Living in the Database

Just wondering, what is the character limit?

Also, just a suggestion, you might want to make a tab for the guilds our characters are in.


GreenSea said:
Sigh edited my hp and mp finally
I think he wanted you to fix the grammar mistakes in your character's history too.
Thesmashbro said:
Just wondering, what is the character limit?
Also, just a suggestion, you might want to make a tab for the guilds our characters are in.


I think he wanted you to fix the grammar mistakes in your character's history too.
thx yo for the pointer ~

and I decided to redo it once more =<=~
[QUOTE="Ordo Malleus](Sick. War hounds are moving up in the world! =) )

[/QUOTE] Don't forget to use the OoC thread.
I was going to have my 2nd character be a monk, but the GM never answered my question about how many characters we could make. I was going to wait for him to reply, but he posted his character and in the main thread, so I just decided to post a character and see what he says about it.
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ERM...yes? Cause I don't think we got enough PCs to have other people in the guild. Unless you wanna do doubles or whatever.
I never meant for you to take that part seriously.

Anyway, I have an idea about how to get my first character, Klefa, and Shadow's character, Alistair, into our group. @The Rogue Bro's character will be a bit more difficult since he's only posted once. I'm sure that I'll be able to figure out how to include him into our group when he posts either in the RP or OoC.

To the main thread! *Adam West Batman Transition Jingle*
Honestly I wasn't. I'm just not good at sarcastically saying things in text. ..not that I meant to offend though.

And that sounds good.
Will notifications ever stop being horrible? Anyways, I've got it to where my character is in a position that will eventually bring him into the group, likely around the same time as Shadow's character.
Yeah, but I have a slight issue with your post. Your character calling Alistair seems a bit unlikely, seeing as he's the leader of the exploration division. If your character tried calling the Heilig-reise guild leader, but then calling Alistair when he gets no answer, it would make more sense.
There's three groups, so we could roll a d6 and assign two numbers to each group. If it rolls on 1 or 2, group A (Rosalie and Celly) find him. if it's 3 or 4, group B (Klefa and Alistair) find him. If it's 5 or 6, group C (NoHeals and Zode) will find him.

If Ordo wants me to do it that way, of course.
Do it how you all want. All my plan was supposed to do was give the people a reason to really get everyone to know each other. So Roll away if thats what you want! =)
All right then.

@Thesmashbro I second that, maybe if we switch this to Casual, it will attract more roleplayers. >.>


Rosalie and Celly found him :o

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