Little Town Of Everlott *Storyline/Rules* NO MORE PEOPLE


Junior Member

There's a small country on the west boarder of North America. No one really knows much about it because it's such a small country or Island as scientists have classified it. And on that small island is a village called Everlott. It was discovered in the 12th Century. (Year 1100). This town is bordered off from the rest of the island though;two mountains stand exactly in the centre of the island, splitting it half and half. The only reason those two mountains are there is because when Everlott was discovered, it wasn't by humans...

Huamn's live on one side of the mountain, different species and creatures on the other. Occasionally you'll find the odd human walking around.

But usually they'll die in the next five minutes.

Creatures from far and wide come to Everlott. Some to live there peacefully, other's to try and conquer the small city. Even though there is not much to conquer.

In 1604, A vampire that went by the name Dark, (Not his real name, research is still trying to find his true identaty) invaded Everlott with an army of soldiers, mainly all being vampires, but the few different creature here and there. Everlott was sent into a pit of darkness and war for a time period of two years. A lot of curses were put on the small town, but it still stood strong and determind to fight back.

Dark's attempt to failed after the war between species ended in 1606. Everlott's people won, and only a few vampires survived, most being held in captivity, others blend in with the common folk, and one or two fleeing the country. Everlott managed to re-build itself with the help of many creatures.

The year is now 1700 and Everlott is your home...


~Must make a boy and a girl. You can have as many characters as you like, just make at least one boy PER girl.

~Play them equally! I can't stress enough.

~This is a long term roleplay. Which means PAST a week. So you must commit to this.

~This is my first roleplay on here. I've done many on different websites, but I'm still kind of new to this. Please go easy on me! *Hides behind rock*

~Remember what year period this is in! So no cars or high tech stuff please!

~Crushes are OPTIONAL, but you MUST agree with me first.

~Don't be rude to other people or to me please. Unless it's actually in the roleplay.

~There's a cerian limit on different creatures, depending on how common they are or not. After you've read all the rules, go to the creature topic.

~You'll get three warnings if you don't follow these rules, then you're banned, sorry.

~This is a group roleplay.

~Have fun. c:

~No Mary Sues or Godmodding please.

~Include everyone. I don't want people feeling left out.


Vampires - These guys don't sparkle like they do in Twilight. Actually, they can go out in the sun, as long as no other skin other than their face is showing. They can go out in the day in other weathers such as snow, rain and cloudy weathers. Vampires need blood to survive and they can force people into their command by making them look into their eyes. But only for a certian amount of time. (1/4)

Werewolves - They can shift on demand, but have no control over themselves at a full moon. They're very loyal over protective, especially if they're the Alpha of a pack or they have a mate. They're very playful and usually have very bright eyes, or they're suprisingly cute. They can change into any other dog form as well. (2/4)

Witches / Wizards - They're the sydekicks of the town. They can do basic magic and pradict the future, though it isn't always right. They usually like to stay indoors and only come out when it's dark. They know a lot about the other creatures and are very inquisitve people. (0/2)

Warlocks - Basically the same as Wiches and Wizards, but they can use dark magic too. These people usually help out Vampires or Demons with things such as battle, battle plans and getting something they want. Such as a mate or a object. There powers are much stronger than Witches and Wizards. (0/2)

Angels / Fallen Angels - They've been sent down to do something. It depends on what it is though. Fallen angels are usually very quiet and like to keep to themselves and Angels are more chatty. They both have wings which are very painful to hide, but they have to put up with it anyway. (fallen 1/2) (Normal 0/2)

Demons - These guys are sneaky, so watch out. They have horns and tails which they hide pretty well so they blend in with everyone else. They're very michevious and love to cause havock amoung the city. Like vampires they too cannot go out in the sun. They can raise the un-dead and can control people by their blood, but that takes a lot of energy out of them. (0/1)

Shapeshifter - They can change into any shape or form of a ANIMAL. Nothing else. They are very close to werewolves in blood. They can't control themselves on a full moon either. They'll change into the last thing that they morphed into for the whole night. (1/1)

Fairy / Elf - These little guys are like the gatekeepers of the forest. They'll protect the mountian with all their might. They're pretty strong for there size, too. They can talk to animals and use very faint magic. But don't temper them. You do not want to see them as a Demon Pixie.... (Elf 0/1)(Fairy 0/1)

Dragon Riders - These are basically humans who have been caught up in this mad world. They've climbed the mountian and there's always a dragon who seems to like a human. If you're walking up the mountian and you see a huge sea monster thing in the middle of your path... That's your new pet to help protect the mountian... Good luck. (0/1)

Siren - No, this one doesn't live in the water and haunt sailors, this one is alive and walking around the town. Everyone's scared of them, too, which makes it hard for them to make friends and socialize. So they're usually pretty quiet. They can travel through time, but can't change it, and they can also heal people using water. (0/2)

Mermaid / Merman. - They're part fish part human. They can switch between their two forms in a instant, but if you get a single drop of liquid on them, they automatically turn. They're pretty rare, and you can usually find them by the shore or near the wood. (0/2)

Silver Tongues - Basically, whatever they write / Draw / Say (Depends on species clan) then it will come alive. It's pretty cool actually... Until they get angry and make something stupid come to life.. (1/3) (One for each clan)

Comment which slots you want, then move onto the fourms:
I'd like to make a male silver tongue and a female Vampire :3 I am at work right now so I will make the skellies tonight when I'm off [MENTION=4451]TheGreatWarOfMyMind[/MENTION]
Id like to reserve a fallen angel and a vampire slot.

What are the traits of a fallen angel? Why can they not hide their wings? i would think a devine creature would be able to. im just curious as too your reasoning is all :3.

Do vamps always have fangs? or any other traits as well?
Kaine said:
Id like to reserve a fallen angel and a vampire slot.
What are the traits of a fallen angel? Why can they not hide their wings? i would think a devine creature would be able to. im just curious as too your reasoning is all :3.

Do vamps always have fangs? or any other traits as well?
It's up to you to be honest. Those are the guidelines and you can add/take away any info you want. c:

Autumn said:
​Siren and a vampire, please (: I'll make my charrie sheets after my classes.
Alright. c:
Cool ill work on the sheets tonight when i get off work. i enjoy the sooky stackhouse vampires loool. oh this is gonna be fun.

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