Limo 1

Eugene wasn't the first one to slip into the limo, but she was certainly the first one to make herself comfortable. She plopped her little butt down into a seat that was on the other end of the door, intentionally giving herself a vantage point from which to watch the other girls enter. Riding in a limo with other people allowed one of two possibilities: she could either get to know them and make some friends, seeing as this competition wasn't exactly a one night deal, or she could start with her claws out, setting down the social hierarchy, making it known that while she could be sweet she also wasn't the person anyone wanted to mess with. In the end, it would really just depend on them. Gene wasn't afraid of butting heads, but she didn't exactly seek out conflict either. 

Anyways, first things first. Gene dipped a hand into her purse and brought out a flashy compact mirror to check her makeup. She always kept things natural, her long brown hair was down and wavy with a clip holding up the upper half, and her lips were lightly glossed with a soft pink color. Checking to make sure nothing was in her teeth, she tucked the mirror away and whipped out a brush to straighten up a few places of irritation in her hair. Lastly, she looked down at her chest, inspecting her attire. She wore a pure white blouse with a soft pink scarf around her neck and grey dress pants. Her jacket, which rested in the crook of her arm, was dark denim, and her 2 1/2 inch heels were the same soft pink as her scarf (which also happened to be the same color as her lips). She smelled like Bath & Body Work's Cherry Blossom, her fingernails had a French manicure, and cute pink pearls hung delicately from her earlobes. Gene was extremely put together. 

Restoring all of her grooming tools within her purse, she looked to the other girls, speaking to no one in particular, and asked,

"Will we be meeting the prince upon stepping out of the limo or are we going to have time to change into something more...impressionable?" The word made her smirk and bounce her eyebrows at the other ladies (and men, if there were any in her limo).

When Purity entered and seen that she was the first person in here, she smiled.

Great! I got the most comfortable seat in the corner. She imagined that being squished

in the middle was horrible, so thank god that she got the corner. seat. As she waited for the others

to get in she took out her earphones and played some music.
Summers rested her head against the cool leather of the seats, looking over at the two others that were situated near her. She had chosen the seat nearest the door, a bit irritated that another woman had taken the seat she had wanted the most. It would have given her a nice view as well as let her analyze the limo. She would have to settle for second best. The woman with an extremely fashionable attire struck her as familiar. Mavis had seen her files. Her name was Eugene, she believed. Eugene's outfit contrasted greatly with Mavis' natural make up, black and white peter pan blouse, and her pale denim jeans. Eugene's question caught her interest, and judging by her well kept appearance, Mavis decided that she would be a good friend to have on the show. After all, she needed some one to get information from. 

"I'm not too sure," she said in reply. "I'd expect a tour of the mansion before a meeting with the Prince, though."
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After Raven entered her limo, she listened to the conversation between the others. She sighed when she realized what Mavis and Eugene were talking about. Raven had made it her mission to know the names of all the other contestants so she wouldn't have to waste time with formalities. Just because the show was about a Prince, didn't mean Raven was going to act like a proper little princess. That wasn't who she was. She was a racer, through and through. If the Prince didn't like that, that was his loss. 


"Does it really matter what we do first? He's a Prince, for Christ's sake. He's not God," she said.



Purity didn't even hear most of the girls that entered since she had her music at an ear splitting

volume. She turned of the music and put her stuff away. "Hey. Im Purity."she spoke aloud

while she ran her had in her red hair. She rubbed at her tattooed shoulder, now regretting not wearing

a jacket. She wore a tank top because she assumed that it would be a warmer, but it was a little cold in here.


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It seemed that Bentley-Rai had hopped into the limousine late, she didn't care what seat she sat in as long as they got to the destination, she surveyed the other girls in the vehicle and raised one of her eyebrows, admiring the view; the show was for the prince but that didn't mean she couldn't indulge in the other contestants a little bit. She sat down and crossed one leg over the other, she was wearing a short red laced dress that showcased her toned legs with black 3-inch heels accompanied by a clutch bag of the same color, she also applied the perfect face of makeup which was something she took pride in. "I'm happy to be relaxing at a mansion for a while, the prince is just a bonus..." she said to nobody in particular while browsing through her phone.

Raven watched as the door opened once more. The girl that got in was pretty, and dressed elegantly while also showcasing that she may have had a hidden wild side. Raven smirked. Finally. Someone who wasn't some girly girl chasing after a Prince they probably wouldn't get. Like come on, let's be serious. Did these girls really think any of them had any real chance? There was one winner in this game, and only the best had any shot. The prize was a Prince, after all. Not that Raven gave a damn. She was planning on telling the Prince she wasn't interested the first chance she got. The only reason Raven was there was because Paul was dead and she needed to get her mind off of his loss. She needed a break from her reality. That was all. These girls could have him, as far as she was concerned. When the girl spoke, Raven grinned at her words. 


"Finally. Someone who understands. I was starting to think I was the only sane one," she said. "Nice to meet you. I'm Raven Reyes."


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Bentley swept her hair over her shoulder with her hand before turning slightly to face the girl who spoke to her, she looked her up and down slowly, not caring to hide her actions. Bentley giggled at her comment, "I'm not going to a mansion to drool over a guy the whole time, we get to stay at a mansion for free so I plan to have some fun", she smirked at the girl before adding, "I'm Bentley-Rai, but you can call me Bentley. When you get to know me I'm not entirely sane", she said jokingly. Bentley honestly didn't care if the prince liked her or not, free stuff is what motivated her to come on the show and maybe a bit of motivation came from how a mansion offered her a myriad of options for her mischievous mind.

@Victoria Bradley
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Raven squirmed in her seat when the girl blatantly eyed her up and down with a appreciative look in her eyes. It stunned her. She was used to guys looking at her that way, but not girls. It wasn't that she didn't know that there were people who were into both sexes; hell, she was friends with a bunch of them. She'd just never had a female one be into her. Or at least, if they had been, she hadn't known about it. Raven shook herself out of her stunned stupor and smiled at the girl. She laughed a bit nervously when she heard the insinuated innuendo in the word fun.


"It's nice to meet you, Bentley. I'm not entirely sane either, but at least I don't go nuts over a guy who has a one in a million chance of taking any interest in me whatsoever. To be honest, I'm not here for the guy, or the money, or the mansion, or the fame, or anything any of these people are in this for. I'm here to escape reality. I, uh, recently lost someone who was like a brother to me," she said.


Bentley laughed lightly seeing how uncomfortable she made Raven but then her face settled into a soft smile at the mention of her losing someone, Bentley was a bit 'out there' but she knew when to put on the brakes. "Oh, I'm so sorry, my condolences. I've been through something similar so I somewhat know how you're feeling. I lost my mother when I was a teenager and it was just heart wrenching at first but it gets better, believe me, just remember you don't have to deal with it alone", Bentley attempted to speak in a comforting tone but it really wasn't her thing, she gave the girl a reassuring smile anyway. "Maybe we can be friends once we finally arrive at the mansion...please don't leave me alone with the lost puppies who are going to be at the prince's beckon call", she said with a chuckle.

@Victoria Bradley

Raven smiled at Bentley. She was grateful for the girls attempt at comforting her. Not many people in today's world would do that. Raven knew that better than anyone. She'd spent most of her life fighting, killing or hurting other people just to stay alive. She'd done a lot of things she wasn't proud of. But she didn't regret any of them. She had done what she had to do. This world hadn't given her any other choice. And those she did kill, those she did hurt, all deserved it one way or the other. 


"Thanks, Bentley. And trust me, I don't want to be alone with these drooling princesses any more than you do. You can consider me a friend," Raven said.


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Bentley beamed back at Raven, she was proud of herself for not pissing anybody off yet, "Ah, don't mention it", she said while waving a hand out in front of her and then navigating through her phone - she shows Raven the screen with her number on. "Well now that we're friends, you can text me when you need an out of a situation and I'll call you back pretending to be be crying. It's what me and my sister do when we need a way out from people we just can't deal with", she lets out a soft laugh. "What's the first thing you plan on doing once we arrive?", Bentley says while tilting her head slightly.

@Victoria Bradley

Raven pursed her lips in thought. She hadn't really considered what she was going to do when they arrived. Would she unpack first and sleep off her jet lag? Would she check out all the rooms in the mansion she was staying? Would she head straight for the kitchen? But Raven realized she didn't really have to think about it. Her manager had told her her cars had arrived yesterday, that they'd be waiting for her when she got there. She knew that's what she would do first. Drive. 


"It's nice to have a friend. And though there are a lot of awesome things to check out at these mansions we're going to, there's only one thing I ever really want to do," Raven explained. A smile spread across her face and she raised her head to look at Bentley. 




The limousine pulls into the parking lot of a huge stadium. You are escorted through the back entrance, led through damp and dark corridors and into an unsafe looking elevator. The elevator chains are rusty, and horrible screeching noise follows you up to the stage. Soon enough, however, the noise is replaced by the cheering of the audience and an announcers voice booms over the fans: "Our first contestants are here!"

(Please go to Live Screening Thread)

Lee - @Bowa

Reyes - @Victoria Bradley

Jackson - @TheCandyEmo

Ri - @Eloell

Summers - @Mirage
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