Opinion Little things that PISS YOU OFF.

People that continuously argue with each other to prove who is right.
Tbh, I usually end up being one of them and I end up pissing myself off in the process. XD
When the last save in my Skyrim game is an auto-save and I'm walking to some destination after having put down several areas on my map... Only to have my game and computer freeze, meaning that progress is lost.

And yes I could save after I mark a destination down, but I'm having too much fun to remember to do that!
When you didn't hear/process what someone said and you ask them to repeat it, but then they get mad and say "oh, nevermind" or "well I guess you weren't really listening". It's so nerve-wracking.

I also HATE those slimy face soaps with the little beads in them. Ew

And people who paint their nails in public, use nail polish remover in public, or otherwise subject me to acrid smelling chemicals.
  • Getting my custom Starbucks coffee and the vanilla syrup isn't strong enough, so I can taste the espresso (which I hate the taste of).
this made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
  • Getting my custom Starbucks coffee and the vanilla syrup isn't strong enough, so I can taste the espresso (which I hate the taste of).
this made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
OMG, I totally understand how you feel about that. I forgot to add this to my own list. It's even more annoying when the drink is too hot to test at the Starbucks and you're in a rush, so you end up having to leave without knowing if they made it right. >.<
When you didn't hear/process what someone said and you ask them to repeat it, but then they get mad and say "oh, nevermind" or "well I guess you weren't really listening". It's so nerve-wracking.
This always pisses me off, too. You can't expect everyone to be listening 100% of the time. >.>
How about when I don't recognize people's faces (which I have hella trouble doing!) and then people get mad at me for not remembering their name. Especially when they're wearing sunglasses! I could know you for 3 years and if you're wearing sunglasses you're a stranger idk. Especially if I haven't seen you in a while.

OOH. Or when I post a selfie online and some random stranger comments something bigoted about me being trans. Like can bigots please be vampires and only show up when INVITED? I am just trying to show people that I can occasionally NOT look like a potato. K? K.
How about when I don't recognize people's faces (which I have hella trouble doing!) and then people get mad at me for not remembering their name. Especially when they're wearing sunglasses! I could know you for 3 years and if you're wearing sunglasses you're a stranger idk. Especially if I haven't seen you in a while.

OOH. Or when I post a selfie online and some random stranger comments something bigoted about me being trans. Like can bigots please be vampires and only show up when INVITED? I am just trying to show people that I can occasionally NOT look like a potato. K? K.

I relate to both of these way too much, honestly.
Some people are just assholes, y'know?
How about when I don't recognize people's faces (which I have hella trouble doing!) and then people get mad at me for not remembering their name. Especially when they're wearing sunglasses! I could know you for 3 years and if you're wearing sunglasses you're a stranger idk. Especially if I haven't seen you in a while.
I live this struggle at my uni all the time. Especially because being in the ROTC program means I'm supposed to greet people of higher rank than me. On top of that, though, I'm supposed to greet the cadre of extra cadet training I'm going through this year and I don't interact with all of them, so I don't really know all of them too well. I've already had two instances where I plain out didn't recognize one of them and then one was wearing sunglasses another time, so I struggled to recognize them. -.-
  • People who walk slowly
  • When you ask someone to repeat what they said if you didn't hear them and they say 'nothing' or 'never mind'
  • People who put dirty cutlery back in the draws
  • People who litter in public
  • People who fish for compliments
  • People who throw away opportunities less fortunate people would die for
  • When people walk into roads without looking both ways
  • People who say nasty things behind people's backs
  • People
when you read a message n they continue to spam u like 92347238 times ok pls chill
streaks too whats the fuckin point man
Cabinets and drawers in the kitchen that don't close all the way. All throughout my life, there's been one thing I've been OCD about, and that's closing drawers and cabinets. Leaving them open, and the people who leave them open, irk me to no end.
It's a rather niche peeve, but doing marching band rehearsals in the winter infuriates me (that's small in my book <_<). Just the fact that I need to pause every few minutes to retune my horn by the smallest of increments just to account for the metal shrinking and expanding on a molecular level with the surrounding temperature annoys the absolute hell out of me, but it's such a minute detail that most people can't tell when the weather's affecting the tuning.
I hate it when people call me one of the weird R&M fans, like the ones who riot for sauce
I hate how people like Transformers TLK..
I hate when people give directions like "that way" or "enough" or "like normal". You gotta be specific.

I also hate when people ask about my ethnic background. Especially when they ask "what are you?" Like, I'm a person, Karen. What are you?

Does anyone else have a dislike for ketchup packets? I feel like they're not worth it. They take 10 minutes to open for a tiny amount of ketchup, and by then your fries are cold.

And this one's a bit rude, but I find "suburban New England" accents rather annoying. You know, the name Camilla becomes "Camiller" but the word manager becomes "managah", and people have "idears" about "drawrings".

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