Do the monster mash...
The Kingdom to the EastAlso known as the Prosperous Kingdom. Lishirenth has been blessed by a powerful wizard so that all of the citizens are given infinite wealth and happiness. Everyone is of equal status, but the path to become a citizen is very difficult. In order to be given wealth and happiness, your heart must be without malice and corruption. The wizard placed this as a safe guard so that not just anyone can become a citizen. Many travelers pass through the kingdom because of it's high quest success rate and prize level.
Stats:Good: 68%
Bad: 32%
Quest Success Rate: 85%
Prize Level: 9/10
Tax: 48%
The Kingdom
The Quest Master
A happy and rich place! Join us for eternal riches! The Royal Family of Lishirenth |
The Kingdom to the EastAlso known as the Prosperous Kingdom. Lishirenth has been blessed by a powerful wizard so that all of the citizens are given infinite wealth and happiness. Everyone is of equal status, but the path to become a citizen is very difficult. In order to be given wealth and happiness, your heart must be without malice and corruption. The wizard placed this as a safe guard so that not just anyone can become a citizen. Many travelers pass through the kingdom because of it's high quest success rate and prize level.
Stats:Good: 68%
Bad: 32%
Quest Success Rate: 85%
Prize Level: 9/10
Tax: 48%
The Kingdom
The Quest Master