
Theres a world in which you get tossed into from your dreams. In reality, you are asleep: in a coma of no explanation, but inside that coma: you are in Limbo. The world of dreams come to life. Theres so many fantastic things to be seen and heard, giant colorful birds and butterflies, bright blue skies and a wonderful warm sun shining down on the soft beaches of sand. A day in Limbo passes like a week in reality, it seems like the happiness will never end so why leave Limbo? The answer lies in the shadows, the happiness only lasts three days then the dreams turn to nightmares, the color is lost to black and white dispair. The creatures of your greatest fears come to life and chase you to the ends of you imagination. Yet, salvation is there.

Others before you have gotten stuck in Limbo after they couldn't get out in time and lost their bodies in the real world. Your body can only last around a year 6 months without your mind being there with it, is that enough time for you to escape? Can you find the ones who hide from the darkness and escape with your life in only 24 Limbo days? 3 days to find them, 21 days to live out the darkness...



-Please no god modding

-Limit of 3 characters per person please (If you really think its necessary to have 3)

...Thats all I have for now.


Character sheet: (*= Required)

Name: (First*, Last)

Age: (*)

Gender: (*)

Appearance: (* Either a picture (anime or realistic) or description, whichever you prefer)

Hobbies: (optional)

Dream Items: (* Things that your character would dream about during the first three days)

Nightmare Items: (* Things that your character would have appear to them during the 21 days. These are the things your person fears most.)

Question: New to Limbo or from Limbo and has survived their nightmares?

Personality: (optional, though a little would be nice)

Other: (anything else you want to tell us?)


Note** You control the nightmares that appear to your person.

Nightmare Guideline: don't make them rarely appear or always be there chasing your character.


Name: Megan Dawson


Gender: Female



Before she was lost/stuck in Limbo, she was a swimmer. She liked to collect soda caps and had a thing for keeping the fortunes of her fortune cookies

Dream Items: In the beginning she dreamt of bottle caps, and fortunes that would bring her a list of everything on her agenda for the day. There was rain on sunny days, she loved the rain. She dreamt of riding rain drops with her parents, of flying on flowers in the wind, and talking to animals as if they could understand her.

Nightmare Items: Murderous Clowns, water, knifes, nurses, doctors, masked men, haunting music ((like pianos that play eerie tunes on their own))

Question: Can she be stuck in Limbo? Like she couldn't escape in time..? She can be new to Limbo if she can't be stuck in Limbo

Personality: Megan is very shy to everyone she meets. Swimming was one of the only activities in which she was bold and daring; swimming was her passion. In Limbo she dreamt of the impossible, and shied away from her nightmares as though she was frozen to the spot. She didn't run like she should have to escape, she wasn't strong enough run.

Other: I'm thinking that my character can sort of meet yours in Limbo, and she can be a friend during the first three days and then a motivator during the 21 days of your character trying to escape...?

Let me know if some of this doesn't go with what you envisioned! I can change it! It's a really good idea and I'd love to do it! :D
Name: Warren Collen

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Hobbies: Before being lost in Limbo he loved listening/making music and drawing,painting,etc.

Dream Items: Music playing all the time,an art studio

Nightmare Items: Some of the creepy creatures he has drawn,silence,older men

Question: New to Limbo

Personality: He's really nice and has no problem with others,except men.

Other: He's twins with Warden who is pretty much exactly like him


Name: Warden Collen

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Hobbies: Before being lost in Limbo he loved listening/making music and drawing,painting,etc.

Dream Items: Music playing all the time,an art studio

Nightmare Items: Some of the creepy creatures he has drawn,silence,older men

Question: New to Limbo

Personality: He's really nice and has no problem with others,except men.

Other: He's twins with Warren and exactly like him.(As you can see)


Name: Seth Hun

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Hobbies: Before being lost in Limbo he would always read and write

Dream Items: The good stories he has read

Nightmare Items: the bad stories he has read

Question: from Limbo and has survived their nightmares

Personality: He's nice,just a bit shy.

Other:Deaf but wasn't always so he can still speak and read peoples lips
Name: Avril Haddock

Age: 16

Gender: Female



Hobbies: Before being lost in Limbo she usually stayed at home playing videogames

Dream Items: She used to dream that she was in her favorite environments of the games she played and meeting her favorite heroes and heronies.

Nightmare Items: all her favorite environments turned into the most dark and horrific environments she has ever seen in her horror games and her favorite heroes and heroines began to die one by one leaving her all alone, until she finds other someone else.

Question: new to limbo

Personality: She's a bit tomboyish and though that rarely she hangs out with people she is pretty outgoing.

Other: She really dislikes being all alone, since though that she rarely hanged out with people and stayed at her home, she used to be with her mother at the house
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Name: Dawn Mourey

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Hobbies: Dawn really wants to be an author and DJ's part time to make money for college.

Dream Items: Dawn would always have headphones on in her dreams that she couldn't take off, and in the background there were always music notes fluttering around her.

Nightmare: The dreams were peaceful until the music started over and over and over again. She thought it was because of the headphones she wore to sleep but even after she took them off the dreams continued. Soon the rock would play and shatter her eardrums without warning, and books pelted her during the rock. All of it would end just as suddenly as it came and it always made Dawn jumpy.

Question: Her three days of happiness in limbo has just ended.

Personality: Dawn likes to think of herself as educated and able to think on her toes. Her curiosity and imagination are both very active, which was why she wanted to become a write. She is a very fierce and loyal friend due to family troubles in the past and very sympathetic. Most times she takes it too far and puts other people's problems on her shoulders. She wants to find love now that she is in college, but won't be sure she'll find someone as interested in literature and music as she is.

Other: N/A


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