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Realistic or Modern Lights! Camera! Action!

sunshine and whiskey

ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ʙʀɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ sᴜɴsʜɪɴᴇ
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"And cut. Great job today, everybody."

Said a scruffy male, who was applauding the actor, Chandler, who plays Jayson and the actress ended the last and final scene of the first episode. The director, Johnny, came up to Chandler and wrapped his arm around him. "You enjoying yourself?" Chandler nodded his head with a smile as he walked over to the table of refreshments, grabbing himself a bottle of water. "So far, so good but that was only the first episode. I am pretty sure some drama is bound to go down eventually." He chuckled as he eyed the writing crew, giving them a little wave.

Chandler scoffed before taking a small sip of water then eyed Johnny. "Hey, I'll catch up with you later." Johnny nodded his head while watching Chandler leave. He walked to his trailer and opened the door, seeing his assistant, Amy already in there. "Boy, you sure do be on time." She giggled at his words then handed him the script for the second episode. "I took a peek in it and it's really good." Amy confessed towards Chandler as she walked out of his trailer. "Hey, where are you going?" Chandler questioned towards her. "I got a date with the producer, Anthony. Toodles." She offered him a small wave as she walked off.

He couldn't believe what he had just heard as he closes his trailer door and sits down on the couch, preparing to read over the script. Already on page one and he was hooked. He honestly loved playing his character because he was so damn good at it. His eyes widened as his trailer door opened and in walked Samantha, the gossip starter of the crew. When you're around her, better keep your mouth shut or you will hear whatever you just said within the matter of seconds. "Hey Chandler. Just came to congratulate you on an awesome performance today." Samantha said in squeaky voice. Chandler raised his water bottle up with a smile. "Thanks but I didn't do it alone." He commented.

"Oh my god!" She squealed while walking over towards him and sitting on the couch. "I just heard that Iris broke up with her boyfriend." Samantha said while looking at Chandler. "Yeah and what does that have to do with me?" He asked with a raised brow towards her but Samantha did nothing but shrug her shoulders, looking at him out the corner of her eyes. "Just thought you would like to know." Chandler pointed towards the door and told Samantha to get out and he followed after her, locking his trailer after making sure he had his car keys, cell phone and trailer key.

Chandler was ready to get home, wash up and go to bed. He was walking towards the parking lot as he knew that someone was going to walk up towards him eventually. He could just feel it and it usually does happen.
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‘I can’t do this anymore.’

‘Jon… What are you saying?”

“I think we... need to see other people for the moment.”

“You’re kidding, right?’

‘Iris, I can’t do this. I think we should take a short break, stay together as a couple, but open our options up.’

‘You’re jealous, aren’t you?’

‘No –‘

‘Yes you are! I can hear it in your voice. You’re jealous. You think I’m going to cheat on you with the people that I work with.’

‘Can you blame me? You’re going to be having sex all the time. How can I continue to be with you when you’re getting in other people’s pants!?’

‘That is so hypocritical, coming from you! Have you forgotten when you went to England? Bethany, was her name?’

‘It’s not the same!’

‘It’s completely the same, except i'm not cheating. I can’t believe you’re doing this to me. You said you were fine with this.’

‘I know I did, but I’ve realized I can’t do it anymore. Seeing you with other men… I love you too much.’

‘Don’t you dare take that path with me. You know what? Fine. I don’t want to be dating someone who has no faith in me.’

‘Babe, don’t be like that.’

‘Shut up. Five years down the drain. You know, everyone thought you were going to propose soon. My parents were already beginning to plan a wedding. It appears I was right to tell them to stop.’

‘Iris –‘

The XOXO crew of stage-hands and actors cheered and celebrated the end of a fantastic day of shooting and of the raw filming for the series first ever episode as Iris angrily punched a button on her phone and ended the call. She blinked and felt tears rising, but she was determined to hold them back so that no one else could see her. At the moment, it was just emotional... feelings. Disappointment that he wasn't going to give her a proper chance, anger at herself for giving up five years of her life to him, depression that he broke up with her and anger that he broke up with her through a phone call. The extreme sobbing, chocolate-stuffing, ice-cream snorting, shower-crying, bed-hibernating version of Iris would appear much later when she was finally alone and in the comfort of her own home
. Out in public and around people was where the greatest actors could been found.

"Iris! Amazing shooting today. I can tell that this show is just going to be a hit. With you all playing your characters so perfectly..."
Samantha squealed as she walked up to her, practically buzzing with excitement. Iris offered her a small, slightly forced smile and turned to face the gossip queen, wondering if the woman was going to either press her for information or give her the latest rumours. Her next sentence sealed her decision for her, but with her mental state very much impaired, she decided to just go along with it. "Are you okay, Iris? Is something wrong? You know you did a great job today on set. The people are going to love you. Did you want to talk to me about it? Tell me everything that's going on?"

"It's nothing too serious. I just... well, I broke up with Jonathan. Just then." Iris replied, stuffing her hands into her jacket pockets. "He was my boyfriend for five years. We met on Neighbours, you know the Australian soap opera. I thought we were serious but... yeah. I decided we were over. I'm just not... in the best state right now." For a moment, it appeared as though Samantha's eyes lightened in pure excitement and delight before it vanished, only seconds later. Her brow furrowed slightly in confusion as the woman patted her sadly on the arm, wished her good luck and then disappeared out of sight.

That wasn't weird at all, Iris thought to herself before turning around and deciding to try and make her way back to her car. However, due to her "awesome" navigation skills and upset state of mind, it took her fifteen minutes to finally reach the parking lot. This included asking people along the way for directions and looking at a map that she had photographed onto her phone. If she wasn't stopped along the way, she wouldn't notice that she left her most expensive, treasured jacket back in her trailer until she finally reached home. Then it would be too late. Sadly, it happened all to often to be a chance event.
Sky watches the end of the scene, clapping along with the rest of the crew. It had been a long day filming and he wanted to lay back in his pool with a cold drink and a pretty girl. But first he needs the script.

Making his way to his trailor, he sees the thick packet laying on the counter. Becore picking it up and flipping through it, Sky runs some cold water and scrubs his face. The water was refreshing, and washed off the makeup he had to wear for the show.

After reading the first scene, Sky tucks the script into his bag and heads out, locking the trailor behind him.

((Sorry its so short! I'm a bit busy with 3, 2, 1...))
Lennon sat back in her chair, clapping along with the rest of the crew of XOXO. She saw the other actors cheer and laugh, actually excited to be a part of this entire she-bang. Rolling her eyes, she pulled out her phone and texted her brother.

I'm going to be late today. Plan to go out and party.

She tucked her phone back into her pocket and sighed. Acting was fun, but it wasn't her passion. She didn't hate it, but she didn't love it.

Alright. But make sure you actually get home this time.

Her brother replied almost immediately. She chuckled as his text and flashed back to the last time she went out partying with her friends.

They started out at the local pub at around 9 pm, and by 6am the next morning, they found themselves sleeping in the park nearby. Lennon also found a tramp stamp on her best friend's butt, and she couldn't stop laughing. She teased him until he turned red and decided to get it laser'd off.

He still had the tattoo on his butt, till today.

He claimed that he "grew fond of it", but she knew he was just afraid of going under the laser.

She hopped off the chair, and walked around the set, wondering if any of these actors would be fun to party with.
As hw walks out to his car, Sky scrolls through his contacts, wondering who to call up to be his for the night. No... no... had her last week... she had a baby... shes in Paris... no... Screw it. Deciding against just having one girl, Sky sends out a mass text to the whole XOXO cast.

Party @ my place! 8 o'clock Bring your suits and bring your friends!

"There," he says aloud, turning the keys of his Mustang into ignition. Smirking, he tears out of the parking lot, flying down the highway toward his home.

Once he gets there, he takes a long shower, allowing the scalding water to roll down his back and relax his muscles. Charlie sits on the toilet in the bathroom, while Ten takes a more direct approach of placing his tiny kitten paws on the glass doors and meowing. After Sky dries off a bit and tucks his towell around his waist, he scoops up Ten and places him on the bed so that he wasn't underfoot. Charlie follows, as if the older female were going to keep an eye on the kitten.

Pulling on some black swim trunks and a white t-shirt, Sky instructs his butler to put out some snack foods, beer, water and soda, so that there was a variety for his guests to choose from.


Victoria Elizabeth Day

Victoria couldn't help but to smile and clap along with the rest of the cast of XOXO. She was overly excited yet slightly overwhelmed on her first day of shooting. She had no prior experience with acting except for her school plays when she was younger but of course, playing Dorthy in a fifth grade version of the Wizard of Oz was not really anything to brag about. Especially when her other cast members had major television shows under their belt. Although she felt intimidated on the inside, Victoria never showed that on the outside. As she left the set, her phone vibrated. She looked at her phone and it was from Sky. It read:

Sky ☺
Party @ my place! 8 o'clock Bring your suits and bring your friends!
You know I'm there! Can't wait!

Reading the text caused Victoria to get excited. She loved parties! Sure, everyone did but no one loved them as much as Victoria. She was the type of girl who could party day and night for a week straight and still feel energized solely by drinking alcohol and smoking a few cigarettes. She wasn't too fond of "popping pills" because she remembered seeing one of her friends do it, and almost lost her life; however, if there was booze there, she was there. She walked to the parking lot and got inside of her white mustang convertible that she adored. Everyone thought mustangs were "guy cars" but Victoria loved how fast it could go, not to mention that she looked extremely hot in it, of course.

She got inside the car, drove out of the parking lot and sped off, ready to go home and get a little pre-party drunk. When she got home, she took out a bottle of vodka and a small container of Tropicana orange juice. She made herself the drink, commonly known as "The Screwdriver." It was one of those drinks that made you think it wasn't affecting your better judgement and then, bam! It hit you and all of a sudden, you're on top of a table somewhere, dancing. A part of her knew she shouldn't have been drinking this sort of drink before the party but the other part told her "the hell with it." Of course, she listened to the part who told her "the hell with it," as she drunk the cocktail.​
'Darling, I never liked him anyway. He was no good for you. An entirely selfish man. After that trip to England and he cheated on you, I knew that you should definitely get rid of him. You were smart to break up with him. He doesn't deserve any of your time. You are my darling, beautiful, talented girl and he should not be wasting any of your time.'

'You thought we were getting married though. You and dad started searching up places to hold the wedding. You never told me directly but when you asked about whether or not I liked your old wedding dress, I knew. What if...?'

'Honey, you did not make the wrong decision. Trust me in this. We were only doing that because... well all I want is for you to be happy. You thought you could be happy with Jonathan so I was going to support you. I have never been so proud of you as for you breaking up with him. Do you remember when your father brought out the old cliche gun and cleaned it in front of him the first time you brought him home?'

'Yes... why?'

'Soon you won't need to worry about that horrible boy any longer. Your father is furious. I reckon next time you see him, he'll be in jail but he'll be happy for it. He'd do anything for his little girl. We love you, darling.'

Despite her tumultuous emotions, Iris couldn't keep a happy, relieved smile off her face as she spoke to her darling mother on the phone. As soon as she managed to find her silver convertible amongst a sea of cars, she had instantly started an international phone call back to Forbes, Australia, closed the car behind her, drew her knees up under her chin and turned on the air conditioner. The scent of gum tree eucalyptus surged through the interior of the car and instantly reminded her of home, familiarity and the car service place on the outside of the city where she bought it from. There were hardly any times those days where she felt the empty, longing pang of home sickness.

She was living the dream, chasing her ambitions and getting paid a ridiculous amoint of money to do what she loved. Her parents were still on the other side of the world, but they fully supported everything that she was doing, Iris knew that in the acting world it was vital to keep a strong, determined mindset or you'd get left behind. As a result, she did her best to block up her vulnerabilities and tried to focus on everything that kept her happy. There weren't many times when she felt like a little teenage girl again waiting for the world to change or swallow her up. She figured that today was one of the most perfect exceptions.

Her phone buzzed and, warning her mother that she was going to be off for a moment, she drew it from her ear to check what it was. It turned out that it was a text message from a Skylar Frost, one of her main co-stars. Party @ my place! 8 o'clock. Bring your suits and bring your friends! For a moment, Iris worried at her bottom lip, contemplating the invitation before her short term memory happened to remind her that she was currently on the phone with her overseas mother and she probably not keep her waiting. 'Sorry Mum. I got a text. A guy from work is holding a party at his place. It looks like he's invited the entire cast to go there. He's either bored or is holding a proper meet to meet. Anyway, what were you saying?'

'Oh honey, never-mind about that now. You should go. Go to that party. Get drunk, meet cute boys and forget all about Jonathan. Don't just drive home and be one of those cliche break-up girls. I've seen you do it before when he broke up with you after a single year. Imagine what its going to be like this time. You have a job that you need to be ready for, a career that is already promising you fame and fortune and you can't get held up on that good-for-nothing cheater. Iris darling, I'm giving you no choice in this. If you don't go and have an amazing time, I will fly over there and I will smack you round the head asking you where your wits have gone to. I love you. Have a good time!'

Before Iris had the chance to respond, her mother had already hung up the phone and permanently ended any conversation if her daughter tried to call her up again that night or the next morning. She brushed her hand through her hair, plopped her phone down on the passenger seat next to her and sighed. With everything that had happened that day, the absolute last thing that she felt like doing was going to be a party and mingling with people that she really didn't know. In reality, Iris was rather a lot like her character Aurora. She wasn't a thrill seeker and she always planned on doing what was best for everyone. She figured that if she went to the party, then she would only be a buzz kill for the entire cast. However, if she didn't go, her mother was not lying. Oh, the decisions.

Her attention was drawn by a person passing through the parking lot and in her line of the vision. It was Chandler, one of her star co-mates. She hadn't truly been given a chance to properly to meet him, as they hadn't been given a one on one scene with each other in the first episode. Without knowing it, Iris jumped out of her car and ran forward to meet him. "Chandler! Hey. We didn't get the chance to meet properly before. I'm Iris... A random question but are you going to the party Skylar's holding? I wanted to see how many people of the cast will actually be there."
A party? I don’t even know this guy.

Wystan stared at his phone, reading the message a few times before sighing and resuming his study of the script. Meticulously reading over every page, he mentally chastised himself. I probably should know Sky. He’s part of the cast. Hunching down in his seat, the XOXO crew busy tearing down the set around him, Wystan looked up from the packet in his hand and silently attempted to discern who the rudest producer of the show might be. Probably not the woman with the glasses…the paunch guy, maybe? Watching the old man yelling and angrily waving his arms around at the tech crew, Wystan nodded. The paunch guy, definitely. At least now he had a pretty good guess as to who’d sent the offensive text to him that morning. You were mostly at fault, though. Why did you go grocery shopping this morning?

He’d been extremely late to the filming today, thanks to his detour at the store. His fridge was empty, and he needed emergency MRE’s to get by the rest of the week. By the time Wystan’d gone through the register and carried the boxes of instant ramen up to his apartment, his phone was buzzing with messages from the concerned XOXO producers. “Are you okay?” “Where are you?” “The filming is today.” And then there was the message: “GET THE HELL OVER HERE!”

Finishing the line on the last page, Wystan flipped the packet closed and stood up, stretching out his arms as he walked over to the parking lot. He stopped just behind a black SUV. Two people. A girl and a guy. Neither cast member had noticed his presence yet. The girl had her back to him, all he could see was her wavy brown hair, swaying slightly as she walked between the rows of cars. The guy was tall, with short blond hair. A couple? They’re headed in cross directions, so they’re passing each other, or they’re meeting. Not wanting his stalker-ish tendencies to get the best of him, Wystan slid along the SUV and into a different lane of the parking lot, quietly walking away from the other two cast members.
Lennon's phone buzzed with a text from one of the actors, Skylar Frost. She raised an eyebrow at the text, but shrugged. She wanted to party anyway, and this was her chance too. She pushed her phone back in her pocket and walked towards her trailer to grab her stuff. It was time to get dressed, actor-style.

Over the years, Lennon had perfected the art of creating a look which was a mix of hobo and preppy, and that worked fine for her. Plus, her manager agreed to it too. She hated dressing up in fancy, shiny or blingy clothes. Fame was something that wasn't important to her, and paparazzi didn't bother her either.

She took all of her stuff, got into her and drove to her house, because she desperately needed a shower. Plus, she'd go meet her brother. He was almost always at home.

Opening the door, she stepped in and dropped her keys on the table and took off her shoes.

"Ant?" She called out to her brother as she sifted through the food in the pantry. She found some cold pizza, and heated it up in the microwave.

"are you sure your manager won't kill you for eating that?" Her brother's voice floated past her.

She chuckled. "Merry can try."

"You're so evil." Anthony laughed and bit into her pizza.

"HEY! That's mine!" She pouted.

Her brother laughed and gave the pizza back to her.

She chomped on it happily. "There's a party at one of the actor's house tonight. I'll be going there." She informed him.

"I'll let mom know." Her brother replied.

She nodded and went up to her room to go for a shower.
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Chandler had made it to his car in peace but as he was opening the door, his cell phone went off as it was a text from Sky. He read them message to himself then rolled his eyes. Chandler was one of the main stars in the series - He didn't have time to party, he had a script to read. 'Damn it, Sky!' He thought to himself while opening his car, only to be interrupted by a female calling his name.

It was Iris. They never met but he knew her name by looking through somethings and after Samantha blabbed her mouth to him about her. Chandler closed his car door then smiled while leaning against the hood of his car, folding his arms over his chest.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Iris." His ears twitched when she had mentioned the party as he raised a delicate brow. "Uhm, I haven't really given it much thought since it is so sudden. I mean, I got this script to read and have memorized by tomorrow and I got.." He stopped in mid-sentence as he didn't want to drain Iris with his problems.

A smirk danced across his lips as he leaned up from the hood of the car.
"You know what, I am going to go to Sky's party. But if it's lame, I'm leaving." He snickered as he turned heel and walked towards his door, opening it up. "Hey, allow me to escort you to the party, no?" Chandler insisted. Plus, it'll give him and her sometime to spend together and get to know each other along the ride to his house then to Sky's house.

"I don't bite..."
Another smirk appeared as she quirked his lips. "Unless you ask me to." He winked towards Iris, noticing Wystan from a far distance. "I heard that's the new cast member." Chandler muttered towards Iris as he shook his head. "Little punk must don't know what he got himself into." Chandler spoke again while getting into his car and starting the engine, revving it up a little bit - Seemingly to impress Iris. "So, am I escorting you or nah?" He raised a brow towards her, waiting to see what her answer was going to be.

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