New Member
Hello! I am EveningWillow, you and anyone else may call me Willow or Evening. The first nickname provided is the one that I prefer but I really don't mind much. I am a semi-literate to a literate roleplayer, I am nineteen and in my second year of university and I have around nine years of experience in writing creatively and prefer to write for female characters in third person. My post length usually ranges from one paragraph (4-8 lines) to four paragraphs on average, but my forte is usually to give back what has been given to me. This is why I am asking for semi-literacy at the least because I will not respond to only 1-3 lines - it's just not worth the trouble. Of course, the occasional smaller paragraph is accepted if you find yourself in a bind with writers block, but remember to tell me because maybe I can help.What I am looking for
1. Semi-literacy to literacy.2. Third person
3. Male character
4. A response at least once a day
5. An explanation for absences
6. OOC conversation occasionally
7. Character Sheets (thorough)
8. Flexible and creative mind (be okay with changing the story a little if you want, but something we agree on)
Plot Idea
Native American - Mayan (7000-7000 BC)
Ancient China (6500-5000 BC)
Ancient Japan (4500 - 4000 BC)
Mesopotamia (3500 - 3000 BC)
Ancient Egypt (2500 - 2000 BC)
Ancient Greece (1500 - 1000 BC)
Persian Empire (500 - 300 BC)
Viking/Norse (200 BC - 200 AD)
Rome ( 500 - 1000 AD)
Holy Roman Empire (1100-1300 AD)
England (1400-1600 AD)
America (1600-1700 AD)
Spain (1800-1900)
America (1910-1930)
France/England/Germany (1940-1960)
England/America (1970-1980)
Middle East (1990-Present)
Ancient China (6500-5000 BC)
Ancient Japan (4500 - 4000 BC)
Mesopotamia (3500 - 3000 BC)
Ancient Egypt (2500 - 2000 BC)
Ancient Greece (1500 - 1000 BC)
Persian Empire (500 - 300 BC)
Viking/Norse (200 BC - 200 AD)
Rome ( 500 - 1000 AD)
Holy Roman Empire (1100-1300 AD)
England (1400-1600 AD)
America (1600-1700 AD)
Spain (1800-1900)
America (1910-1930)
France/England/Germany (1940-1960)
England/America (1970-1980)
Middle East (1990-Present)