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Multiple Settings Long-term Partner (and friends!)


Strange and Interesting Plant
Hi there! Call me Audrey~ I'm in my twenties, from the GMT timezone and I'm looking to get back into writing again

First things first, a little more about myself. I've been rping for about ten years but have taken a few breaks here and there. I would consider myself semi-to-advanced literate. I average between 2 to 5 paragraphs although my writing may take a hit during dialogue heavy portions. I'm a huge sucker for horror, dark and supernatural themed plots! While I'm not looking for anything exclusively romantic at the moment, I am open to slow burn plots. I can write for either male or female characters, and I write in the third person and in the past tense.

I can, and prefer to, play multiple characters at a time! I have my Good Guys, my Bad Guys and my Dubious Guys. I prefer to write for OC's and in an original setting, but I may be willing to do fandom. I love to chat OOC and I love the planning process of rp's! My brain can get very scattered at times, especially when I'm very excited about something, so if I make little sense feel free to let me know.

I do work, and I work nights, I can go from very few hours a week to lots of hours in a week, as a result I can go from posting a few times a day to a few times a week.

While I don't have any ideas or plots at the minute, I would really like to do something dark/supernatural/horror based. That being said, if you have any plots you've been itching to write then I want to hear them!

What do I expect from you?

  • 18+. Preferably 20+. This is a very important one for me, and I'm afraid I make no exceptions. I have nothing against you young'un's but it makes me uncomfortable to write with minors.
  • A decent grasp on spelling and grammar. Sometimes autocorrect hits us and really messes up a post. That's fine!
  • I don't really have a preference over post length. One paragraph or above is acceptable for me, I also don't mind the occasional one-liner. I'm not big on forcing myself to reach a specific word count each post as I find that can often result in a lot of filler and often messes with the flow of dialogue.
  • Be friendly OOC! And if you're not let me know beforehand, otherwise I can get very overwhelming!
  • Be willing to plan with me. I don't like to be the one coming up with all the ideas and the plans. I like to bounce em off my partner and have them bounce theirs off me. Let's talk plots! Tell me everything about your characters.

Things I Like
  • Genres: Fantasy, adventure, mystery, magical, horror, dark, supernatural
  • Pairings: LGBTQ+ friendly! Not looking exclusively for romance, but I'm open to slowburn

Things I Don't Like
  • High school settings
  • Anything based solely around romance
  • Romantising abusive-type relationships. I don't want to be your 'older man' or the teacher to your student
  • Smut

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