New Member
Hi there! I am in search for a partner who is semi-lit to lit, preferably 21+ as I am in my thirties. I love OOC chatter and planning. I am not craving much in terms of fandoms (sorry) but I am more than happy to take on more than one person since I have a lot of free time.
What I offer:
Ghosting friendly
Semi-lit to literate replies, 1-2 paragraphs guaranteed but I may write more if inspired
Multiple replies daily (for about a month or so while I am home)
~20 years RP experience
Multi-character playing as needed/wanted
What I am looking for:
Preferably a long term partner, but if we run through an RP faster that's fine too
Semi-lit to literate writers (nothing crazy, but I need something to go off of when I reply; one or two paragraphs minimum)
OC's are preferable, but I can play CC depending on who it is and for what fandom (I am not great at certain people, sorry)
As little romance as possible, I prefer action and suspense/horror
Finally, the fun stuff!
-XMen (or generic meta-humans)
What I offer:
Ghosting friendly
Semi-lit to literate replies, 1-2 paragraphs guaranteed but I may write more if inspired
Multiple replies daily (for about a month or so while I am home)
~20 years RP experience
Multi-character playing as needed/wanted
What I am looking for:
Preferably a long term partner, but if we run through an RP faster that's fine too
Semi-lit to literate writers (nothing crazy, but I need something to go off of when I reply; one or two paragraphs minimum)
OC's are preferable, but I can play CC depending on who it is and for what fandom (I am not great at certain people, sorry)
As little romance as possible, I prefer action and suspense/horror
Finally, the fun stuff!
-XMen (or generic meta-humans)