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Fantasy Livianian Story: Lake Festival [Interest Check/Recruiting]


Cuddly enby auntcle
This is a roleplay that takes place in the world of Fantasy - Festival For The Lonesome Noble Or How I Was Tricked Into Attending A Hookup Event For Unmarried Nobles [Fantasy/Light Romance]

Plot: In the nation of the Confederation of Liviania, the annual month long Lake Festival is about to take place. It takes place on the shoreline of Lake Mahruz which lies part in the historical region of Vintland and part in the historical region of Adawaliya. The festival is not confined to a specific city, but is celebrated in all settlements along the shoreline of the large lake. Due to the length of the festival, it is entirely possible to visit almost every settlement on the lake during that time. Many people from around the continent are attracted to the lake for the festivities. From commoners to nobility, everyone is welcome to the festival. The Queen of Liviania even has a program to support poor families to go visit the lake festival for a few days, albeit only a camping spot large enough for a yurt, carriage expenses and food vouchers for three days are covered.

The festival features many events such as:
- a wyvern hunting competition
- wyvern and drake riding competitions
- beach parties
- archery competitions
- fighting matches
- culinary events
- cultural parties (such as one for foreigners to experience Adawaliyan culture including cultural dress)
- costume balls
- and much more


Vintland: A historical region of Liviania and home to about a dozen sub nations of the confederation. It's landscape is mostly hills and forested highlands with many rivers and valley. Wine production is abundant in Vintland. The dominant religion here is the church of the goddess, which was the state religion before the revolution. Exception is in the capital territory where the state religion is the worship of the witch goddess Ilvia, due to the queen being a witch. Ilvia is a deity from the Adawaliyan Earthy Communion belief system.

Known sub-nations and territories in Vintland:
- Livianian capital territory
- Duchy of Valatrosca
- Duchy of Fynndadys
- Barony of Olcarus
- Astrocha Palatinate
- Sivoras territory
- People's Council Republic of Autonomous Darontinland

Adawaliya: A historical region of Liviania and home to a number of tribal lands and nations. It's is a vast desert with a few oases and some mountains. It's inhabitants have a brown tint to their skin color and often black hair (they look Arabic). The dominant religion here is the polytheistic Earthy Communion religion.

Some of the known nations in Adawaliya:
- An-Ahruz tribal territory
- Mahruz city state
- Darinah tribal nation
- Na'asfirna tribal territory
- Orghan Khanate
- Dargan Khanate


Magic exists in this world. Explanation: Magic types that exist are elemental (fire, water, air, earth) [ice is water, metal is earth], light/healing, dark/necromancy, abyssal, conjuration, summoning, enchanting, enhancement/combat, illusion.

Playable species:
As higher nobility/royalty: Humans, Elves, Dwarves (Davaland royalty) and any mix of them.
As lesser nobility: Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Wolf-demihumans, Fox-demihumans
As commoners/servants: Any of the aforementioned, plus Goblins, Hobgoblins, Cat-demihumans, Lizard-demihumans

Non-playable characters: Characters that exist in the main line roleplay, such as the Queen of Liviania. These are reserved for the people who play them in the main line roleplay.

1. No game breaking characters. That means you can't play a species that is not mentioned. No mary sues.
2. No "foreign nations from outside of the continent"
3. If you are going to be gone for more than three days at a time, please notify everyone else so that we arent constantly waiting on you. If you go missing and dont respond to messages, you will be skipped. If it happens again, you will be excluded from the roleplay.
4. No nsfw content. No teen moms. No incest or any such taboo subjects.
5. Otherwise have fun

A roleplay thread will be made soon.

For questions, ask them here.
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Hello! This roleplay sounds interesting and I am considering joining. However, I do have a few questions.
- Are minors allowed to join?
- Is there an expected post length / word count I should be aware of?
- Are there rules for face claims? (Realistic, other, etc.)
Hello! This roleplay sounds interesting and I am considering joining. However, I do have a few questions.
- Are minors allowed to join?
- Is there an expected post length / word count I should be aware of?
- Are there rules for face claims? (Realistic, other, etc.)
I'd say minimum character age is 16.

Post length should be at least a paragraph. I don't expect people to write a novel, but at least something others can work with.

Yes, preferably no realistic/photo face claims. Take something illustrated or make a thorough description.
I'd say minimum character age is 16.

Post length should be at least a paragraph. I don't expect people to write a novel, but at least something others can work with.

Yes, preferably no realistic/photo face claims. Take something illustrated or make a thorough description.
Thank you for answering my questions!

However, a quick clarification - my question about age was not about character age, but about roleplayer age. As in, are roleplayers who are minors permitted to join the roleplay?

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