Lion Pities The Lamb


New Member
Lion Pities The Lamb

Cost: 5m, 1w, Mins: Manipulation 4, Essence 3, Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Falling Leaf Distraction

An innocent lamb is no threat to a predator, but a wolf can hide itself in sheep's clothing. This Charm may supplement any action. If the Lunar fails to accomplish the action, deliberately or otherwise, she may immediately roll her Manipulation + (Socialize or Performance) + Essence. Any onlooker whose MDV is lower than her result must spend three Willpower or develop an Intimacy of "Affectionate Pity" towards the character, which includes a refusal to believe that the character is capable of the action which she attempted. Acting against this belief or treating the character as generally capable requires the expenditure of one Willpower per scene.
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