Story Lily by Dr. E. Bloodlust

Fluffy Cookies

Angelic Demon
Roleplay Type(s)

The morning was early, before the sun rose over the horizon, and the fog was thick off the coast. She let her ears strain for the sound of a barge coming in. She heard nothing but distant traffic, seagulls, and the waves sloshing against the beach and docks. No one was really awake at this time. It was peaceful.
“You’re crazy, Eliv, go home and go to sleep,” she told herself, “nothing is going to happen. Nothing ever does outside your crazy ass dreams.” She turned to leave her spot on the boardwalk when she saw a white lump on the beach. It wasn’t a rock because the boulders are shaped differently and are black. She was capricious on whether or not to investigate, until a small, whisper of a thought found its way to her.
Finn was crumpled up on the ground, his sailor’s garb soaking wet from the sea water. Everything hurt like hell. I didn’t think sailors still wore those outfits, thought Eliv, cautiously making her way to the unconscious person...

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