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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Local Dreams ♪ (Future sign ups will only serve as back ups/replacements)


Le photographe est mort
Please fill out everything from the form below. Feel free to go entirely crazy though, I want lively characters. I want us to become a very distinct group and have a great roleplay! :)

[image here - Realistic please]

[Character Quote]





Sexual Orientation:

Band Role:

Favorite Artist (Up to three)


Likes: (At least four)

Dislikes: (At least two)

Appearance (if needed beyond picturre):





"I just wanna get away..."



Valerie "Val" Lynch

Age: 19

Origin/Nationality: Canadian

Gender: Female ?

Sexual Orientation: Bi

Band Role: Vocalist/Songwriter

Favorite Artist: Joyce Manor, Veruca Salt, Nirvana

Occupation: Student / Cashier

Likes: Music, Pokemon, TV (specifically Breaking Bad, My Name Is Earl and Community) People whom she relates to, sometimes to the point of being very clingy, Junk Food (specifically French Fries), Dogs

Dislikes: People who act like every problem in the world can be solved by a positive attitude, being told she's average, loud people, Ice Hockey

Appearance: Valerie has a rather colorful tattoo of a microphone held up by a severed hand, on her right lower arm. Additionally, she has the words "Youth Decay" inked on on the back of her neck. She's about 5'4" and weighs in at 101lbs., making her somewhat underweight. She usually wears flanel shirts, print t-shirts or hoodies underneath an oversized leather jacket. Her go-to shoes are Vans and off-brand boots.


Personality: Valerie is a rather impulsive young adult. Usually somewhat reclusive, she can snap easily and mouth off on even her best friends. This is mostly a defensive mechanism, but can also be initiated because of her mental state, whether the latter stems from taking any sort of drugs or just an especially bad low. Struggling with depression and even self-harm since her 15th birthday, she is insecure about her looks (which may be one of the reasons for her possible anorexia), her place in life and just about everything else you can imagine. Her only relief is poetry, something that has been introduced to her by a school psychologist. This very hobby eventually lead her to writing songs, which she sings whenever she's alone and feeling down.

Valerie has come into contact with substance abuse unusually early. She's not a stupid person by any means, but struggles in school nontheless and rejects the notion of it being her fault. Whether she's arrogant or just unable to deal with taking responsibility is hard to tell. Nevertheless, she has been supplied with alcohol and minor drugs ever since her mid-teens, as she seems to attract a specific crowd and tends to be drawn to shady people herself.

Over the years and a somewhat steady increase of negativity in her attitude, she has put a lot of thought into certain rockstars - you know, the ones who are reclusive, depressed and kind of iconic for just that - and has been caught up in the dream of being perceived like one of her idols. Since then, she started writing more and more, picking up a few chords on her used guitar along the way as well.

Background: She moved to the United States with her parents three years ago, when she was 16, because of her father's work. Her parents, strongly pushing for her to get a proper education, financed her current college, in which she wants to major in music. Out of pressure by her parents and an urge for at least some financial freedom, she has taken on a job as a cashier in a local chain supermarket, which she dislikes.


She has been in therapy on and off, mostly for her depression, but has received brief treatment for her addiction as well, after suffering from alcohol poisoning two years ago. Luckily for her, she has not received any official strikes by the police as of yet.

With her hopeless and depressed attitude and a pessmistic outlook on life, she has few hobbies. Nontheless, she's kind of a TV junkie, continuously binge watching shows on Netflix and the like. Mostly because of positive associations to her childhood, she likes to play Pokemon, which she mostly keeps quiet about as to not be ridculed.

Mainly through the scenes she has been involved with, Valerie has developed a twisted self-image and a very questionable idea about self-worth, desperately wanting to fit in everywhere and be liked.


- Has celebrity crushes on Kurt Cobain and FKA twigs

- Has a few little scars on her leg

- Her favorite cigarette brand is John Player Special
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" Everything you do says something about you. What you write, what you sing, how you sing it, who you talk to,

how you dance, what you look like. Nothing is safe from judgement. Don't be fake, dont be what people want you to be, and dont be worried

about what the people think. Just be real. Anyone can sell a fake product and make millions, it takes something special to sell raw reality to

the masses and make them love you for it. I can make you the next Nirvana. I could maybe make you the next Beatles.

I'd rather make you the first you. "

Name: Ian Radley

Age: 32

Origin/Nationality: Canadian

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Band Role: Manager

Favorite Artist: Billy Joel, Elvis Presley, Barenaked Ladies

Occupation: Talent Manager

Likes: Organization, Cooperation, Strawberries, Clouds, Wind

Dislikes: Chocolate, Brats, Disrespect

Personality: Ian has been described as quiet, thoughftul, and relaxed. All of this is true to an extent.

Ian loves nothing more than to take a load off and sit under a tree staring at the clouds when he has the free time to do so.

As a band manager though, you dont get that time often. When Ian is on the job, he is 'on the job. No distractions, no side-tracks.

He handles deals and gigs with a calm and strong attitude, not shying from his own agenda for anything and not taking no for an answer.

He can read people, he knows what the promoter wants to hear. He knows what the public wants and how to get it to them in the most efficient way.

That being said, he doesnt always give the answer they want. Ian can be tough when he needs to be in order to keep his client in line.

Don't worry though, Ian doesn't hold grudges. He doesnt like to form close personal relationships with his clients, but he will always do his best

to be kind to everyone.

Background: Ian was born in Canada, raised in the states, and returned to Canada to pursue a career in the music business. He didn't attend school

to be in the music business. He originally wanted to start his own band, but after years of not finding a decent group, and even more years of not

finding a decent manager he decided to change his focus. He always liked booking shows better than playing them anyway. He thought about going back to school,

but instead found apprenticeship with Harvey Whipman. For the last several years, Ian has been being crafted in Whipman's image. Whenever Whipman does retire

The world can rest assured that there will be a faithful replacement.

Other: Plays guitar, piano, and horns.​



"Just get it together."

Age: Twenty

Origin/Nationality: French

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Band Role: Keyboard and Back-Up Vocals

Favorite Artists: Santigold, Mariah Carey, Death Cab for Cutie

Occupation: College Student

Appearance: Talise stands at 5’8" tall with flowing, brown hair and unpredictable eyes. Though her eyes are hazel, they often seem darker from a distance or in poor lighting. The dark brown curls that adorn her head often fall down to the middle of her back in silky waves or are simply tied up in a braid or bun. Her face resembles an oval, and the brunette has high cheekbones and a prominent nose. She is of average built and slightly athletic, given her love for running. In addition, Talise has dark, arched eyebrows that stand out against her olive-toned skin. Her pink lips are very full, usually open and moving rapidly to justify her opinion or discredit someone else's.

Likes: Music // Alcohol // Coffee // Dancing // Summer Rain // Chocolate // Running

Dislikes: Being Held Back // Winter // Killjoys // Failure // Tight Spaces // Snakes

Personality: Talise's pleasant face can often be misleading, as she can be very cunning and unruly. An intelligent young woman, she chooses to speak her mind in wanting others to understand her beliefs. The brunette is not often hesitant in her actions, considering her ambition and drive to accomplish tasks efficiently. Despite her occasionally wild demeanor, Talise can also fade to the background and listen when necessary. It is from here that she can use her better judgment to evaluate a situation, rather than diving in headfirst. Her passionate spirit often makes her blunt, adventurous, and naturally inquisitive. When angry, she can be hotheaded, often making impetuous decisions and facing the consequences afterwards. Despite her untamed ways, the brunette can be very loyal to individuals she trusts. An intermittently emotional person, Talise tries her best to keep her feelings in check. She often finds herself getting heated during arguments, though part of her knows to step back and concentrate on remaining calm for the sake of others.

Seemingly valiant on the surface, Talise is a lot more vulnerable than she lets on. Although she is blunt, the brunette often sugarcoats things for her adoptive parents. She fear not living up to their expectations, hoping they will not regret taking her into their home. For this reason, she decided to attend college to please them, never letting on that university was not for her. Although she is grateful for the opportunities she has received, the brunette also wonders why her mother gave her up at a young age. She struggles with these thoughts daily, wondering what her mother had been like and pondering how differently her life would have turned out, if the woman could have minded her properly.

Background: Born in Marseille, Talise spent the majority of her youth without her biological parents. Her father was never in the picture, as he had difficulty assuming parental responsibility. Her mother, consumed with guilt of eloping with the father against her parents' wishes, never reached out to her family for support. She attempted to raise the child on her own, though without success. By Tal's second birthday, her mother realized she did not have the means to care for her little girl. As a result of this awareness, the woman gave her up, and Talise become a ward of Marseille, never to see and her mother again. The brunette went from house to house in the foster care system until fortunately, the Beauchêne family adopted her. Luckier than most, the young girl was taken under the wing of the aged, American couple, whom had older children in their twenties. Soon after her adoption, the couple permanently moved to their time-share in Santa Monica, California. She was loved and cared for until she was eighteen, where they provided the means for her to attend the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles.

At USC, Talise began studying Sociology, though her true loves were playing the piano and singing. When she did not have assignments to do, the brunette often performed at local coffee shops to see what others thought. Having taken lessons as a child, the young woman stuck with the instrument, always playing pieces and creating little songs on the side. She continued this habit of schooling by day and performing at night for two years, though she was never fully satisfied with this life. Talise’s true dream was to drop the college act and perform the way she felt she was meant to. However, the girl could not find it in her heart to break the pride and joy she always saw in her adoptive parents’ eyes wherever they talked about her successes. Her luck turned, when she heard about Harvey Whipman’s auditions, knowing this could be her only shot. Instead of shooting the idea down, Talise decided to take a chance to pursue her true talents and dreams, rather than ones created for her by someone else.


  • Given her love for athletics, Talise is a decent runner.
  • Talise honestly thinks she performs better when she's a little tipsy.
  • Her birthmark is on her left hipbone. Talise has a jagged scar on her right shoulder due to a childhood injury. She has no piercings, though she does have a few tattoos. Images of the tattoos on her forearm and spine have been attached as spoilers below:



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Name: Adam Sterett

Age: 19

Origin/Nationality: American/Caucasian(of Irish descent)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Band Role: Bass Guitar

Favorite Artist: Paul McCartney, Muse, The Silent Comedy

Occupation: College Student/Volunteer at a local Reptile Rescue

Likes: Cold Rain, Mud, Walking, Snakes, Reptiles, Music, The Bass Guitar, Quiet.

Dislikes: Being Pulled into Drama, Dead Leaves, Sweets, People Who Think Bassists are Guitarists who Failed, Guitarists, Drugs, Strong Winds, Over-the-Top Masculinity, Feeling like he's a Burden.

Men aren't cocky drunks that sleep with every female in the immediate vicinity; those guys you see who don't have anything better to do than disrespect people and end up in jail aren't men. Men are guys who know how to keep their big mouths' shut, they're guys who know how to stay out of trouble, and most importantly, men are people who not only know when they've messed up; they're guys who try and fix it.
Adam Sterett

Appearance: Adam is 5'9 with brown hair and dark eyes, though in some lighting they look blue. Adam dresses a lot like a boy-band member, even though that doesn't really fit his personality; call it the influence of his sisters...


Personality: Adam is content with being a background character, as it keeps him away from drama; however he has a huge love for the Bass guitar so he can get fiercely defensive if someone insults it. He loves listening to all kinds of music, and is constantly expanding his music tastes, jazz being one of his new flavors(although his top favorite bands will probably never change). Level-headed and calm, Adam is a good listener and gives rational advice, but he is also close-minded due to his little exposure to supposed "delinquents" and rebels during his childhood. Unfortunately, that and the death of his parents has given him a bad impression of drug-users, and is very disgusted by smoking weed and the like. He hates being involved in drama, so you won't find him preaching his point of view to other people, but he can't understand(nor does he want to) people who would wreck their minds with drugs and alcohol.

Background: Adam is the middle child with an older sister and a younger one. When Adam was sixteen, his parents died in a car accident where the other driver tested positive for pot, leaving him with an extreme distaste of drug-users. Having been in a small school all his life, he's never been privy to a large number of drugs and/or underage drinking; sadly this has probably contributed to his close-mindedness, as he has no bank of interactions with drug-users. Having gone into the custody of their single aunt, Adam grew up as the only boy in the house, putting extra pressure onto him. In High School, Adam tried to act very masculine and dated a lot of girls, trying to emulate what he perceived as "a man". If he hadn't taken up the Bass, he might've gone down a very different path. He immersed himself in mastering the instrument, got really into music, and got his head on straight. This phase he went through also gave him a dislike for people who act super-masculine as he sees them as fakers and cowards without father figures, in other words, exactly how he was like before. One day while walking around LA, trying to think of what he wanted to major in College, Adam saw the advertisement for musicians and, well, here he is.


  • He's pretty flexible when it comes to styles of Bass-playing but he especially loves slap bass, like Geddy Lee and Les Claypool.
  • Playing the Bass in High School means that eventually some people will ask you to join a band. Adam does not have good memories of interacting with Guitarists. Just saying.


January Andrews

"I do what I want. Rules are overrated."


Name: January Andrews

Age: 18 years of age

Origin/Nationality: British

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Pan-sexual

Band Role: Drummer

Favorite Artist:

- Keith Moon

- Gene Kruper

- Max Roach

Occupation: "Professional" Skateboarder, College Student


- Skateboarding

- Dancing

- Drumming

- Music in General


- Country Music

- Plants

- Cooking

- Boredom

Personality: Despite his being more of a background, though extremely necessary instrument, January is loud and passionate when it comes to his emotions and beliefs. He busies himself with being the loudest, most productive person in the room to pull as much attention to himself as possible. He's a fast thinker, analyzing others and situations faster then most others might. The flaw in this is that he tends to over-analyze certain events, and take people's words to heart more then he should. Sensitivity is a big part of his emotion, though he manages to hide these emotions behind a happy facade that most fall for quite easily. He's quite insecure about his name, and insists that his friends call him "Ari", rather then the coldest month of the year.

Background: The product of two rather uncreative painters who thought it funny to name their son after the month in which he was born, because his parents traveled often, January has never had the time to make meaningful friendships and relationships with others, leading him to view those his age in a light a bit different from the way others might. He begin to skateboard when he turned twelve. It was a positive way to exercise his stress and negativity into the world around him, and he became quite good. Street entertainment with his many acquaintances throughout the world inspired him to drum on the trash cans or other objects they would come across. Drumming, rhythm - he fell in love with these simple things and found himself falling into the world of music. What his parents called a "phase" continued on into high school and now into his college life.

Other: Has quite the voice, though he rarely exercises the ability.

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"You were born to be an original. Don't die a copy"

Avery Jacob Augustine






Sexual Orientation:


Band role:


Favorite Artists:

Plain White T's | Mayday Parade | Parachute


Waiter at local Diner


Dogs | Socializing | Music | Food | Bright Colors | Long Showers


Gloomy People | Rain and Thunder | Mac and Cheese | Bugs| Not doing anything


Avery is a bit on the shorter side, standing at about 5'6. He's very fit due to running, sporting a toned body under the layers of clothing he wears. His hair color varies from a light brown to a dirty blonde color, but his eyes are a constant chocolate brown. Sometimes he wears glasses but he is more commonly seen with contacts.


Avery loves nothing more than to be himself. After years of struggling with who he is, he's finally become confident in himself and his abilities. It's rare to catch him without a smile or in a bad mood, seeing as he's become surprisingly good at suppressing negative feelings. Having always been a sporty guy, Avery would definitely choose running a few miles over video games any day. Some people describe the boy as a "goody-two-shoes", seeing as he loves following rules and doesn't really find joy in rule breaking. When it comes to music, he's a sap and is attracted to the more lovey-dovey music, finding it easier to connect with the lyrics. Unfortunately, Avery is pretty dense and because of this it renders him very gullible and easily swayed.


Growing up in a small, Midwestern town probably made Avery's upbringing more difficult than it could've been. The smaller the town, the faster gossip travels and in his town one new rumor traveled through every household within the same day. Of course, this meant when Avery admitted the fact that he was homosexual to his 'friend' his sophomore year of high school, he had unknowingly committed social suicide. The very next day, he was outcasted at school, people scooting away from him with looks of hatred and disgust in their eyes evident. For the next year of his life, he fell into a depressing rut, having nothing but his guitar and his music to keep him company. One day, he finally looked and the mirror and uttered the seven words that got his life back on track. "I am gay, and that's just me." He no longer resented himself, but he used the experience to build himself up. Unfortunately, his GPA had suffered greatly because of his depression, and while he graduated, he didn't have the means to continue on to college. He got a job as a cashier at the local diner, hoping to save up enough to pay for community college classes.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/boy-cute-grunge-hot-boy-Favim.com-1547423.jpg.f9975f38b852665203f990606b3d9a06.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68770" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/boy-cute-grunge-hot-boy-Favim.com-1547423.jpg.f9975f38b852665203f990606b3d9a06.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Good music doesn't have an expiration date"

Name: Nikolai 'Nik' Zolnerowich

Age: 21

Origin/Nationality: Russian

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Band Role: Guitarist/Vocalist or whatever part is open

Favorite Artist:

~Black Sabbath


~Hollywood Undead

Occupation: Bartender

Likes: Classic Rock, Thunderstorms, Coffee, Crowded areas, Rebellion

Dislikes: Asking for help in any way, Rules, Too much silence, Chocolate

Appearance: Nik stands on a solid 6", which means that he is tall, yet not the tallest of his comrades. What most recognize him with is the fields of tattoos on his arms and a big one on his neck, most of them in shapes of skulls, roses or catholic crosses. His hair is brown, but the ends are lighter due to sunlight. He keeps it as messy as possible with little to no effort. Also, his eyes have a similar color, only darker. Nik has quite the masculine appearance, with a sharp jawline and a strong facial expression together with broad shoulders and a toned body. He has some scars on his hands and arms from falling down the stairs with some scissors as a child, and one scar on his knee from accidentally sitting down on a knife.

Personality: When first coming across this young man, some would consider him a complete jerk. Most of them are right. Nikolai can be a little too much to deal with, as he can be quite mean. His way of acting like a jerk involves unpleasant speaking, cursing and harsch criticism. But what surprises a lot of people is that he can be such a flirt at the same time. Not flirting with words, but in actions as winking and lip biting. But never would he consider actually doing anything more than one night, if you do understand what I'm saying. Call him a player, heartbreaker or fuckboy, whatever you like. But let me tell you that there's more to him than what the surface reveals. For example, Nikolai can be one of the kindest people you'll ever meet, if he actually cares for you. If that's the case, he'll even drop everything he has to make sure you're allright. He might even break every bone in his body if it means helping you in any way.

Even though he is stronger than most believe, Nik can be quite the sensitive one. But instead of breaking down in tears, he'll be angry or even violent if it's something serious. Not that he would willingly hit the one who hurt him, but to see him punching a hole in the wall isn't all too rare. It requires a hell of a lot to actually make him cry, as he considers sadness a weak emotion with no use. But when he does cry, something really serious has happened.

Background: Nikolai grew up in a town a few hours away from Moscow, Russia. There wasn't many problems in that house, he and his two older brothers had a pretty good childhood. They went hunting every weekend, and pretty much learned to survive on their own in the woods. And the parents were lovely as well, they both cared a lot for each of their children. The whole family had a bit of a Rock 'n Roll style, almost always listening to some kind of classic rock music. All was well until the day when Nik turned 18 years old. He had, since a long way back, wanted to move to America to make a carreer in his true passion in life, music. The day after his birthday, he moved away from home and ended up in a small village outside of Boston. There he struggled financially to keep living with a roof over his head. But as he had no such thing as an income, he was thrown out of the apartment within a few months. Afterwards he moved around in a little bit of everywhere to have some place to stay, he even lived on the streets for a while. But he found himself a few years later in an unknown town with the recomendation of a pub that needed a bartender. And he actually got the job. Even now, he still struggles with his economy, but he has his mind set on the musical carreer.

Other: Most of his russian accent is left when he speaks, even if he tries to hide it. He sings and speaks in a low tune yet with a hoarse and raspy voice.



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"I play drums to silence the voices in my head"

Name: Katrina 'Kat' Matthews

Age: 16

Origin/Nationality: America

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Hetrosexual

Band Role: Drummer

Favorite Artist (Up to three)

~ 5 seconds of summer

~ Jet


Occupation: Waitress at a local pub

Likes: (At least four)

~ Drumming

~ Drums

~ Noise

~ Food

~ Wifi

Dislikes: (At least two)

~ People

~ No drums

~ Silence

~ Bitchy people

~ Annoying things

~ Distractions

Appearance (if needed beyond picture): Look at above picture

What she wears:

Road Trip With 5SOS

I Might Like 5sos...

Tom Boy

Band Q&A ~ Drummer


Drop Ya Tumblr URLs


Kat is no ordinary tomboy girl. She had the rich preppy parents which she hated. Her older sister being praise for all of her stupid achievements and awards. Kat won an a drumming award but her parents ignored it as her older sister got the praise. She ran away with her check book and changed it into her mother's name, Charlie Taylor Matthews. Six months later, she had cashed in at least $15,00 worth of personal checks, when she was 17 she pretended to be a co-pilot and cashed in $5,00 worth of pay roll checks she made. Another six months later on Christmas eve, she was in France making more checks when the FBI caught her and kept her in for two years when her parents got the best lawyer in America and won the case. Now she auditioning without her parents consent.

Background: Kat is an American girl from New York

Other: She can sing really well but prefers drumming



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Google Image Result for http://clubtacones.cl/tacones-mag/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Emily-Rudd-Brunette-Girl.jpg

"A life lived for others, is a life worthwhile." - Albert Einstein

Name: Jessica Kindle

Age: 17

Origin/nationality: Phillipino/Australian

Gender: Female

Sexual orientation: Pansexual

Band role: Dj, also plays the piano.

Favourite artist:

- Ac/dc

- Avicii

- Nightcore

Occupation: High school student


- Singing

- Dj-ing

- Dancing

- Playing the piano


- One Direction

- Zac Efron

- Liquorice

- Flute players

What she wears:Google Image Result for http://www.theawesomeideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Winter-OutFit-Ideas.jpg

Personality: Bold, creative, always finds a way and 100% social. Except to flute players.

Background: Is from Darwin.

Other: N/A

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