Lord Legendary
Hey, how you doin'? Oh, me? I'm fine, looking for a little yaoi. Nothing too demanding, unless you're into text walls. Like a medium, a medium RP? Okay.
So, here's some ideas, hmm. A TL
R for those who aren't comfortable.
So, here's some ideas, hmm. A TL
1. A and B are really good friends, but A's parents make him uncomfortable whenever he comes over, presumably because he leans a little towards liking guys. To screw with them, A and B fake date.
2. A, the newest cop on the squad, is determined to end inner city violence once and for all. B, a young gang member, accidentally just kidnapped A when he stole A’s cop car.
3. Person A consistently dates, mates, and dumps, and Person B, his best friend, is tired of having all these hurt girls constantly loitering around him, whining about how A won’t take them back. So, B decides to make A fall for him and give him a bit of his own medicine. But can he keep himself from falling for the notorious heartbreaker? And what if there's something he doesn't know?
1. Gay Friend x Straight Friend, for the purpose of ticking off ma and pa.
2. Kidnapped Cop x Young Gang Member
3. Heartbreaker x Best Friend
These are the last for a while.
2. A, the newest cop on the squad, is determined to end inner city violence once and for all. B, a young gang member, accidentally just kidnapped A when he stole A’s cop car.
3. Person A consistently dates, mates, and dumps, and Person B, his best friend, is tired of having all these hurt girls constantly loitering around him, whining about how A won’t take them back. So, B decides to make A fall for him and give him a bit of his own medicine. But can he keep himself from falling for the notorious heartbreaker? And what if there's something he doesn't know?
1. Gay Friend x Straight Friend, for the purpose of ticking off ma and pa.
2. Kidnapped Cop x Young Gang Member
3. Heartbreaker x Best Friend
These are the last for a while.