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Realistic or Modern Living It Up In Los Angeles - OOC

Oh, btw, sunshine and whiskey sunshine and whiskey ! Will all of characters already know each other? If so, would you imagine their friend group being pretty new or has it existed for several months? Or is a blend where some people know each other but some people are just now meeting?
Oh, btw, sunshine and whiskey sunshine and whiskey ! Will all of characters already know each other? If so, would you imagine their friend group being pretty new or has it existed for several months? Or is a blend where some people know each other but some people are just now meeting?
They already know each other. :) This is somewhat like Friends, the television show. Plus, it makes it a little bit easier to create relations and such.
pasta pasta @Nate ☼ Chai Tea Chai Tea Rainzen Rainzen
Just to inform you guys that I've accepted your characters and added them onto the first post made on the character page. :) All of your characters are truly amazing and I cannot wait to see what they add to the roleplay.
The Awakened Moon The Awakened Moon @Nate ☼ pasta pasta Chai Tea Chai Tea Rainzen Rainzen
I am so, so sorry for my sudden silence and absence, everyone. My boyfriend has to suddenly move to Dallas because he got promoted with the company he works for and I've been coping with that for a moment and helping him get everything in order before he leaves and such.

So, yeah, that's happening.

New plan: I have the next two days off, so Monday, we can discuss relations between our characters and I really, really hope to start this on Tuesday.

Sounds good with everyone?
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The Awakened Moon The Awakened Moon @Nate ☼ pasta pasta Chai Tea Chai Tea Rainzen Rainzen
I am so, so sorry for my sudden silence and absence, everyone. My boyfriend has to suddenly move to Dallas because he got promoted with the company he works for and I've been coping with that for a moment and helping him get everything in order before he leaves and such.

So, yeah, that's happening.

New plan: I have the next two days off, so Monday, we can discuss relations between our characters and I really, really hope to start this on Tuesday.

Sounds good with everyone?
Shoot sorry I wasn't getting notifications for this, I know I'm a bit late but I'm still on board

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