play all the main females, and I play all the main males.

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