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Long-term Pokemon Romance 1on1 RP?


I, sadly haven't found any good pokemon Rps that I'm interested in and I think pokemon RPs are pretty rare to come by. I would love to do a long-term pokemon RP with somebody if anybody is up for it! haha I know I sound like a nerd, but pokemon is one of my biggest fandom and I never had to chance to really..express it during any pokemon RPs so I'm hoping somebody(ies) who knows how will pop up!<3

I won't do Pokemon x Human

I'm sorry but it's just a weird concept for me...romantic related. Friendship, I'm totally up for it~

I will do...


OC x Canon

PKMN x PKMN..etc. etc.

Basic things like that. I'm looking for a long-term so, an adventure with a trainer would be the best (since that is what I'm more comfortable with but if you want we can also do like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon related~)

I'm sorry if I'm asking too much...I really want a lovey-dovey pokemon RP with someone who knows a good amount about pokemon~
If you want I can play a bunch, give me a list of the ones you would fancy the most and I'll see what I can do? :)
@Syrrus Oh I'm so sorry for late reply! Ah I really like Red and Gold (from the Pokemon Special Manga) and Silver (from SS/HG games). Those three are my most favorites.

A few others are Lance, N and Steven (All from the games)~
Hah, silly me, the only ones i know of is the one from the games. Wouldn't mind being either Lance or Steven for you.
I'm interested, since it's been a long time since I've done a Pkmn RP. I should also say I'm kind of inexperienced when it comes to one on one, if that's alright with you.
Oh my lawd. I haven't done a good Pokemon rp in eons. Please let me know if your interested. I am a bit more lenient too ocxoc.
Oh great! I can do OC x OC or OC x Canon, though I usually don't play canon characters. Only time I did play as a canon character I was playing as Miror B. from Pokemon Colosseum and Pokemon xD . If you would like me to play canon I will try my best to portray him/her. What would you like to do? c:
I would shoot you a PM, but I'm still lacking a few posts. xD ;

Right off the bat I can think of:

  • the normal Trainer x Trainer
  • Son/Daughter of a villain group x Trainer
  • Villain x Villain

For plots we can include legendaries, villain group(s), and make of the pokemons' flavor texts real. I can't remember which pokemon it is, but I remember one being able to drag people into another dimension and trap them there, so I was thinking we can do something with that at one point of the RP.
@Wiggle Alright! Shoot me a PM please~

@ENNebula Haha I see. And hmm we can do the second one: son/daughter of a villain group x trainer. That one sounds interesting! And I think it was Giratina who drags people into the other dimension. Though, that means it take place in Sinnoh and have you played the games for Sinnoh?
Yeah, I need three more posts, two counting this one, lol.

Hrm, I think it was another pokemon that's not legendary. I'll have to do some research on that and any other interesting texts. I've played all the game and a little bit of Alpha Sapphire, never really kept up with the show, and I'm currently catching up on Pokemon Adventures from where I left off. Is there a specific region you want to be in, and any pokemon? I'm fine with any really and depending on how the roleplay goes, we can even travel to other regions.
Hrm, I want to say maybe we can start in Sinnoh Region? I think we can implement more ideas in that region, but that's just me. Also, what role do you wish to be and what gender?

You never played RBYG? You should download a emulator and play it. Other than Silver and Ruby, the classics are still my favorite. x3
Hey there! I'm a giant Pokémon nerd as well, so I'm definitely up for something. :D I've played all of the train-your-pokémon kind of games in the series, so I'm up for pretty much anything. I'll do either OC trainer x OC trainer, OC x Canon or even Canon x Canon. Whatever you prefer. I have to say though, Touko x N would have to be my favourite pairing. cx
@ENNebula Yeah the Sinnoh Region has a lot of cool legendaries that we can work with~ um role? What do you mean what role? And I would like to play female, if you don't mind!

Haha I wish I can download an emulator...my mom doesn't allow me download that kind of stuff on her computer + I have a mac.

@Sevenfold Wooo! Yeah! I love Touko x N as well but I never played that kind before... :/ If you don't mind, we can try it while also playing OC x Canon/OC? If you don't want too that fine by me! (:

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