Living In A Big World!


One Time Luck
All Character sign-ups should look like this.






Appearance: (anime, real, ect. preferably a picture.)

Here is mine

Name: Kyra

Age: 10

Race: Neko

Background: Kyra was born a neko, soon after birth her mothers owner forced her to part ways with the young girl. Kyra was sold into slavery and she remembers nothing of her mother and father. A human slave took her in and treated her like a daughter but it was never what Kyra wanted it to be. At the age of 10 she witnessed the human mothers death, and was beat for interfering. A few days later she ran away from her enslavement and has been wondering ever since.

Personality: Kyra is a soft spoken frightened little neko. She is quite but very sweet when you get to know her.



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Name: Blood stone

Age: 19

Race: vampire demon crossbreed

Background: Blood was born in an ally way, and grew up on the streets. Blood made money anyway he could doing things he never thought he would. But it kept him alive and so he grew into the person he is today. A streetwise demon out for adventure. Sometime he stops and laughs at how he used to long for money, a house, food, and now all that is easy to get but he's not satisfied. Growing up struggling has left him restless and always in search of the next adventure.

Personality: Comes off smooth and daring, but hang around a bit and you find that comes with excitable, daredevil, and the occasional bout of sarcasim.

Appearance: (anime, real, ect. preferably a picture.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/1161825697_me9f467dab.jpeg.3cde4e385b6361451c3f4c79064e40ab.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11411" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/1161825697_me9f467dab.jpeg.3cde4e385b6361451c3f4c79064e40ab.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Raen

Age: 18

Race: Elven Mage

Background: She grew up in a far off land, taken in by a King and Magician. The man raised her as a daughter and taught her everything he knew and more, do to the boundless magic inside of her. She grew strong and loved her only known father. Though, he grew ill in the head and cruel. Power created paranoia and greed that festered in the man. He made Raen do horrible things to those who he suspected as evil. His requests grew until the man and his daughter were greatly feared. He then broke, going on a blind rampage and killing off many of his own people out of fear and corruption. His final request was for Raen to kill him, or else die by his hand. He was her father though, and instead she put him into a sealed trance and locked him in a tower surrounded by layers of stone, steel and magic. She leaves knowing it would not last forever and that he will awaken one day to kill her and those around her. Every day she feels her seal weaken and the walls crumble ever so slightly, and only hopes to find a cure for his madness before then.

Personality: Kind, gentle towards those who are shy, and teasing. She will put on a constant fake smile and make sure nobody ever knows her, or that she is running away. The will joke with anyone as a sign of affection but keep as much emotional distance as possible so nobody will care for her. Her happy go lucky attitude is a lie. She will goof off but flinch or turn stiff when touched.



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