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Multiple Settings Long term partner search, Multiple genres/settings, FxM

Arisa Takera

New Member
Hello! If you're reading this then I hope you're looking for an RP

I've been rping off and on for a while now. I'm back into it and ready to find some new partners. I'm female and my preference is playing female characters partnered with male characters. I love playing side characters and I'm comfortable playing any gender. Please be aware that I will only RP with users age 18 or older. Please do not waste your time or mine messaging me if you are underage and respect my request. This is my preference as I am over 18. Right now I'm only looking for 1x1 stories, I don't care much for group RPs. I encourage outside characters but I don't play doubles. I will RP here via PMs or over discord.

1. I'm not a grammar nazi but please do your best! Likewise I won't ask for a minimum size post from you. Let me know your style and I will match it.
2. I prefer to play OC/OC. I will play with canon characters but I will often not play a canon character. I never feel like I pull it off very well and do best with my own character
3. I do enjoy romance in my plots. This is a loose term and doesn't always have to be sappy and I'm a fan of darker plots.

Easy right? Great!

Prefered Genre: Fantasy, medieval fantasy, fandom ( I know fandom is a really blanket term but I'm in way too many to actually list but it covers tons of anime, films and tv shows. If you have a specific fandom please feel free to ask me )

If you want to play in a modern setting please come to me with a plot you think will interest me. It should have a fantasy twist, as slice of life modern settings don't hold my attention very well.

If you want to bounce ideas please DM me. Also looking for friends and not just an RP machine. Feel free to come get to know me.

Just the basics
- I'm female, over 21 and I ask that my partners be at least 18
- I play with people of any gender but for romantic pairings I prefer to play a female character in F/M pairings
- Mid size para is my comfort zone. I can do multi para if you're okay with slower responses. I'm a student and I also work so I don't always have the time to compose a novel
- If using a fandom universe I prefer to use OCs set in that space but some characters that I know well I can play and if you want to use canon characters that's great too
- I'm very friendly and don't believe in stupid questions

Top Fandoms
Fandoms I like to play in and some canon characters I'd be interested in seeing my partner play as. Canon characters are not a requirement, just suggestions that will draw my attention.

- Gotham [ Oswald, Edward, Gordon ]
- Game of thrones [ Ramsay, Littlefinger ]
- Inuyasha [ too many ]
- Trigun
- Blue Exorcist
- Black Clover
- Anything Marvel [ Loki, Starlord, Yondu ]
- Once upon a time [ Rumplestiltskin, Killian ]
- Lost Girl
- The Wolf Among Us
...Open to suggestions. I'm a fan of TONS of things

Plot starters / pairings

Untitled - This story involves my character, a Djinn, summoned by your character, a powerful mage. His reasonings for summoning her I will leave up to you. Either way, through the process of being summoned she is now soul bound to him. This story can play in one of two, or even both, settings. Fantasy, following the story of the Djinn and the mage or Modern following the story of her and the mage's reincarnation after she's been sealed away for centuries. For her it would seem like the blink of an eye even though hundreds of years have passed.

Yondu x OC - Set in the Guardians of the Galaxy verse, my character, a straight laced Nova corp officer is chasing Yondu Udonta through the known galaxy hell bent on bringing him in once and for all. Things get dicey when Yondu lures her and her crew into a trap and take them captive.

Untitled - Arranged marriage. Just in general to be honest. This can play out as muse A and B being forced together and eventually falling for each other or it can take a completely darker turn. I'm a fan of the darker side of this kind of plot.

Untitled - Anything with Vampires or Werewolves. Or both.

Untitled Starter - Uncover spoiler to see the starter
Emelline Harlock sat upon the thone, her knuckles white as the marble lining the walls of the once grand castle. Auburn hair tumbled around her shoulders, the rich color stark against her skin paled from stress and nerves. This wasn't her kingdom, this wasn't her throne. At least, it shouldn't have been. It should have been her father's. The late king had fallen in battle weeks ago leaving his only remaining relative and heir, Emelline, to inherit his battle. The kingdom had seen better days. For more than a year they had been ravaged by a conquering kingdom. Their own resources depleated rapidly despite support from their neighbors who each fell one by one under the seige of the seemingly unstoppable army. Their losses were too numerous to count and the kingdom's petty counsel grew impatient with the former princesses inability to lead them in a direction that ensured victory. To that end, here she was, sat upon her throne and feeling more the prisoner than the queen, awaiting an audience with the aggressor kingdom's leader. The only option she had left to her was negotiation.

A courier had been sent bearing the message of peace and the warring King agreed to a ceasefire for the duration of their negotiations. The petty counsel was not completely pleased with this solution, they felt it weak on her part. She wasn't sure what more they expected of her. The kingdom's coffer's were nearly empty. She didn't dare tax the remaining villages any harder than she already was. Trade routes were blocked denying them precious resources to repair their amor and weaponry. Their own land was suffering a terrible drought and food was quickly becoming scarce. If she didn't put and end to this quickly it was certain death for her people. A quiet knock issued from the outside of the receiving chamber door. Emelline glanced to a nearby guard and gave a tight nod. The man offered a bow and approached the door, opening it slowly. Emelline breathed in deeply and stared straight ahead, prepared to meet whoever awaited on the other side.
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Hey, I have an RP in mind that I've been wanting to run by someone but if you don't like it I think I would try out the Djinn RP :)
I’m interested in doing a GoT and I have played Ramsay before (but less crazy than in the show).
Hello there! Glad I'm just barely over the marker at 19 haha I had an idea based in fantasy if you're interested.

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