Opinion Little things that PISS YOU OFF.

Double standards. Just. This.
Like you do something that is considered taboo to some
then everyone who hates on you doesn't hate on the others who do the same thing in the same group/RP
When people just can't chill out. They resort to using bad language to get their point across, seriously calm down.
As of late certain people in general.

Liars. I mean why embellish the truth? If you don't own something don't pretend or use photos from google as if you do.

Glitches in games.
The type of people you hate but also want to be friends with

When everyone fucking leaps on someone's ass because they have a differing opinion

Politicians (jkjk)
People who are dishonest, manipulative and disrespectful to you despite you trying to love and help them with their problems. And then blame you for doing so. And then break your heart when you just try to cope with it and when they immediately move onto the next guy.

(Don't ask, don't worry.)
Zenyatta saying "a warriors greatest weapon..." and then taking a big ass pause before saying "is patience."
When you're in the hallway at school and people have the nerve to constantly cut you off just so they can get where they need to go faster. Also the bumping infuriates me
When spell check wants to change my already correct word to something completely different, like no bruh don't do that.
relativism is perhaps my biggest enemy, but it also really pisses me off when people fail to grasp the concept of "demon"
I am very annoyed by not knowing how something ends. One moment I'll be talking to someone, then they get distracted and have a run-off sentence. When I ask them to continue, the person forgets what they were talking about.
Lines. Traffic. Needing to go pee but there's no public restrooms for miles in downtown San Jose. (Other than the uni)
Insects that think the air space around your ears is good space to think about their lives.
E V E R Y T H I N G.
Because I'm a miserable, moody person who hates everything, and everyone.
Oh, and loud chewing.
When people sing a song the "funny way." I mean, I know some people do it cuz they don't think they sing okay. But, I just... I can't stand it.
  • Dirty dishes in the sink. Why couldn't you, at least, rinse them off before I have to touch them in order to clean them now?
  • Hair on the ground and all over the bathroom area. It's someone's dead hair and I have to walk on it now. Gross.
  • Someone younger than me (typically my sisters) giving me attitude when I literally am giving them a friendly suggestion, not a demand. -.-
  • People assuming all the things about me because of what they see, not what they know. Very few people actually really know me all that well.
  • Impatience. I have it sometimes, I'll admit that lol. But I hate it when someone is rushing me when I'm enjoying something because they want to move on already.
  • Lack of empathy. Too many people around me (typically cadets in my uni's ROTC program) can't comprehend that I have little to no pain tolerance, so they don't understand why I'm almost always injured. Thus, the assumptions and judgement.
  • Someone handling a CD and touching the underside with their fingers. It's horrific to witness, tbh.
  • Someone talking terribly about themselves and practically begging for attention or w/e. I get that not everyone is doing it for that reason, but I know some people well enough to know they're digging for attention more than anything else.
  • Getting my custom Starbucks coffee and the vanilla syrup isn't strong enough, so I can taste the espresso (which I hate the taste of).
  • Loud chewing. Idk what it is, but that drives me insane and disgusts me. Despite the fact that I often forget to close my mouth while chewing. XD I'm a hypocrite sometimes.
  • Overtly religious people trying to shove their religious viewpoints down my throat. Or anyone trying to do that with their opinion, really. No, thank you.
  • Someone accusing me of doing or saying something I never did or said simply based off an assumption they're making about me.

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