Lockett's RPG Roleplay System


Professional Spaghetti Spiller
Now before you get your disgustingly moist panties in a bunch, hear me out okay? If we're going to adapt stats in our roleplays, there will no longer be a need for the power discussion, you know whose power is greater, the stats prove it so. How will stats work in roleplay? Well, they'll be the basis to determine your character's strengths, weaknesses, magic, and everything else regarding combat. "Lockett, do you understand that not everyone wants to make fucking knights and shit like you?" Yeah, I got that and I understand that fully. Keeping that in mind, i've decided to come up with a great alternative for you. Let me introduce the beginning of..


So let's explain what a role is for a second. A role determines the character general field of fighting. While you're free to do what you wish with your character, this helps others gain the know how of what build you're heading for. Before I explain this any further, let's talk about the roles I've come up with so far.

BRUISER - Bruisers should be fairly easy to explain, they are all the CQC, Melee characters and anything within that field. Regardless of how you build your character and what powers you give it, anything pertaining to these styles of fighting will fit within this role. Now, Bruisers will obviously start with more STR than any other role. That's simply because due to the fact that they'll have to find a way to get close to anyone doing longed range fighting, I feel they should be rewarded for their efforts.

" Wait a second, Mellow. You're telling me that with this system, my regular old human could be just as strong as some demonic war lord of darkness?" That's exactly what I'm saying. With this system, in a CQC match, if your human is stronger, he's stronger. It's as simple as that, no bigger explanation.

RANGER - Rangers account for everything long ranged. Mages, Casters, Archers; etc; If you do long ranged in any way? This is the role for you. With this role, your looking to start with higher WIS. I know, these terms make no sense to you right now, but bear with me, it'll all make sense to you soon. When you're a ranger, you're going to want to have your eyes on the battlefield at all times. Let's face it, controlling the battlefield from distances away is just your strong suit. Cool. With higher WIS, you'll posses a higher amount of knowledge about the power you keep.

"Wait, I thought you said we can create anything we want" You can, without fail. However, with this style, players are expected to start from the bottom and work their way up in terms of the META you're using. As a Ranger, it is said without a doubt you will posses a higher combat knowledge than any other role in the META. You've studied hard on your craft and you deserve a reward for it. You may not be the strongest out there but you go buddy! Do that thing you do!

TECHNICAL - Techs, your gunman, your mechanoids, your super suits, your super heroes in bio-mechanical armor. Yeah that's right, you know who you are Machine Lovers, we love you and everything you do! This goes out to those Unorthodox fighters, those who use both close quarter combat and long ranged. If you fit anything I've stated here, you'll fit perfectly in this role. For you Techno Nerds, you'll be starting off with higher INT.

"Alright, Mellow, enough with the bullshit. What does INT mean for me?"

I was getting to that you impatient little shit. Here we go. Intelligence in this META will stand for your overall awareness of the battlefield, of your current situation, and of your current surroundings. Those within the Technical role have the highest senses and perception out of any other role within this META. Let's face it, you guys love your HUDs. While your role isn't as strong, it's got the greatest weapon of all; BRAIN POWER! You go you geek! Show those meaty clauds why your technology is superior when compared to their brute strength.

2.5 ROLES Cont'd

As you can tell, Roles play a pretty important factor in how you want to build your character. However, that's not to say that roles determine the direction of where your stats are supposed to head. You want to go for a WIS Bruiser? Do it. STR Ranger? Go for it my friend. Hey, there's no problem with a CON Tech! Do what it is you feel will fit your character better - after all - this is all about making things easier for you and your combat experience. Now, with that out of the way, let's move onto part 3.


Leveling. I had to bring it up at some point right? I'm sure the general amount of you were wondering how it is you would gain more stats after allotting your current ones, leveling is the answer. For the current moment, until I've really fleshed this out, or reached a certain amount of people finding interest in this META, i'll keep the max cap at LEVEL 10. Seems like a short amount of posts doesn't it? Oh, if only you understood just how much you had to work for your money.

Now, let's talk about EXP. Every combat post = 1 EXP, every storyline post = .5 EXP. Due to this being a combat oriented RP Meta, we're going to give a bit of a hand slapper to those who use this system during storyline. I bet you think it's going to be sunshine and periwinkles for posting huh? I bet you think it's going to be a grand old diddly-daddly time. Not so, never so. For each level you will be required to post a total of 40 posts before leveling your character. That means you'll need 80 total for level two and onward.

See, in this META I firmly believe that effort should be rewarded. If you've worked hard for your posts, if you've worked hard to build a strong character, why shouldn't it be stronger? I mean, you've taken the time out of your days to build him haven't you? Right then. Onto the next part.

4. Stat Allotment/Roles & Weapon's Significance

Alright, so lets get down the nitty gritty. We've explained everything you needed to know but here's the thing, WHAT STATS EVEN EXIST IN THIS RP META? Yes yes, I know. I'll be explaining that right now.. but before I do, let me note something. With these stats, these are not meant to be used for debate, these are to quite literally dictate the power standard of your characters. The stats themselves will handle any debates you may ever have. If you have any seriously major issues with the RP Meta, come to me about it. With that being explained, let's go ahead and reveal to you the stats.

STR: Strength, your power.. that's kind of really it. This stat determines how much stronger you are over an opponent. This counts for how strong you hit, the force it hits at, and things of that nature. More than often I see people complaining about the force of something or how strong it hits. I want to emphasize the fact that in this META that does not matter. Everything is dictated by the stats here. We're granting you customization here but you must understand that fact.

DEX: Dexterity, now this has been used in many different ways in many different roleplays but here? Dexterity will be used to generally determine your characters speed. From cheetah-like speeds to superhuman speeds to that blazing fast bullet hell speed we of the current combat community know and despise. This stat will also be used to dictate how fast your projectiles are and how fast your weapons will swing. If your DEX is higher than your opponents, even if by a margin, it's more than likely that they will swing a bit faster. Everything speed related will be determined here.

CON: Your defenses, your will power, your resistance, all these things are placed under the category of Constitution. With this, someone with a higher CON will generally be able to take more hits than someone with a lower CON. Now, here's where the tricky part gets when it comes to CON. A character's CON is directly effected by a characters STR. Should their STR be lower than your CON, it's a high chance you'll be walking out of that with less blows that someone with a higher STR. That isn't too hard to understand is it? Awesome, let's move forward.

INT: Your awareness on the battlefield, your awareness of your surroundings, and your general awareness. These things are all placed in Intelligence. So you don't have the largest STR, who needs it? Those with higher INT are able to outsmart their opponents. They are able to see something coming easier than someone else could. They are able to notice those tiny little details in an attack or see the outline of that invisible man. People with higher INT are the wisest mother fuckers on the battlefield. Good luck getting anything past these guys, they'll more than likely see it coming.

WIS: Wisdom, your combat knowledge, your combat prowess. You love using magic spells? Oh boy is this for you. You see, automatically, upon deciding to head down a WIS build, so long as your STR is 5 points below your WIS, you be granted the ability to make one extra spell or add one extra item slot to your inventory. It truly pays to play the way of the ranger, you know. Now, not only do these bookworms have knowledge of their own spells and combat, they have knowledge of how others works. Not only that, it'll be take a short duration of time for them to figure out patterns in your character's fighting style. If you want a bit of edge, Bruisers, this'll be for you.

Now I know a bunch of you want to ask "Hey Mellow, what about our weapons? Let's talk about the weapon's significance". Alright, here's the deal when it comes to those. When you want to make a large weapon, obviously you're going to need some STR for that puppy right? If you use knives or throwing needles, obviously DEX is the way to go. Use your logic when it comes to your weapon choice, that's really all.

5. Stat Allocation & Alignments

Going to keep this simple for the sake of simplicity. you start out with 50 points(Max Cap 20 on level 1 for each stat). With every level you gain 5 points and after every fight you can add +1 to one of your stats. Here's the rule with a fight. Botching fights isn't going to work here, If you forfeit or the match is incomplete? You will not gain the point. Only completed fights will gain points. That's it, not too hard, right?

Now, Alignments. What am I talking about? Elemental Alignments of course. When it comes to elements, your STR and CON still come into play like any other situation should. Now of course we're going to be logical about our elements, you know which ones are best against one another. Keeping that in mind, You're resistance to something as well as your ability to counter the opposite element is much more plausible when possessing a higher CON. With a weaker CON? There's just not much there going for you, sorry.

6. Equipment & Items

Now, equipment is something different all together. You are given a total of TEN equipment slots, gaining one per level. Each equipment piece is able to add +5 total to only ONE of your stats. Now, instead of using stats, you are presented with the option to add an elemental trait to your weapon. You can stack up to the basic elements on your character(Non-Rangers). Who knows, Bruisers and Techs, maybe you might need it someday, right? (People have the option to fight ask for a fight without the equipment. It's only allowed upon agreement).

Items...their involvement in this is kind of a work in progress. The general thought behind this is that you'll have a certain item, about x10 of them. The stats will come into play of course and their effectiveness will also be determined by them. I'll update this section when I've fleshed out the items' concept more. ALRIGHT! FINAL PART, YOU READY?

7. Leveling Up, The Final Part./ Abilities

So, it's best to think of levels as tiers of strength. You can create as many spells/abilities as you want to during a certain level but they will only be at the strength your stats grant them. Even if you design your attack to be some meteor busting comet punch, if you're a level 1 then it will do level strength.

Keeping this in mind, it's best if you organize your abilities by levels, noting your current stats at the time before leveling up. If you do that, all will go swimmingly for you I'm sure. Anyways, I think that's just about it for now. In the sub tab you will find starter templates to follow that correspond to the three roles given above. Enjoy and have yourself a great time.
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Remember, all players start out with 50 points to allot to their stats. You'll be granted a max cap of 20 per stat.

When using this template, it's best to just make a separate tab on your character sheet specifically for this. Though, your weapon is where ever you want to place your weapon, I tend to keep it there for organizational purposes.

Level: 1








Weapon Name:
(Weapon Description)

Accessory Name: (Item Description) (+5 Stat)


Item Name: (Item Description and Usage)

Level: 1








Weapon Name:
(Weapon Description)

Accessory Name: (Item Description) (+5 Stat)


Item Name: (Item Description and Usage)

Level: 1








Weapon Name:
(Weapon Description)

Accessory Name: (Item Description) (+5 Stat)


Item Name: (Item Description and Usage)

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