Limo 2

After Carter had gotten into the limo, she was surprised to figure out that she was the first one there.

Considering how long it had taken her to get her luggage, she thought that there would have been

a few more people in before her. Carter let out a sigh and while she waited

for the others to get her, she messed with her curly blonde hair and scrolled

through Instagram.
As Mikey gets inside the limo, He saw a girl there just sighing and looking out of the window.

He sat down and just sit there... Very silent.

As Anna entered the Limo, a girl going to another limo struck her as familiar. She went to look again but the girl was already gone, she frowned but knew she will have a chance to see her again later. She entered the limo and saw the others there, she smiled and nodded at them as she made herself cocomfortable. "Finally the day of the show right?"
As Anna entered the Limo, a girl going to another limo struck her as familiar. She went to look again but the girl was already gone, she frowned but knew she will have a chance to see her again later. She entered the limo and saw the others there, she smiled and nodded at them as she made herself cocomfortable. "Finally the day of the show right?"

He looked at Anna, saying, "Hey, do ya' wanna talk?"
"I suppose it is traditional to do so."She said with a light chuckle trying to act like any other gall looking for love. She extended her hand to Mikey."Sophie."
Park took the seat nearest the door and looked around the limo, scanning those that had entered before her. She put on her best smile and gave a cheerful 'hey'. If she were to survive on this show, she would need allies, and the limo ride would give her the time she needed to make some. "Didn't expect that many cameras here," Park laughed, adjusting her denim jacket and her floral patterned blouse. Her lips had a light pink sheen over them and her hair was styled in a simple pony tail made to expose her neck and the perfection of her skin. "My name's Park."
Carter put away her phone and noticed that a few people had just came in here. She smiled a little bit, her light blue eyes showing excitement.

"Hi. Im Carter."she spoke to all of them at once. She pushed her curly blonde hair out of her face and straightened out her white tank top and

leather jacket.

@TrippyVirus @Mirage @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
"Like I said Sophie." She said smiling at both of the people who introduced. At first glance both look apart from the types she had expected but than again looks can be deceiving." Travelled far to get here?"

Carter shook her head. "Not really. Did you?"she asked with a 

small smile on her face. Carter knew that we would be waiting for one more and then

maybe they would start heading out of the airport parking.


"Los Angeles actually thought originally am from Phoenix." She revealed sitting back and madeherself comfortable. She took out hwrong phone and send a couple of text both to her parents and boss telling them she arrived. She shook her head and chucked." At my twenties and my parents still want to text them that I had a safe journey."
The limousine pulls into the parking lot of a huge stadium. You are escorted through the back entrance, led through damp and dark corridors and into an unsafe looking elevator. The elevator chains are rusty, and horrible screeching noise follows you up to the stage. Soon enough, however, the noise is replaced by the cheering of the audience and an announcers voice booms over the fans: "Looks like Limo 2 just pulled in!"

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