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Hello! I apologize for the lack of fancy formatting on this search thread, I am still working on learning the ins and outs of how to use this forum.

Here is a bit about me and my roleplaying style :3
  • I am about 24 (give or take six months) and have been roleplaying for about 10ish years. 'Ish' being I have been so on and off with it that it probably collectively comes up to maybe about 6 or 7 years.
  • I work a full time job. I will try to reply at least 3 times a week, but weekends you might see me replying multiple times a day since I have those days off.
  • I give about 1-2 paragraphs each time I reply to a roleplay but honestly that number fluctuates so much that it really is hard to pin down my average. All I ask from my rp partner is to give me something I can reply to.
  • Character wise, I have a few of them. Though most of them are so old I have to just about rework them for each rp that I do. I have a mix of male and female characters, and honestly I really don't have a whole lot of preference to which gender I play.
Soooo Plots! - Bold is the character I would rather play (though I can be convinced)
  • Long ago two gods were locked in combat, one named Zixuna and the other ____. Each with their own strengths wrecked the land for many years until the prayers of the people reached their ears. They both vowed the stop their fighting and protect the people of the land for the rest of time. However, it was difficult to do away from their people so they both agreed to incarnate into mortal bodies to watch over their people as one of their people.
    That was countless years ago, each reincarnation made it more difficult to find that generation's gods as their original memories faded as the years went on. In the current era the church has to search for the reincarnations of their gods in what is knows as the selection. They always hold a selection 10 years after the death of the last pair and then take the new reincarnations into the temple to train and grow so they can serve the region.
    In the most recent selection each of our characters already know they are this generation's reincarnation for one reason or another (they don't necessarily know each other) and by the time the selection rolls through, Character A is chosen along with another child-that is not Character B.
  • This one is honestly my favorite think rp-as in I am always thinking about it. It is a superhero and Villain rp where one of our characters has just recently moved next door to their nemesis. It follows their lives as they are blissfully unaware that they are getting friendly with their mortal enemy while they are fighting each other as their alter egos. I have planned they they DO eventually find out, and honestly it really is character driven with what happens next. This one is heavy on the planning as we need to figure out what the character dynamic is going to be like. I can be convinced to play the hero, but the character I have planned for this was planned as the villain.
  • This is fairly slice of life, probably my most slice of life rp. I have planned to play the human who had been possessed by a demon.
    The National Demon Research and Testing Facility is a facility that finds, acquires, holds and does tests on humans all over the country who are either suspected of being a demon or possessed by a demon.For the humans who have been possessed by demons, a sponsor is found for them soon after they arrive. Sponsors are people who are similar age to the child and are sent through courses to be able to care for someone who has been away from society for some time. Each sponsor has a specialized course list depending on the age and situation of each child. They are paid a sum every year to assist in the class fees and any fees that may be present in preparing to take the child at any time..
    Normally, people who enter the facility are already at least 13, making their sponsors already able to begin different courses to learn the ins and outs of taking care of their 'child'. Your character is a special case, having been selected when they were only 5. Due to their age, their parents were required to take parenting, psychology, and general courses so they would be able to homeschool my character if they arrive while still young.
    Fast forward till your character starts their own courses at around 13. Their courses start of simple, such as first aid and what to do in an event of a panic attack or other minor mental 'hiccups'. As they grew older, more complex courses became part of their lessons, ranging from more advanced first aid to recognizing psychological disorder-always with a note to go to a professional if any disorder is suspected. They even went through a few parenting and teaching courses along the way.
    Along side the courses they received mail with both the checks for the courses and notes from my character. They ranged from simply 'My demon is curious on what you are like' to more complex letters explaining in detail on what their day had been like. Your character would find out later that they should have never gotten these letters, he just put them in the envelope without permission.
    It had been a long time since your character had been picked as a sponsor, and they had gotten a letter the previous year stating that the chances of them actually carrying out their duties was low. Now they got another letter with a much larger check in it that stated.

    Sponsor _____,
    We are pleased to inform you that your child (Alex) has chosen to undergo the final step of his treatment. This step will take about a year, but in the meantime please prepare yourself to meet him. If you need a refresher course on anything you have learned over the years, please go to your instructor and inform them of this development. If you are unable to be prepared for whatever reason, contact us immediately. Enclosed is a check that should cover any final expenses to prepare your home for his arrival.
    Best Regards,
    Dr. Henry Arzt

    I have two ideas planned: 1) yup Alex is no longer possessed and has no idea how the world works as he has been in a research facility his entire life. 2) Alex decides he cannot live without his demon and tricks the researchers into thinking that he is not longer possessed so he could experience the world.
  • My most romance involved plot, sadly I don't think I have seen this one actually take off.
    This an an alternate version of the world we live in and it has many fantasy creatures, ranging from ghosts and fairies all the way up to dragons and celestial beings. With magic and technology working in unison, many aspects of life have been both improved and streamlined through the ages.The only concept that is not known is the cycle of rebirth. Sure there are legends and tales about how every person is reborn but through history there has not been a single documented instance where someone was reborn so it is wildly accepted as just a tall tale.
    My character, Julia, however finds herself growing up with vague memories of back when castles were lived in and knights valiantly rode horses. The thing she clearly remembers is the time she spent with your character, and desperate to reunite with her loved on she sets out to find him once again.
    It wasn't until she turned 16 did it truly set in that the chances of finding him alone were near impossible so she settled for another tactic. She would write a book detailing their time together, the adventures they had, their tender moments, but didn't finish the full story. She hoped that her loved one would read this book and come back to her.
    It was another 3 years and she still had not heard a single thing. Her book was a hit, selling all around the globe. She went to many book signings, had interviews, and people were questioning on a second book. Julia complied and continued the story, giving up hope that she would ever meet him again and focusing on being true to her past life and entertaining to her now fans.
    After another year she got an offer to create a movie from her first book. Her second book had just released and she was planning out her third and final book. She agreed, and they got immediately started on casting the two main leads.
    Long story short, Julia ended up out of frustration taking up the main female lead and the male lead was just as difficult to find.
    Your character either doesn't remember his past life with my character or he only vaguely remembers it. By some chance he ends up at one of the final days for casting (he could be an aspiring actor, or his friend convinced him, ext.) and ends up getting the part for the male lead.
  • Honestly if there are any plots you are dying to rp, PM me. I am down to rp really any genre and setting.
  • I honestly have more plots scattered around but these are the ones I found so far so I will be updating this as I go
Fandoms - as far as fandoms go, I never rp with canon characters nor do I like rping with someone who does a canon character. I prefer to take the world created and create a plot around it
  • Pokemon
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender (I have not seen Legend of Korra)
  • Legend of Zelda
  • I am in others but for the life of me can't get them pinned down. HMU if you are in a fandom and wanna rp and I will let you know if I am in it too.
Uh, hello...
I'm quite interested in your plots..
But first of all, I'm 10 years younger than you....and while I'm not new, I'm still a rookie to rp...and has irregular hiatus issues...

Feel free to state your opinions on me as an rp partner...
(Don't worry. I'm not hot-headed or anything...)

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