• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Living It Up In Los Angeles - CS

sunshine and whiskey

ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ʙʀɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ sᴜɴsʜɪɴᴇ
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
{ Interest Check | OOC | Character Sheet | Main Thread }

Coding does not guarantee acceptance nor is it mandatory but it is encouraged. Roles are not first come, first serve and no reservations.

The Roles:

• Catherine Angelina Robinson ► sunshine and whiskey sunshine and whiskey

• Veronica Marie Rosalin De Vito ► @Nate ☼
• Camila Ricci ► The Awakened Moon The Awakened Moon
Female 4Open.
• Dannie June Woo ► pasta pasta
• Miles Remington Fletcher ► Chai Tea Chai Tea
• Joeseph Kellen "Kelly" Jones ► Rainzen Rainzen
Male 4Open.

Insert an IMG or GIF of character here
Insert a defining character quote here

| Name |
First Middle Last.

| Nickname |

| Age |

| Gender |
Self explanatory.

| Sexuality |
Self explanatory.

| Relationship Status |
Single? Is it complicated?

| Occupation |
This is about everyday people, honestly so do they even have a job? College student?

| Ethnicity |
What is your character mixed with?

| In Depth Appearance |
At least one paragraph that details your character's appearance.
Include clothing style, tattoos, scars and piercings.

| Habits |
At least three.

| Hobbies |
At least three.

| Likes |
At least seven.

| Dislikes |
At least seven.

| Fears |
At least two.
Doesn't necessarily have to be a Phobia.

| Secrets |
At least two.
Everyone has them.

| Personality |
At least one paragraph, 7-10 sentences, detailing your character's personality.

| Background |
At least two paragraphs, 7-10 sentences, detailing your character's background.

| Extra |
Anything else we need to know about your character?
If not, please delete this section.​

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헤매이고 있어


Name ; Dannie June Woo

Korean name ; Woo Seung Bo

Age ; Twenty-three

Gender ; Male

Sexuality ; Bisexual

Profession; Works at a grocery store, college student

Relationship status ; Currently single, but has been going on and off with his ex

Ethnicity ; South Korean

Nationality ; American

Face claim ; Kai aka Kim Jongin

Appearance ;
Standing 6'0 and weighing 150 pounds, Dannie has a slightly muscular build, which he maintains by going to the gym at least twice a week. He has a tan complexion, and blemish free skin. Currently his hair his is brown; originally it's black. His brown hair is paired with dark brown eyes. He has a well sculpted face, and can even be considered attractive; though that's really up to the eye of the beholder.

His attire is usually made up of something stylish yet comfortable. He's able to put together outfits that are stylish, and considerably comfortable. (i suck at describing clothing sorry). He has one lobe piercing on each ear, and one cartilage piercing on his left ear. At the moment, his body is free from any tattoos.

Habits ;
Playing with his earrings ; Humming random songs ; Chewing on the inside of his mouth

Hobbies ;
Karaoke ; Watching terrible comedy movies and laughing at how bad they are ; Learning new recipes

Likes ;
Cats ; Winter ; Fall ; Cafes ; Friends ; Socializing ; Korean food ; Watching documentaries ; Creme puffs ; Seafood

Dislikes ;
Salmon ; Bubble gum ; Extremely sweet things ; Being told what to do ; People who test him ; The heat ; Bugs

Fears ;
The dark ; Spiders

Secrets ;
He's considering dropping out of college, but he knows it will disappoint his parents ; He's actually very self conscious about his looks.

Personality ;
Dannie has been known to be rather playful with his friends. He likes tease people he's close with. He finds their reactions entertaining and funny. Skinship is another thing he partakes in. He likes showing his friends affection by maybe wrapping his arm around them, messing with their hair, or even lightly hitting them.

Dannie always tries to bite off more than he can chew. He prefers to work on his own rather than have it be an collaboration. If you want him to do something, I guarantee he doesn't want you to do it with him. He claims he gets things done quicker alone, although that's not always the case.

He despises being pushed passed his limits. If you get him angry over an argument, he won't stop the argument until you say he's right. He's pretty stubborn, and hates when he's proven wrong. It makes him feel stupid. He will refuse to be told what to do, and where to go. He wants to be completely independent. He really only listens to his parents.

Biography ;

Nothing too interesting occurred in the early years of Dannie's life. He spent the majority of his free time at his parents' restaurant. He barely had time to hangout with friends. Unfortunately he was never able to attend his friends' birthday parties because there was no one there to drive him.

At the age of nine, his younger brother was born. Of course he despised his brother at first. He felt all the love his parents gave him was being taken away. As time went on, they became closer, but every so often a disagreement would occur, causing tension for a bit.

At first school for Dannie was rough. He was introverted when he was younger... He really didn't know how to go up to people, and make friends. He was absolutely miserable during elementary school. In seventh grade, him and his family moved away. Dannie determined to change his ways, and become more outgoing. Thankfully that stuck with him.... Making friends became second nature to him.

Surprisingly he never failed a class, and his grades never sunk past a B. He graduated with the dream of making it big in life... All he's achieved so far is making it into college, and getting a raise at work.

code by pasta
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| Name |
Catherine Angelina Robinson.

| Nickname |

Catherine likes to be called Cat by people close to her. She will not accept that from anyone else. Those that are really, really close to her and know her middle name likes to call her Angel.

| Age |


| Gender |


| Sexuality |


| Relationship Status |


| Occupation |

Local Pop Star.




| Habits |
• Applies makeup on her face every four hours.
• Hums during awkward silence - Might even sway from side to side.
• Will sometime quote her favorite movies during almost any situation.

| Hobbies |

• Listening and making to music
• Writing in her journal
• Binge watching shows on Netflix

| Likes |

Social Media {Has a Instagram, Twitter & SnapChat}
Hanging out with friends
Getting manicures and pedicures
Deep conversations
Smiling, Laughing

| Dislikes |

Late afternoons
People cancelling plans at the last minute
Eating alone
Bullies, Homophobic people
Not being able to use WiFi


| Fears |

• Losing those close to her
• Being betrayed
• Dying young

| Secrets |

• Lost her virginity at the age of 14 but tells people that she is still a virginity.
• She doesn't trust most of the people that she considers a friend.

★ Catherine Angelina Robinson ★
"I only want to die alive but never by the hands of a broken heart."


| Ethnicity |
1/2 Italian; 1/2 Caucasian.

| In Depth Appearance |

Catherine is definitely a prissy type of girl in her own right. She always has a little makeup, no matter what she is wearing, upon her face. Her face and skin is free of blemishes and scars. Catherine is very short for her age, standing only at five foot two with a weight of about one hundred and thirty pounds. She has a very petite and slender frame that almost makes her look a little fragile. Due to her ethnicity, her skin is slightly tanned and vibrant. Catherine's eyes are a chestnut brown color and are perfectly rounded. Her hair is naturally raven colored but she dyed it with a little bit of brown and honestly loves what it has done to her hair. She usually has her hair tied up into high ponytail but sometimes she will wear her hair down and then, it reaches down to her buttocks. Catherine's style is one of a kind. If you were walk into her closet, you'll see an array of blouses that has a skirt and heels to match along with some flat shoes and purses, as well. She does have some elegant wear but saves those for special occasions only.




| Personality |
Catherine is pegged as many things by the people that do not really know her and only go by what they see within the moment. Yes, she may be bit of a bitch to most but that's just what is on the surface, honestly. Catherine is actually quite nice and kind towards people that are really close to her. She is very caring towards people and does not hesitate to show her compassion. Catherine is also ambitious, too.

While she is very compassionate towards people, Catherine is also very sassy and straightforward. This makes her seem like a diva or whatever but she just likes to be honest towards people - Whether it be brutal or not. Catherine tends to be very competitive when it comes to certain aspects, as well. She cannot help it but she just loves the adrenaline rush she gets from competitions.

She is also a flirtatious little something. She'll flirt with just about anyone that is worth it. Of course, it is no fun if the person you're flirting with doesn't flirt back so Catherine might make her voice sound a little bit sweeter and softer than what it really is. It's a little seductive technique that she picked up.

| Background |
Catherine was born to two wonderful parents, Giovanni and Angelica Robinson. It seemed that ever since she was birthed out of the womb, she had a love for music. While Catherine got just about everything she wanted, her parents even signed up her for enrollment at Hollywood Magnet School For The Performing Arts, where she auditioned and waited for about two weeks to hear anything back from anybody. Of course, she had to start small before she went big within the program, as well.

As the years went on and Catherine managed to get enough vocal training so that she could excel through Hollywood Magnet, she decided that she wanted to be a local pop artist as she started writing her own songs. Her talent showed throughout every song she wrote and sung but she took time away from her music whenever her mother died due to cancer. Catherine was honestly devastated and held an event, in which all proceeds would go to cancer patients and their families. Friends, family and even people throughout California came to the event and she was extremely blessed to have them there.

While Catherine was now raised by her father, their bond grew closer and closer. As both of her parents were very fond of Catherine's music, her father constantly talked Catherine into pursuing her music professionally but Catherine does not think she is entirely ready for that type of commitment just yet.

Now that she is twenty-five, she is definitely considering pursuing her music professionally. Catherine thinks that it is time to stop holding onto her talent and unleash out towards the world for everyone to enjoy.

| Theme Song |

Wings - Glee Cover
"Mama told me not to waste my life,
she said spread your wings my little butterfly,
don't let what they say keep you up at night,
and if they give you hell then they can walk on by."

code by pasta
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Full name: Miles Remington Fletcher

Nickname(s): Fletcher/Fletch

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Pansexual, if it must have a label. Miles doesn't really have any preferences in this department.

Occupation: Miles is recently graduated and hoping to be an elementary teacher, but for now he remains a bartender in a dive bar. Sometimes he tutors and babysits on the side, but that's not exactly enough to pay the bills.

Relationship status: Single, but Miles is open to a change.

Ethnicity:Three quarters African American, one quarter Argentinean


Habits: Getting into people's business, losing track of time/running late, cracking his knuckles, forgetting to keep secrets, opening texts but not answering right away, saying "um" aloud while he is thinking.

Hobbies: Writing fictional short stories, skateboarding, watching romantic comedies, tutoring, trying to make meals out of the limited food in his fridge.

Likes: Being around friends, flirting, hearing about gossip and drama, cheering people up, the outdoors, staying up late, handwriting things instead of using technology all the time, pizza, buying things he doesn't need, those claw machine arcade games.

Dislikes: Paying bills, long term relationships, getting sick, sushi, having to borrow things from other people, thunder storms, pets that don't cuddle, long car rides

Fears: Miles is afraid he never be a teacher, even worse: he will be working at this bar forever. He is also afraid of falling in love with someone.

Secrets: He hasn't actually applied to any other teaching jobs since he started working at the bar a few months ago, but he will pretend he has if someone brings it up. Also, he has slept with people for money before when he couldn't afford his rent.


Appearance: Miles has blemish-free caramel hued skin that causes his teeth to appear brighter when he gives someone his classic, ear-to-ear smile. His eyes are a light brown, and they appear more amber when he is in the sunlight. When he gives a genuine smile, they squint and are surrounded by tiny wrinkles. While the hair atop his head is quite untamed and usually does what it wants, the male keeps his facial hair, including his beard and eyebrows, trimmed neatly. Each of Miles' ears are pierced with a small silver hoop. He is a decent height, and he works out regularly enough to have some muscle tone, mostly in his arms. Miles has one tattoo, a black quill on the inside of his right forearm (the hand he writes with). Miles style of clothing is usually semi-casual. He wears button up short-sleeve shirts everyday, and adds a rain jacket or a hoodie if it's cooler outside. The patterns of his shirts are sometimes odd, but others are solid colors. He is not a huge fan of shorts, though he will wear them with a t-shirt when he works out. His typical choice are black jeans, and he has a couple pairs of dress slacks and a sports coat somewhere in his closet for job interviews.

Personality description: At first glance, one might assume that this male's beaming smile and semi-put-together outfit shows that he is naive. Even though Miles has bachelor's degree in education and he has dealt with some personal times of trial over the years, this person would be correct. Miles is somehow still as optimistic and excited as the day he started college. He has matured a lot, knows his way around a kitchen, keeps a budget, has never missed a shift at work, and is aware of the suffering in the world and in his own neighborhood, but laughing through his mistakes and allowing the waves of life to take him wherever they choose is just how Miles lives. When you approach this young man, you will be greeted with respect, humor, probably a compliment or two, and an ear ready to listen. Sure, he may be nosy and want to know your drama, and he may be interested in getting your number, but Miles also has compassion for others and wouldn't judge their minor mistakes and negative personality traits. However, try as he might, Miles tends to be rather egocentric; it's not exactly that he thinks he's better than others, he is merely blind to his own flaws at times. He also has big dreams, but he can stray from them at times and get caught up with everyday pleasantries...Thus, Miles doesn't always think before he acts and his presentation to others is often interpreted at childish. He is friendly to everyone, but his kindness can quickly develop into flirting as the male tends to be suggestive to many people, including all of his friends. It's innocent fun to him but can make some uncomfortable.

It takes a lot to upset Miles, or rather, it takes a little of certain things. This young man is passionate about helping children in his community and their developmental paths, or rather how adults may damage these paths. He is loyal to those he is close to, and he will not stand for meaningless insults toward others. Gentle head nods may lead to heated discussions if one, let's say, brings up the ratio of white individuals to people of color at private universities, gender roles reflected in children's toys, a tacky story or comment about one of Miles' friends or coworkers, or a thought that one woman in the bar is more attractive than another. This young man is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in, but he is also open to hearing others' thoughts when he has the patience...he's still working on staying calm and collected through anything that may come his way at work.

Miles prides himself in being a good friend, but he can be talked into doing things pretty easily as a consequence at wanting to make them happy. Usually, though, these are positive things, and the male has learned not to be a complete pushover. Miles is not everyone's cup of tea, but he surprisingly knows a lot of people, and he may be able to help you if you're stuck at a bad first date, needing a shopping buddy, or simply want a beer on-the-house.

Background: Miles grew up with his grandmother and two sisters after his mother left and the identify of his father was never decided, and as a child he was quickly raised to act respectful and stay in school. His grandma had no intention of raising any thugs, criminals, or dropouts after she had made with mistakes with her daughter before. It was a strict but loving household, and Miles was always kept busy with chores, school work, and activities with the local Big Brothers organization. He made friends easily and feel in love with reading and writing his own little fiction stories, well, mostly he made comic books. When his grandma died, Miles was ahead of his peers in school, but he started spending less time studying and more time getting into fights. He would act out in class or not go at all, and his sister was too busy working multiple jobs to take sense into him. Miles continued to write in spare time, and one day, in ninth grade, a teacher read his work, believing it was an insulting letter or such. Somehow with Miles on the edge of dropping out, this teacher convinced him that he was better than the fake persona he was hiding behind. With some work, Miles was able to graduate with a scholarship to college. He was hopeful, outgoing, and excited once more as he left to live on the campus. Miles tried his best in school, wanting to be the type of man his grandmother had raised him to be and wanting to make a difference to young people the way that teacher helped him. Along the way, Miles decided he wanted to be a mentor figure in children's lives, so they have someone to turn to when life gets difficult.

"When things are rough, I just remember my blood type: Be Positive."


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> > veronica < <







| name |
Veronica Marie Rosalin De Vito

| Nicknames |

| Age |

| Gender |

| Sexuality |

| Occupation |
Freelance photographer // artist

| Relationship status |
Single [open for relationships]

| Ethnicity |
25% Italian ; 25% Dutch [paternal] || 25% Portuguese ; 15% British ; 10% French [maternal]

| appearance |
Veronica stands At 4'11 in height with a weight of 40kg, proving to be the smallest person around in her age range. She has never let this stop her before though. She has bright, sea green eyes and a fair, almost pale complexion. Her hair, always different colours since she likes to veer away from her natural brown, is slightky wavy and falls to her shoulders.


| Habits |

Rambling in Italian || chewing her lower lip

| Hobbies |
Photography || anything to do with art || playing the piano

| Likes |
Music || photography || art || adventure || being outdoors || meeting new people || parties

| Dislikes |
Bullies || hypocrites || spiders || heights || homophobes || animal abuse || aggressiveness

| Fears |
Heights || flying || losing a loved one

| Secrets |
- she's been put into foster care four times since her parents died and she always ended up running away because the first family didn't like her -
- her whole family background is a secret really because she doesn't like talking about it to anyone and merely avoids the questions -
- there is a chance she has Huntington's disease since her mother had it but she hasn't taken the test and is too afraid to find out -

| Personality |
From a young age, veronica has always been pretty active and hyper. She's like a ball of energy that just can't be tamed and with her vibrant nature, she could light up a room just by walking into it. She's very free spirited, and she loves new experiences and adventures. She thrives off of adrnalin rushes and she can be amused by even the smallest things. Veronica has been into sports since she was a kid and her favourite remains to be soccer since she played it all the time with her brothers. Apart from this bubbly side of her, she also has a bit of a loose tongue. It's hard for her to watch what she says because of her impulsive behaviour and since she can also be oblivious sometimes, she isn't always able to tell when the right time to keep her mouth shut is. She doesn't always mean harm though. Not un,ess you do something that affects someone close to her. When that happens she doesn't hold back and her loose tongue can produce words that cut like knives. She isn't afraid to use her fists either, but since she's pretty tiny, this usually is quite a comical sight to outsiders, while being painful to the one she is inflicting it upon.

| Background |
Veronica was born to two happy parents and six older brothers. Growing up, there were struggles as far as money was concerned but this just drove all the kids in the household to toughen up and be independant at a pretty young age. Veronica always had her siblings to look after her but she never really needed it because she learned from them and began to do things on her own, even starting work when she was in middle school to try and feed the family. When she got into high school, her parents had won a raffle that meant they could go abroad for a small holiday. Veronica was happy for her parents to get a break since they worked the most in the family and she had her brothers at home to take care of things so they left for their trip, only for the plane to crash after being caught in a violent storm. By then, four of Veronica's older brothers were old enough to be in college or working so she and the other two brothers of hers were out into their paternal uncle's care till she graduated. It was tough even then, especialy to cope with their parents death, but Veronica managed and continues to be the bright person that she was as a child. After she graduated high school, she got accepted into a visual arts school out of the state on a scholarship so she moved there with one of her brothers and they both have small shoe box apartments next door to each other.

| Extra |
- she is fluent in Italian, Dutch and French but primary speaks Italian in the household -
- she has a cat named Houdini -
- she likes to collect anything and everything vintage -






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Joeseph Kellen "Kelly" Jones
The past can hurt, but the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.


| Name |
Koseph Kellen Jones

| Nickname |
He goes by Kelly, his mom calls him Joey but that's awkward for everyone involved.

| Age |

| Gender |
cis male

| Sexuality |

| Relationship Status |
Single as a pringle but hooks up a lot

| Occupation |
Choreographer and dancer

| Ethnicity |

| In Depth Appearance |
Kelly has bright blue eyes and blonde hair, your typical all-American pretty boy. He's a bit short for a guy, measuring at 5'9" and has a lot of lean muscle to fill out his frame. Usually, the company he dances for doesn't like him to have a beard, but he'll grow it out when it has time off. It's pretty scruffy, and he thinks it makes him look like a lumberjack. He doesn't have any tattoos or piercings. He does, however, sport a prosthetic leg. His amputation is just below the knee, and the scar is pretty nasty.
As far as wardrobe goes, Kelly dresses very casually. He doesn't normally wear clothes that he wouldn't wear to the studio except for jeans. He also very rarely wears shorts, although he's trying to get over that.

| Habits |
Constant singing | always fidgeting | constantly drinking Starbucks

| Hobbies |
piano | overworking | riffing old or bad movies

| Likes |
Dance | Working out | Rain | fog | mist | spring | constant attention | coffee | hookups

| Dislikes |
being ignored | sandals | shorts | hot weather | rude people | stairs | weed |

| Fears |
Being left alone | Being taken advantage of

| Secrets |
One of the reasons he dropped out of college was because of an abusive affair with a professor
His history with cancer isn't exactly a secret but he only tells his friends

| Personality |
Kelly is always smiling, he has a positive outlook on life and makes a point to himself to be grateful even for bad days. A lot of people think he's fake when they first meet him because he's just very bubbly and generally doesn't express the negative spectrum of human emotion to people that he isn't close to. This, combined with his natural charisma, make him an extremely charming person, and he knows it.
Kelly also has an extreme amount of self-discipline and motivation. He knows exactly where the limits of his body are and he knows how to push them. It's not rare to find him at the studio having skipped meals, working for hours to get one jump or piece of choreography perfect. He is passionate about what he does and has no qualms spending every waking hour practicing and pushing himself to the breaking point to succeed.
He can't hide out in the studio forever though because he gets lonely pretty easily. While Kelly is a very chill person who doesn't take a lot of things seriously, he still manages to be a pretty high maintenance friend. He constantly wants to be spending time socializing with people and if you ignore him for long he gets really depressed and upset.
| Background |
Kelly grew up with a sister who is ten years older than him and has always looked up to her, tracing as far back to when Kelly was five, and had to sit and watch his Dana's ballet class for the first time. The little boy fell in love, he wanted to be like his role model so badly. His parents, moderately conservative upper class residents of Seattle, with a lovely picket fence home and an old fashioned but can-do attitude, well, they thought it was quite funny. They had the cash, and the next school year they indulged their little boy, because wow won't this be a hilarious story to tell his future girlfriends. He would get tired of it, he would realize it was girly, it was a silly, fun little kid thing, they would go ahead and pre-register him for the neighborhood T-ball team later. Except none of that happened. Kelly got along splendidly with the little girls in his class, the teachers at the studio were so happy to have another boy dancing with them that they waived his tuition, and Kelly loved it. As young as eight, he was taking three classes a week. By ten, he was always at the studio. He wanted to learn everything, he took classes in Tap, in Jazz, watched Bob Fosse and Gene Kelly and Martha Graham. He practiced constantly and had a natural talent, and was so hungry for knowledge it was unbelievable.
Later that year, the diagnosis came. Osteosarcoma.
They caught it early, thanks to his parent's good medical insurance and general paranoia for their children, Kelly would live. It would take work, but he was going to beat the odds. For his parents, the choice was a pretty easy one. Years and years of fighting, awful drugs, and the possibility of it all being for nothing, or amputation of the left leg below the knee. Dana, now 20, being the academic type who took advantage of college classes in high school, was about to finish her degree in biomedical engineering, dove into the field of prosthesis innovation.

During the limbo period of recovery from amputation, Kelly went to live with his sister. She had made the offer, after doing much of the raising of her baby brother, it was no trouble, she insisted. He would watch videos of all the stars and broke down their technique, he couldn't put it into movement, not properly at least, so he also put it into notes. What made them seem so effortless? What were their quirks? Why did she hold her shoulders this way, while she did it differently? Notebooks upon notebooks, full of notes, some double checked and cross referenced and some existing just because the idea had to exist somewhere outside of Kelly's head.
At 14 Kelly managed to rejoin his studio, throwing himself back into the world that he loved, and was accepted into Cornish College of the Arts at age 18. He only lasted two years there. Some professors lauded him as an inspiration and babied him, some just wanted him out of their classes. He began an illicit affair with a professor to somehow save his rapidly tanking GPA, which went downhill quickly. He dropped out in the middle of his sophomore year and moved to LA to make a name for himself.
| Extra |
Anything else we need to know about your character?
If not, please delete this section.

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"I tell myself I shouldn't care what people think, but I still do anyway"


full name: camila bianca ricci
nickname: cam
age: 21
birthday: july 8
gender: female
sexual orientation: heterosexual
relationship status: single at the moment
occupation: model, part-time barista at a cafe
ethnicity: half mexican, half italian

appearance: camila has a light caramel skin complexion with very curly, dark brown hair. she rarely straightens her hair and spends a lot of time caring for it. she wears it out for the most part. she has one ear piercing on each ear and a bellybutton piercing. her eyes are also a dark brown. cam stands at a height of 5'5" and has a slim figure. she enjoys wearing makeup and experimenting with it, but on a normal day, she would keep the look natural.
for attire, cam doesn't have just one specific style she sticks with. her closet contains pieces of clothing from different styles such as sweatshirts to sundresses. cam wouldn't be seen wearing many clothes with bright, vibrant colors. she likes to always keep it casual and comfortable while maintaining current trends.


habits: biting her lip, playing with her curls, shaking her leg when nervous, procrastination

hobbies: drawing, doing makeup for herself and others, reading

likes: watching tv shows, makeup, tea, eating healthy, cities, family/friends, cats

dislikes: rain, dead battery on iphone/ipad, dogs, being lonely, bugs, disorganization, yogurt

fears: losing her strong relationship with her brother, being assaulted/robbed again

secrets: when she was assaulted at night a year before, likes to draw for fun

personality description:
camila is far from shy and reserved. she lets others know when she's in the room with her presence. she tries her best not to become too arrogant but has failed many times. while cam enjoys meeting new people and making new friends, she'll be honest and won't fake her feelings toward anyone, especially if she doesn't like them. like most people, she's nice until crossed. camila sometimes finds herself getting too emotional over certain things and can't help this, or the bad habit of her constant procrastination. she tends to get impatient rather quickly and hates disorganization.

though not terribly negative, a lot of people initially find her sarcasm to come off as quite rude until they realize it's just who she is. her slight rebellious and sarcastic nature is what can get her in trouble the most. to others, camila is very confident and comfortable with herself, but she is always concerned with how others perceive her and what they might think of her, especially if her secret somehow got out. it takes time for camila to fully trust someone, but even then she would still be hesitant. she can be quite dramatic at times, sometimes for the attention or just because.

camila was born on july 8, 1995 to a mexican mother and an italian father. she spent most of her childhood in brooklyn, new york where she was born and raised until the age of 11. her family moved to a city in maryland near washington d.c. and her parents haven't moved since. her family did well financially but they were never wealthy. after graduating high school, cam moved back to new york city where she finally started her modeling career at the age of 18 then left the east coast for los angeles, california when she turned 20. she has always enjoyed modeling and decided that modeling professionally would be her career when she was 15 years old. around this time, cam was starting a new hobby of drawing. over time she became pretty good at it but never wanted to pursue in it professionally. it was always her go to when she became stressed out.

she has an older brother, leo, that is three years older and is very protective over her. he has always been her best friend and he is the only one in which she can truly confide in. camila was never a bad kid, but she was never the perfect kid either. she had her moments where she would act rebellious against her parents. her father's strict rules made her want to break them even more (though against her brother's advice).
family is highly important to camila, despite the amount of drama within it, so she always tried her best to visit her parents whenever she could. she only has one set of grandparents left from her father side that still lives in italy. sometimes her family would take summer trips there to visit her grandparents.

a year ago, camila had been walking home from a get together with friends at a restaurant when a random man grabbed her on the sidewalk. he molested her and ran away with her bag, robbing her before she was able to see his face. she never told anyone about the incident, not even her brother leo. she attempted to tell the police and even went to the station to report it, but she couldn't bring herself to actually do it and left before she got the chance to talk to someone. she was afraid of what others might think of her. since she is a professional model, she didn't want the incident to ruin her public reputation she was trying to build. it became one of her biggest secrets. she figured she could just move on from the situation with time.
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"Just because I laugh a lot doesn't mean my life is easy. Just because I have a smile on my face everyday, doesn't mean that something is not bothering me." ~ Unknown

Alaina Rose Swann

| Age |

| Gender |

| Sexuality |

| Relationship Status |
Single | Boyfriend cheated on her

| Occupation |
Journalist | Studies and researches supernatural (Parapsychology)

| Ethnicity |
Caucasian | British

| In Depth Appearance |

Alaina is a beautiful young woman with a gorgeous figure. She stands to be 5'8", with a petite body that contains a small, curvy waist with a smaller bust, yet she has legs that most would kill for and nicely toned skin with a few beauty marks here and there, she also has faint bruises and scars all over her torso and thighs that she hides with clothing. She has vibrant, rosy cheeks that highlights her beautiful smile, with warm dark brown eyes and straight golden hair that reaches her shoulder.
Alaina dresses in clothing that makes her comfortable, and she doesn't care what people think about it. If her hairs messy, she'll throw on a cap or beanie, but she never cares what she throws on half the time. Alaina has no piercings whatsoever, not even in her ears, she's never really cared enough to wear jewelry or such. In a way, Alaina's the stereotypical nerd from high school, she doesn't seek opinions on how she looks.

| Habits |
• Digging her nails into her legs or arms when she's angry.

• Humming a tune when she's lost in thought or doing something
•Drumming her fingers on a surface when she's nervous.

| Hobbies |
* Writing in her journal
* Sketching in her sketch pad
* Cooking

| Likes |
+ Spicy food
+ Animals
+ Haunted places/supernatural study
+ Reading
+ Swimming
+ Taking a few risks every now and then
+ Artwork (Even if she's bad at it)
+ Taking pictures of anything (friends, scenery, etc)
+ Driving at night
+ Traveling internationally
+ Marine life
+ Romance
+ Vanilla flavored desserts

| Dislikes |
- Selfish people
- Liars
- Ignorance
- Loud, obnoxious clubs
- Los Angeles
- Dark chocolate or triple chocolate desserts
- Rich snobs
- Being in love herself
- Overly loud people
- Negative people
- Most foods (She's picky)
- Looking weak

| Fears |
~ Arachnophobia
~ Clowns
~ Small, dark places. (Claustrophobic)
~ Bridges
~ Rivers
~ Her own brother

| Secrets |
~ Her boyfriend cheated on her
~ Her parents died going off the bridge with her in the car
~ She's assulted by her brother

| Personality |
Alaina is a very kind and caring individual. She's great company to be around and making her laugh is no chore, she's bright and generally in high spirits, she's protective over those she cares about and hardly expresses any emotions of sadness, keeping it buried instead. Alaina seeks a deep knowledge of everything, so she's very curious and stubborn, and she refuses to give up until she gets an answer. She cares deeply for those she loves and as a result is very understanding and empathetic. Alaina is very clever and witty, and if she's feeling humorous she'll make a few sarcastic comments here and there, and she isn't afraid to joke around as long as it's lighthearted fun. She's bold and occasionally blunt, her temper is easy to set off but she generally hides it, and she won't stand to see anyone getting hurt or made fun of. She's often seen with a bright smile or laughing and if anyone can lift a mood, it's Alaina. If anyone has to talk about something they find hard to tell people, it's Alaina. Overall she's a very bright and light person on the outside on inside but also harbors some dark feelings due to her past that she doesn't share for fear of being judged or bringing other people's moods down. And Alaina absolutely HATES being a pity case.

| Background |

Alaina was born in the United Kingdom, England. She grew up in a family with her older brother, Matt, and her mother and father. Alaina has always been a shy girl, and she was an essential target in kids bullying all through elementary school. Matt was the popular, older brother who never stood up for his older, nerdy sister. Alaina was a miserable child, but despite being somewhat on the poorer side her family was happy, but life was boring. When Alaina was twelve years old she moved to the United States, Alaina was excited in hopes to start anew.

They moved to Los Angeles, her father got a job as a lawyer, and her mother was an author. Alaina grew to love writing with a passion. Her mother even got her a journal just for starting out, which Alaina continues to use. Meanwhile, Alaina and Matt's relationship got dangerous as school changed. Alaina was becoming popular, and even though Matt was popular she was becoming more so. Matt was jealous and angry and he was tired of his sister getting all the attention. Alaina and Matts relationship grew into physical fights whenever her parents weren't home and this continued until she was fifteen. It was summer, and her parents went on vacation for a week, leaving the two siblings alone, ready to rip each other apart. That was around the time Matt began abusing and assulting Alaina.

She buried herself in books and journals and her friends dwindled at school and she was suddenly the smart, nerdy girl all knew again. She'd even skipped a couple grades and graduated when she was only sixteen. She attended college at eighteen. And then tragedy struck that year when her parents were picking her up from a friends when the car suddenly skidded off the road and crashed off a bridge and into a river. Alaina and her parents were doomed as the car filled with water and was completely submerged, the doors wouldn't open, and they couldn't break the window. Someone whom had seen the crash dived into the water to save them, her mother had already lost conscious, and then Alaina had. But her father was still awake, the stranger was going to save him but her father refused to get help until Alaina was saved. The stranger obliged and brought Alaina to the surface, but when he came back for her parents it was already too late.

Alaina woke up in the hospital and found herself without parents and with a grief stricken Matt.

And Garrett. Her savior.

The two fell for each other and Alaina's pain of her brother and parents death eased with him at her side. Alaina moved in with him in Washington. For three years they loved each other unconditionally but there was a problem. Alaina wouldn't sleep with him. Due to her past trauma with her brother, she refused to get into any action with him. Not that Garrett knew of it. After three years Garrett was tired of it. She'd come home one night to find another woman in her bed, along with a guilty Garrett. She packed her bags and with nowhere else to go, just recently returned home to Los Angeles to live with Matt.

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Rocio Carmina Amante

Cio, Rocy (mom and grandma calls her that)




relationship status:
Single. Broke up with her boyfriend before moving.

Works at a small restaurant her cousin owns, studies politics

Half portuguese, half greek


faceclaim: Zoe Barnard

in depth appearance: Rocio is a small and skinny girl. She is 160cm tall and weights 49kg. She has dark brown, long and curly hair. Many will say that she got her hair from her mom, but it could be from her father too. Her father had black, curly hair when he was young. Now he shaves his head.

Rocio has big and kind brown eyes. Much like her grandmas. Everyone that knows Rocios grandma, always tell her how much she looks like her. The first time Rocio saw a picture of her grandma in her twenties, she actually thought it was a picture of herself.

Rocio has a small and cute nose with many freckles on it. She has no scars, and no tattoos or piercings.


habits: Fiddling with rings, overworking, saying "like" a lot, speaking and singing loudly, always using lip balm

hobbies: Discuss, make food, read books about food and policy, sing

likes: Policy, long hugs, good food, organic juice, singing, hot weather, big hoodies, small animals, horror movies

dislikes: Hot tea, short showers, wearing makeup, smoking, religion, dishonesty, cruelty of any kind

Has a fear of always being watched, and small rooms and closed spaces

secrets: -Tells everyone that she broke up with her boyfriend because she had to move, but the real reason is that he proposed, and she wasn't in love.
-Her sexuality is a small secret

personality: Rocio is a young and political active girl. She is ambitious and stubborn, and knows excactly what she wants to do and how she's going to get there. What she wants, is to have an impact on the policy in the state or country.

A really big part of her life and a big hobby is food. Food has brought her closer to her family and ethnicity, and that means really much to her. Because of her culture, she knows how to make many interesting dishes, that she learned from her grandmas and grandpas. Heritage and identity is really important for her.

Rocio is not shy at all. She loves to meet new people and talk infront of people. It's not a big secret that she likes to be in the center of attention.


background: Rocio was born in Seattle in 1997, where she lived all her life. She was born after her perents had been married for 5 years. She was born into a big and loving family. Her family were never the one with the most money, but definitely the one with the most love. Rocio later got two younger siblings that made her life a little bit harder, but not less funnier.

Rocio always had a really good relationship with all of her four grandparents. She often spent the night over and had really much fun there. One of the worst parts of her childhod was when her grandma got cancer. She cried almost every night and didn't go to school for a month. Luckily, her grandma got better and better. While Rocio was at the hospital with her grandma, she started to read books. One day she found a kids book about policy. That book made her interesten in policy.

Her ex, Aiden, was a big part of Rocios life. They had been together for 2 years, and had been bestfriends for as long as she could remember. When Rocio told Aiden that she was moving to Los Angeles, he panicked, and proposed. He knew that it would be over if she moved, and he had to try something. Rocio knew that she wasn't really in lve wit him, and said no. They haven't talked since that.

Rocio got into an university in Los Angeles, and that's why she moved. She was really sad to leave her family, but couldn't wait for her new life to start.

extra: Speaks portuguese, greek and english


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