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Multiple Settings Long Term But Slow Paced?

Satanic Nightjar

reach for the stars and don't settle for the moon

craving many things
open for anything
dm me for brainstorming

hello beautiful people! as you can see, i'm looking for a 1x1 roleplay partner. i don't have my heart set on anything in particular, but there are a few genres i would absolutely love to explore with you guys. but before we get into the fun stuff, let me tell you a bit about myself.

about me
+ i have been roleplaying for three years, starting with strangers on random websites when i was bored, then as i matured into official roleplaying sites and more serious plot lines. i have made many life long friends roleplaying and i would love you to be among them =)

+ i love long posts, details, taking my time to make things perfect and then getting to read through my partner's work. we're here to write a story, and that's what i am truly looking for in a roleplay partner.

+ this one is important! i want our roleplay to be fun, not stressful. i may take long periods of time between my posts, and i need someone who can accept that. i'm perfectly fine with my partner taking a week or even more to give me something to work with as long as it's quality writing and we are both enjoying it. i am currently gming a roleplay on this site and participating in a 1x1 with a friend outside of rpn, and those both need my attention. if i take a long time, it doesn't mean i'm getting bored, it means rather the opposite. i would never put out a half-assed response to something that i was enjoying, so i must take my time.

+ though i do enjoy long, thoughtful roleplays i have recently become more open to shorter, more light-hearted ones. if you like any of my plots but don't enjoy novella-style, very literate roleplays, then feel free to dm me with whatever you are comfortable with. quality over quantity

+ i prefer playing male characters, but it's always fun to have multiple mains, and if that's the case i'll play whatever works best. i'm open to a female main, if you'll forgive any mistakes i may make.

+ i prefer to roleplay either in a thread or over pm. discord is great but i mainly use it for ooc chatter rather than the actual ic roleplaying.

ideal partner
+ someone long term

+ someone i can be friends with ooc, either here or on discord.

+ someone who can match my post lengths if we are doing a literate roleplay. if we're doing a more casual one, however, i'm open to anything honestly.

+ someone with decently good grammar - it doesn't have to be perfect by any means but i need to at least understand what you're trying to say.

+ someone who will contribute to the plotting and brainstorming and enthusiastically share their ideas.

+ someone who can tolerate my response times - if you can't, that's fine, but don't dm me for a roleplay if you're going to be offended if i'm not on 24/7. real life comes first. also know that i will accept whenever you are comfortable with posting, whether that be two hours, two days, two weeks. however i do not like being ghosted, so if you are not interested any longer, just let me know, i won't be upset!

+ lately i've been interested in pursuing an apocalyptic or post apocalyptic roleplay. whether that be zombies, global warming, world war three, alien invasions, you name it, i simply love the genre. a certain survival theme is always interesting to have present in these roleplays, and it's a wonderful challenge to develop characters in the harsh environments we create. dm me for specific ideas =P

+ a dark fantasy roleplay. not very experienced here but i would love to give it a go with a partner who would be accepting of my mistakes.

+ an angsty romance. now, let's be clear, i'm not looking for angst and fluff without any plot. this would be combined with another genre. some of the pairings i am interested in at the moment are demon x angel, demon x human, god x human, demigod x human, military x rebel, gang leader x gang leader, sorcerer x sorcerer (or human), and soldier x medic. those are just a few that come to mind, though, feel free to dm me with ideas. keep in mind they do have to fit into an exciting plot. i also prefer mxm as it is just what i'm best at playing.

+ a horror roleplay. dark upon dark upon dark upon dark. clowns, ghosts, murderers, blood, gore, suspense, plot twists, mental illness, honestly whatever the hell you wanna do let's fuckin do it. if you have any triggers let me know!

+ something in the spirit of pride month. something very very heckin gay.

+ a low fantasy, i'm bursting full of random ideas for this that don't make any sense together. if you've got anything specific here you want to do please dm me and let me know, i'd be happy to work something out with you. i've never done this genre before but i think it could be interesting.

let's wrap it up
that's about it! let me know if anything caught your eye, either in this thread or through dm. if you read all the way down to here, tell me your favorite author whenever you message me. love to all!


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