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Long Term MxM Detailed Request


New Member
I'm looking for one or two long term role play partners, give or take, with the following things in mind~ (Preferably a drama-filled, mysterious, dark/fluff yaoi role play of some kind).


Literate paragraph style || I can provide an example on request

A nice balance of fluff, angst and drama. Gore and suspense are nice as well, as long as they're not over the top~

Fantasy, medieval, modern, period-based are love~ There really isn't a genre I completely hate, so feel free to run ideas by me, however, I really do have a super love for Kingdoms with Princes, knights and olden time settings~

Character and plot development = A++

I play mostly human characters, with an occasional divert to a different species

Love triangles are a fun plot device, but not necessarily needed. We can discuss it if that is to be implemented (or any other plot device, I'm open!).

Follow RPnation's Rules please if we are to role play here (I can use another platform if we stray from site rules).

Not for me:

Script or one liner driven role plays.

Characters that NEVER speak or make any attempts to do anything.

M-preg or furries. D; Not my cup of tea, sorry. I'm fine with MOST things outside of these, however.

Insta-love. I find it boring, and would prefer for characters to interact and actually get to know each other before jumping into a blissful (or nightmare) relationship. //shot

Fandoms. I find them rather hard to play appropriately and I like that original characters allow more flexibility and creativity to flow. I'm not restricted or constantly doing research to get the world/characters right whereas if I created them, I would already know. (Though it is possible to convince me, it's nearly a 99% fail rate)

God modding. I play MY character and you play YOUR character for a reason. Not so we can play the other's as we feel free too.

Metagaming. If we happen to exchange minor character information to one another, and if some of that happens to contain a secret or backstory information, do not become the all-knowing god. Your character could not possibly know another character's thoughts, feelings or backstory right from the start, and I personally don't want to see those actions or words right off the back (A lot of the character's I play have secrets and plot twists, and I like everything to be shown through actions/dialogue and over the course of a story).

Extra Info:

I prefer Email or Skype, but this site works just as well. I can, however, reply anywhere from once to several times a day depending on how busy I am.

I play seme, uke, and most commonly a seke, with a slight preference to sekes/ukes.

Please let me know YOUR limits beforehand. ;3; I'd hate to offend someone, or make them feel uncomfortable.

I tend to write 2-5+ paragraphs, but will also match what I'm given. I don't mind doubling or tripling from time to time, and enjoy a good side character or three~ That being said, you don't have to type novels, or play multiple roles. All I ask is that you give me something I can respond to and work with (though I won't reject a novel if it presents itself to me).

I would prefer it if you told me you were going to be busy ahead of time, or if you want to drop the role play altogether. It won't offend me. It just lets me know that you're not dead or anything, and I can continue on with my search (I do know unexpected events pop up, it's just a nice courtesy if possible).

This is a TEAM effort. I do require well thought out responses with reasons to back them up. I've witnessed many play a character without any reason/explanation of why they act the way they do and often they ask for help. That defeats the purpose of role playing with a partner if you're telling them how to write their reply (Though guidance is sometimes needed, I understand, if you're completely stuck).

It's perfectly fine to play more than one character! Side character's are a must to keep a story going or to keep from getting stuck at points and can add interest.

Thank you for reading, and I hope those of you still with me have developed an interest. I'm known to be picky, but I'm also pretty chill. I can use a few of my OC's in waiting, meaning they're waiting to join an exciting RP, or I can make a character on the fly.

What I'm currently looking/hoping to find are character's to mesh with a few of my OC's, but I am capable of creating a character on the spot with a rich history and everything.

Again, I'm looking for a yaoi role play at the moment. Here are a few small pairing ideas I've had:

(Insert creative pairing ideas here- xD )

King x Thief

Prince x Prince

Prince x Noble or Commoner

I'm mostly looking for someone to partner with me for my prince and thief (preferably a seke). Plots and storylines are welcome to discuss! I have a few minor ideas, but as stated, they are minor/in the process of development and are able to be modified. You can contribute to plot as much as you want, and I enjoy surprises throughout a role play as well- so you can expect some from me.

At this time I am unable to send PM messages due to the wait limit and post limit to reach. xD I am working a full time job, so I cannot always be readily available. Feel free to talk in OOC when in the rp, but separate it by using ((insert text here)) or something similar please! I love using face emoticons when typing in OOC! I like tips and pointers for improving (though I don't take all of them into account), I do appreciate the time taken to help out.

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